## About Zoom A small jQuery plugin for zooming images on mouseover or mousedown. See the [project page](http://jacklmoore.com/zoom/) for documentation and a demonstration. Released under the [MIT license](http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php). To compile the .min.js file, run: `uglifyjs --comments '/license:/' < jquery.zoom.js > jquery.zoom.min.js` ## Changelog: ##### v1.7.15 - 2016/2/8 * Added touchend event, might fix #97 #75 #62. Merges #100. ##### v1.7.14 - 2015/3/18 * Fixes bug with passing the `target` property a selector, rather than a DOM node. Merges #73. ##### v1.7.13 - 2014/4/29 * Destroy event does a better job of reseting back to the original state. ##### v1.7.12 - 2014/2/11 * Set zoomed image's maxHeight to none, just in case a maxHeight has been defined for images in the CSS. ##### v1.7.11 - 2013/11/12 * Added magnify property to allow scaling of the zoomed image. ##### v1.7.10 - 2013/10/16 * Fixed bug relating to the size of the target element when using the target property (Fixes #35) ##### v1.7.9 - 2013/10/16 * Added simple fallback for touch events (Fixes #37 #39) * Renamed minified file to jquery.zoom.min.js to match jQuery's convention. ##### v1.7.8 - 2013/7/30 * Will use data-src attribute if present before checking for the presence of an src attribute. ##### v1.7.7 - 2013/7/14 * Restricted grab to just the left-mouse-button on mousedown ##### v1.7.6 - 2013/6/24 * Fixed misnamed onZoomOut callback ##### v1.7.5 - 2013/6/19 * Fixed a bug with absolutely or fixed position target elements * Set the value of `this` to be zoom-image element for the onZoomIn and onZoomOut callbacks ##### v1.7.4 - 2013/6/18 * Namespaced events to assist unbinding events. * Added destroy event to unbind zoom events & remove created img element. Example: $('.example').trigger('zoom.destroy'); * Added onZoomIn and onZoomOut callbacks ##### v1.7.3 - 2013/6/10 * Fixing mistake made in previous commit ##### v1.7.2 - 2013/6/6 * Replaced new Image() with document.createElement('img') to avoid a potential bug in Chrome 27. ##### v1.7.1 - 2013/3/12 * Replaced jQuery shorthand methods with on() in anticipation of jQuery 2.0 ##### v1.7.0 - 2013/1/31 * Added 'toggle' behavior to zoom in/out on click. Example: $('#example').zoom({ on:'toggle' }); * Removed the icon property in favor of just using CSS. ##### v1.6.0 - 2013/1/22 * Created $.zoom which contains the positioning logic, so that users can write custom controls or event handling. ##### v1.5.0 - 2012/11/19 * Added 'target' property for specifying the element that displays the zoomed image. ##### v1.4.0 - 2012/9/29 * Changed API & added option to activate on click. ##### v1.3.0 - 2011/12/21 * Added 'callback' property that will execute a callback function once the image has loaded. * Fixed a bug relating to the 'grab' property ##### v1.2.0 - 2011/11/15 * Fixed a positioning bug ##### v1.1.0 - 2011/11/15 * Added 'grab' property ##### v1.0.0 - 2011/11/11 * First release