# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Visual Composer\n"
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"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-06-22 14:41+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: t3rep.com <info@t3rep.com>\n"
"Language-Team: t3rep.com <info@t3rep.com>\n"
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# Label: auto
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:27
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:156
msgid "Pixel"
msgstr "بكسل"

# Label: auto
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:39
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:152
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:181
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-column-text.php:16
#: config/./content/vc-custom-heading-element.php:28
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-button.php:20
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-button2.php:25
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-carousel.php:55
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button.php:21
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button2.php:59
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-posts-grid.php:82
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-text.php:7
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-text.php:24
#: include/./classes/shortcodes/example.php:112
#: include/./params/sorted_list/sorted_list.php:89
#: include/./params/sorted_list/sorted_list.php:93
#: include/./templates/teaser.html.php:58
msgid "Text"
msgstr "نص"

# Label: auto
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:42
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-button.php:24
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-button2.php:29
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button.php:28
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button.php:30
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button2.php:71
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button2.php:73
msgid "Text on the button"
msgstr "نص يظهر على الزر"

# Label: auto
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:46
#: config/./content/vc-custom-heading-element.php:40
#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:238
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-button.php:29
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-button2.php:19
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#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:551
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:869
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:880
msgid "URL (Link)"
msgstr "مسار (الرابط)"

#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:48
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-button2.php:21
msgid "Add link to button."
msgstr "إضافة وصلة إلى زر "

# Label: auto
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:53
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:132
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-line-chart.php:35
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:121
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-round-chart.php:34
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-separator.php:46
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-text-separator.php:100
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-toggle.php:48
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:409
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-accordion.php:33
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tabs.php:33
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:33
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:492
msgid "Style"
msgstr "تنسيق"

#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:54
msgid "Select button display style."
msgstr "اختر تنسيق مظهر الزر"

# Label: auto
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:58
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-line-chart.php:40
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-round-chart.php:39
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-accordion.php:29
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tabs.php:29
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:29
msgid "Modern"
msgstr "عصري"

# Label: auto
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:59
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:135
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:170
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-accordion.php:28
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tabs.php:28
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:28
msgid "Classic"
msgstr "تقليدي"

# Label: auto
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:60
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:136
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-line-chart.php:39
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-round-chart.php:38
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-accordion.php:30
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tabs.php:30
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:30
msgid "Flat"
msgstr "مسطح"

# Label: auto
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:61
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:137
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-accordion.php:31
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tabs.php:31
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:31
msgid "Outline"
msgstr "الهيكل"

# Label: auto
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:62
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:138
msgid "3d"
msgstr "ثلاثي الأبعاد"

# Label: auto
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:63
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:139
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-line-chart.php:41
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:35
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-pie.php:46
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-round-chart.php:40
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-round-chart.php:63
#: include/./classes/shortcodes/vc-row.php:47
#: include/./params/sorted_list/sorted_list.php:95
#: include/./params/sorted_list/sorted_list.php:97
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:19
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:246
#: include/./templates/pages/partials/vc-roles-parts/_post_types.tpl.php:15
#: include/./templates/pages/partials/vc-roles-parts/_settings.tpl.php:18
#: include/./templates/pages/partials/vc-roles-parts/_shortcodes.tpl.php:33
#: include/./templates/teaser.html.php:36 include/./templates/teaser.html.php:60
msgid "Custom"
msgstr "مخصص"

#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:64
msgid "Outline custom"
msgstr ""

#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:65
msgid "Gradient"
msgstr ""

#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:66
msgid "Gradient Custom"
msgstr ""

# Label: auto
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:71
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:100
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Main accent color"
msgid "Gradient Color 1"
msgstr "لون تمييز الرئيسي"

#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:73
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:102
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Select color for your element."
msgid "Select first color for gradient."
msgstr "اختير لون للعناصر الخاصة بك"

# Label: auto
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:85
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:113
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Main accent color"
msgid "Gradient Color 2"
msgstr "لون تمييز الرئيسي"

#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:87
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:115
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Select background color for icon."
msgid "Select second color for gradient."
msgstr "لون الخلفية  للايقونة"

# Label: auto
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:126
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Button color"
msgid "Button Text Color"
msgstr "زر الالوان"

#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:128
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Select button color."
msgid "Select button text color."
msgstr "حدد لون الزر."

# Label: auto
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:140
#: include/./params/css_editor/css_editor.php:99
msgid "Background"
msgstr "خلفية"

#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:142
msgid "Select custom background color for your element."
msgstr "اختر لون خلفية مخصصة للعناصر"

#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:154
msgid "Select custom text color for your element."
msgstr "تحديد لون النص مخصص للعنصر الخاص بك."

