v1.0.7 - disabled MU quota dashboard display. It was so slow, it was causing time-out errors when people tried to log in. v1.0.8 - use blog's domain in CDN replacement regexes so remote URLs are left alone. - when CDN is disabled don't use it in the wp-admin area either. v1.0.9 - Adds a trivial HTML comment for monitoring v1.0.10 - Adds transient testing code for debug - Adds the ability to feed notices to user dashboards v1.0.11 - Security fixes v1.0.12 - Integrate messaging API for dashboard notices (AB) v1.0.13 - Disabled most of W3TC to get around memcached issue. v1.0.14 - minor bugfix to check to make sure retrieved admin notices "thing" is not an error - Re-enabled W3TC now that memcache issue is fixed. v1.0.15 - when including Google's hosted jQuery library multiple times, emit jQuery's clean-up code afterwards to support conflicting versions v1.0.17 - when hyperdb is enabled, disable W3TC database caching - re-added .15 fixes which were accidentally removed - Version logging v1.0.18 - Added "Purge All" button to WPEngine Common admin interface - Purging all includes all the blog's domains, not just the primary domain v1.0.19 - Logging class - General cleanup ========= ERROR: MISSING MESSAGES! =========== v1.0.22 - Added support for configuring NetDNA in our configuration files and pushing W3TC config enabled and the right domain name. v1.0.23 - When ensure command, and update the wpengine user, set the current user to that user id. Had a site with 'User Photo' plugin enabled and took fatal error. v1.0.24 - Don't call the WPEngine logger on every single request, only on admin requests. v1.0.25 - Purge caches (CDN, Varnish) async so we return immediately in the user dashboard. v1.0.26 - Support X-WPE-Rewrite header which changes the links inside the blog. - httphead() method to ensure WordPress treats HEAD HTTP requests as expected v1.0.28 (intentional version number skip) - Added: X-WPE-Rewrite in the User-Agent prevents W3TC from caching the page. (Page is cached in Varnish and requires a different caching namespace.) - Added: Also replace url-encoded URLs when handling external URLs for proxies so we support things like the Facebook "like" button. v1.0.29 - Add hooks to skip api requests when in staging/snapshot enviro. - Fixed nuking jqueryui from Google when also including jquery from Google. v1.0.30 - Purging Varnish properly even with Multisite and multiple mapped domains, and no longer using W3TC to do it. v1.0.31 - Adds new WP Engine Quicklinks menu to adminbar - Removes plugin upgrade notices for designated plugins v1.0.32 - Add X-WPE-Host to header in ping/pong wp-cmd request. v1.0.33 - Regex chunk of domains into re_curr_domains when building cdn regular expressions. v1.0.34 - With more than 10 domains, purge only the current domain, not all domains. v1.0.35 - Reimplement logging of active plugins and WP versions in advance on WordPress 3.2 v1.0.36 - Removed PHP error log download since it's currently insecure - Replacing wpdb "ORDER BY" queries against post_date and comment_date to use the *_gmt versions - Add forward compat code for twentyeleven v1.0.37 - Change Menu position of Plugin - Keep Menu in Network Admin for Multisite v1.0.38 - Replacing https:// with http:// for references to Google's AJAX APIs, reducing page-load time for e.g. jQuery requests - Make Curated plugins noticeable v1.0.39 - Support for FQDN CDN's instead of always using the WP Engine supplied CDN. v1.0.40 - Add BetterWP sitemap plugin static files list to W3TC browser cache exception list. - More security lockdown on WPE Menu. Only Super Admins in Multisite. Adds link to User portal. v1.0.41 - Changed objectcache to use dbmaster-2, not localhost, for working properly on clusters >2 - Blowing anything matching /feed, not just the main feed v1.0.42 - Blow cache URL is set properly from inside network admin in multisite. v1.0.43 - Ensure that Dashboard menu item isn't clobbered in NEtwork Admin by WPE Menu v1.0.44 - Fixed $is_ssl to pick up the right setting, ticket #7951 v1.0.45 - Added support for not doing CDN replacements on certain paths, which allows for CDNs on sites which mix with HTTPS v1.0.46 - Add logic to deactivate Google Sitemap XML plugin and activate BWP Google Sitemap XML. v1.0.47 - Change the wpengine user hash. v1.0.48 - Point api requests to version 1.1 instead of 1.0. v1.0.49 - Change some static references to WpeCommon to the instatiated class. v1.0.50 - Fixed incorrectly thinking we're in SSL mode when we're not when $_SERVER['HTTPS'] returns 'off' instead of being FALSE. This prevented some Multisite domains from getting CDN URL rewrites (although the site was still functional) v1.0.51 - W3-Total-Cache CDN HTTPS settings forced to "disable" instead of "auto" v1.0.52 - Changed blue background color of WPE Curated colors to white for better active/inactive differentation v1.0.53 - Add the ensure-user command and ensure_account_user(). Used when refreshing the database. v1.0.54 - Added functions and widget for emitting "Powered By" text on a blog. - Added mirror-to-S3 support for certain customers; most people will not see any change. v1.0.55 - Add default value to second argument for ssl_login_filter(). v1.0.56 - Change how staging is created to backgrounded. v1.0.57 - Support for displaying the recent Apache/PHP error log. v1.0.58 - And disk usage api request for multisite. v1.0.59 - Refactor the site CDN zone config array. v1.0.60 - Remove the WP3.3 download link in wp-admin. v1.0.61 - Fix the disk usage