#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:164
msgid "Outline and Text"
msgstr ""

#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:166
msgid "Select outline and text color for your element."
msgstr "حدد الخطوط العريضة ولون النص للعنصر الخاص بك."

#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:176
msgid "Hover background"
msgstr "خلفية بالهوفر"

#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:178
msgid "Select hover background color for your element."
msgstr "حدد لون الخلفية للهوفر للعنصر الخاص بك."

#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:188
msgid "Hover text"
msgstr "نص الهوفر"

#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:190
msgid "Select hover text color for your element."
msgstr "حدد لون النص الهوفر  للعنصر الخاص بك."

# Label: auto
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:200
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:120
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:128
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-button2.php:46
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button2.php:32
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button2.php:78
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-accordion.php:44
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tabs.php:44
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:44
msgid "Shape"
msgstr "شكل غلاف"

#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:201
msgid "Select button shape."
msgstr "حدد شكل الزر."

# Label: auto
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:205
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:125
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:134
#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:187
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:412
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:497
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:868
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-accordion.php:40
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tabs.php:40
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:40
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:497
msgid "Rounded"
msgstr "زوايا مستديرة"

# Label: auto
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:206
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:124
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:133
#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:186
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-accordion.php:41
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tabs.php:41
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:41
msgid "Square"
msgstr "مربع"

# Label: auto
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:207
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:126
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:135
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-accordion.php:42
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tabs.php:42
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:42
msgid "Round"
msgstr "دائري"

# Label: auto
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:212
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:168
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-line-chart.php:102
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:141
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-pie.php:44
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-progress-bar.php:55
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-progress-bar.php:104
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-round-chart.php:130
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-separator.php:16
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-text-separator.php:81
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-button.php:46
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-button2.php:53
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button.php:52
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button2.php:85
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:458
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-accordion.php:52
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tabs.php:50
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:50
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:507
msgid "Color"
msgstr "اللون"

#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:214
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-button.php:49
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-button2.php:56
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button.php:55
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button2.php:88
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:715
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:842
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:1073
msgid "Select button color."
msgstr "حدد لون الزر."

#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:219
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-progress-bar.php:60
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-progress-bar.php:107
msgid "Classic Grey"
msgstr "رمادي كلاسيكي"

#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:220
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-progress-bar.php:61
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-progress-bar.php:108
msgid "Classic Blue"
msgstr "أزرق كلاسيكي"

#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:221
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-progress-bar.php:62
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-progress-bar.php:109
msgid "Classic Turquoise"
msgstr "فيروزي قديم"

#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:222
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-progress-bar.php:63
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-progress-bar.php:110
msgid "Classic Green"
msgstr "اخضر كلاسيكي"

#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:223
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-progress-bar.php:64
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-progress-bar.php:111
msgid "Classic Orange"
msgstr "برتقالي  كلاسيكي"

#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:224
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-progress-bar.php:65
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-progress-bar.php:112
msgid "Classic Red"
msgstr "احمر كلاسيكي"

#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:225
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-progress-bar.php:66
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-progress-bar.php:113
msgid "Classic Black"
msgstr "اسود كلاسيكي"

# Label: auto
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:242
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-toggle.php:63
#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:219
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-button.php:61
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-button2.php:61
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button.php:67
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button2.php:93
msgid "Size"
msgstr "المقاس"

#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:244
msgid "Select button display size."
msgstr "اختر حجم عرض الزر"

# Label: auto
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:251
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-separator.php:25
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-video.php:58
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-button2.php:34
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:442
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-accordion.php:110
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tabs.php:121
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:121
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:656
msgid "Alignment"
msgstr "المحاذاة"

# Label: auto
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:253
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-button2.php:42
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button.php:81
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button2.php:108
msgid "Select button alignment."
msgstr "حدد اتجاه الزر"

# Label: auto
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:256
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-button2.php:37
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-googleplus.php:33
msgid "Inline"
msgstr "داخل المحتوى"

# Label: auto
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:258
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:284
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:208
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:227
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-separator.php:29
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-single-image.php:108
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-text-separator.php:63
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-text-separator.php:74
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-video.php:62
#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:230
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-button2.php:38
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button.php:78
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button2.php:105
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:446
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-accordion.php:106
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-accordion.php:158
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tabs.php:117
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:107
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:117
#: include/./classes/shortcodes/vc-gitem-col.php:22
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:570
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:659
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:773
msgid "Left"
msgstr "اليسار"

# Label: auto
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:260
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:286
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:209
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:228
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-separator.php:30
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-single-image.php:109
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-text-separator.php:64
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-text-separator.php:75
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-video.php:63
#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:231
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-button2.php:40
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button.php:77
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button2.php:104
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:447
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-accordion.php:107
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-accordion.php:159
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tabs.php:118
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:108
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:118
#: include/./classes/shortcodes/vc-gitem-col.php:24
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:571
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:660
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:774
msgid "Right"
msgstr "اليمين"