conversion from kbytes to bytes. v1.0.62 - Enable the WP3.3 download link in wp-admin. v2.0 - Now can remove W3TC plugin completely while retaining memcached object caching - No longer using W3TC for CDN management v2.0.1 - Fix the SHOW_ADMIN_BAR adding whitespace. v2.0.8 - Change to reference api 1.2 instead of 1.1 v2.0.10 - Change the ensure_user pw to random. v2.0.11 - Modify the regex to determine is_ssl; v2.0.12 - Fix the empty caches admin bar menu. v2.0.13 - Fix url for network admins and code reformat. v2.0.14 - Added support for configuring additional CDN replacement paths in our plugin v2.0.15 - Move plugin to mu-plugins. v2.0.16 - Use standard get_plugin_admin_url(). - Change the ensure_account_user(). v2.0.18 - purge object and page caches on additional URLs relating to BP and Membership plugins - disallow ORDER BY RAND() for post queries which causes database issues with large sites v2.0.19 - support for disabling the object cache - support for enable/disable ORDER BY RAND() queries - Only show object cache pull-down if have memcache servers to talk to. v2.0.20 - Add timthumb re_curr_domain regex change to only replace timthumb for sites in this WP site. v2.0.21 - Change the purge all varnish function to properly clear all domains. (Mark) v2.0.22 - When ssl, change domain matching content on the page to https. v2.0.23 - Use the domain mapping database list of blog domain when purge varnish cache. v2.0.24 - Curation: change the way we show curated plugins. (Mark) v2.0.25 -Add domain mapping integration with API server. (Mike) v2.0.26 -Fix powered-by link bug v2.0.27 -Add file permissions admin button. (Mark) v2.0.28 - Add admin messages. v2.0.29 - Refactor messaging cache and pull from S3. (Mark) v2.0.30 -added popup warnings before upgrading. Added common stylesheet and JS. v2.0.31 -Cleanup message styles, allow individual users to hide messages v2.0.32 -Add WPE_POPUP_DISABLE functionality and fix bug with popup activating on search form v2.0.33 -Change some external api requests to https. v2.0.34 -The purge cdn api request is now https with creds. v2.0.35 -Fix regex replacement when ssl pages force src objects from http to https. v2.0.36 - Fix debug being added to html when wp-admin and textarea replacement. v2.0.37 - Prevent internal commands from being run from the outside network. v2.0.40 - Added Deploy From Staging v2.0.41 - Fix staging refresh page link to point at staging tab. v2.0.42 - Updated method of defining WPE_PLUGIN_VERSION constant v2.0.43 - Change plugin links to WPE User Portal v2.0.44 - Updated staging to production push to prevent update if staging version is older than production version v2.0.45 - Added torquemag.io and wpengine blog feeds v2.0.46 - Added showing IP of SFTP host in WPE plugin page v2.0.47 - Added multiple status capability for staging status v2.0.48 - fixed status display during deploy staging to production v2.0.49 - Disable core updates and nag emails in WordPress 3.7.x branch. - Removed unused object-cache debugging functionality v2.1 - Make WP Engine icon in admin area match wpengine.com - remove colors from the "go take a snapshot" modal suggestion v2.1.1 - direct customers to the Customer Portal to create a ticket instead of sending them directly to Zendesk - Eliminate CSRF potential on cache purge and fix file permissions buttons v2.1.2 - Add wpe_special_ips verification v2.1.3 - Disable automatic translation updates in core. v2.1.4 - Remove the "hide" class from the Staging dialog as it fades in - Add version number to wpe-common.js file enqueueing v2.1.5 - Change the default WordPress password hint text to link to strong password support article v2.1.6 - Add throttle for EWWW Image Optimizer Cloud users to make their plugin more load friendly. v2.1.7 - Add `403` error code to failed logins for easier internal tracking. v2.1.8 - Removed unused mirror to s3 code v2.1.9 - Slow heartbeat to 60 seconds. v2.1.10 - Remove cache flush on login page. Flush only users. v2.1.11 - Optionally disable heartbeat for everything except auto-save. v2.1.12 - Remove deactivation code for `google-sitemap-generator`. v2.1.13 - Include 'edit.php' in the heartbeat allowed page list - Add a filter for modifying the heartbeat page list v2.1.14 - Enforce upper bound of 30 days on wp_session expiration. - Include filter for modifying the maximum wp_session expiration. - When auth cookies are expired or invalid, force browsers to stop sending. v2.2.0 - Add User Portal site preview template. v2.2.1 - Temporarily remove Jetpack's email sharing button to prevent outgoing spam. v2.2.2 - Fix a bug introduced with the v2.2.1 change. Props to Sal Ferrarello. - Fix a PHP notice caused by a sometimes-undefined variable. v2.2.3 - Fix PHP E_STRICT notices caused by the API hooks. v2.2.4 - Reinstate Jetpack's email sharing button. v2.2.5 - Add purge object cache internal command. v2.2.6 - Revamp the way purges are sent to varnish and cdn. v2.2.7 - Revamp backup reminder notices to work with inline ‘Shiny Updates’ in WordPress 4.2 v2.2.8 - Remove unused parameter for setting up default WP user. v2.2.9 - Remove another unused parameter for setting up default WP user. - Move bootstrap CSS to it's own file and only enqueue it when we need it. v2.2.10 - Added srcset support to CDN replacements. v3.0.0 - New Powered by WP Engine widget. v3.0.1 - Shiny Updates 4.6 compatibilty v3.1.0 - Refactor the preamble functionality v3.2.0 - In ajax handler, die only in the singleton v3.2.1 - Add CDN support for get_attachment.