# Label: auto
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:261
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-separator.php:28
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-single-image.php:110
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-text-separator.php:62
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-text-separator.php:73
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-video.php:64
#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:232
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-button2.php:39
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:445
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-accordion.php:108
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tabs.php:119
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:119
#: include/./classes/shortcodes/vc-gitem-col.php:23
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:572
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:661
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:775
msgid "Center"
msgstr "المنتصف"

#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:266
msgid "Set full width button?"
msgstr "وضع زر العرض الكامل؟"

# Label: auto
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:275
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:220
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-text-separator.php:53
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-section.php:15
msgid "Add icon?"
msgstr "اضف ايقونة؟"

# Label: auto
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:280
msgid "Icon Alignment"
msgstr "محاذاة الايقونة"

# Label: auto
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:281
#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:234
msgid "Select icon alignment."
msgstr "اختر هوامش الايقونة"

# Label: auto
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:296
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:236
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:242
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:164
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:181
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:198
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:215
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:231
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:248
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:264
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-text-separator.php:10
#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:8
#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:32
#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:50
#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:69
#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:88
#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:106
#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:125
#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:144
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-button.php:54
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-accordion.php:151
msgid "Icon"
msgstr "أيقونة"

#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:309
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:177
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:194
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:211
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:244
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:260
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:279
#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:46
#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:65
#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:84
#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:121
#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:140
#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:159
msgid "Select icon from library."
msgstr "أختر أيقونة"

# Label: auto
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:315
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:255
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-column-inner.php:23
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-column.php:19
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-column-text.php:23
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-empty-space.php:24
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-flickr.php:67
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-gallery.php:146
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-gmaps.php:37
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-images-carousel.php:127
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-line-chart.php:130
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:292
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-pie.php:65
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-posts-slider.php:156
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-progress-bar.php:153
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-round-chart.php:158
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-separator.php:68
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-single-image.php:217
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-text-separator.php:122
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-toggle.php:82
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-video.php:70
#: config/./content/vc-custom-heading-element.php:90
#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:245
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:673
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:1031
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-facebook.php:28
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-googleplus.php:52
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-pinterest.php:28
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:346
#: config/./structure/shortcode-vc-raw-html.php:24
#: config/./structure/shortcode-vc-raw-js.php:24
#: config/./structure/shortcode-vc-widget-sidebar.php:29
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-accordion.php:179
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-pageable.php:99
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tabs.php:182
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:196
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-archives.php:34
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-calendar.php:23
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-categories.php:35
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-custommenu.php:44
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-links.php:67
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-meta.php:24
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-pages.php:43
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-posts.php:39
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-recentcomments.php:32
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-rss.php:71
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-search.php:23
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-tagcloud.php:46
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-text.php:29
#: include/./templates/pages/vc-welcome/vc-welcome.php:22
msgid "Element ID"
msgstr "ID  العنصر"

#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:317
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:257
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-column-inner.php:25
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-column.php:21
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-column-text.php:25
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-empty-space.php:26
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-flickr.php:69
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-gallery.php:148
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-gmaps.php:39
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-images-carousel.php:129
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-line-chart.php:132
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:294
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-pie.php:67
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-posts-slider.php:158
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-progress-bar.php:155
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-round-chart.php:160
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-separator.php:70
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-single-image.php:219
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-text-separator.php:124
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-video.php:72
#: config/./content/vc-custom-heading-element.php:92
#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:247
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:675
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:1033
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-facebook.php:30
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-googleplus.php:54
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-pinterest.php:30
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:348
#: config/./structure/shortcode-vc-raw-html.php:26
#: config/./structure/shortcode-vc-raw-js.php:26
#: config/./structure/shortcode-vc-widget-sidebar.php:31
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-accordion.php:181
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-pageable.php:101
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tabs.php:184
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:198
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-archives.php:36
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-calendar.php:25
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-categories.php:37
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-custommenu.php:46
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-links.php:69
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-meta.php:26
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-pages.php:45
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-posts.php:41
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-recentcomments.php:34
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-rss.php:73
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-search.php:25
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-tagcloud.php:48
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-text.php:31
#, fuzzy, php-format
#| msgid ""
#| "Enter section ID (Note: make sure it is unique and valid according to <a "
#| "href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">w3c specification</a>)."
msgid ""
"Enter element ID (Note: make sure it is unique and valid according to <a href="
"\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">w3c specification</a>)."
msgstr ""
"ادخل ID القسم  (ملاحظة : يرجي ان يكون غير مكرر وغير مستخدم من قبل ويكون "
"متوافق مع <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">w3c specification</a>)."

# Label: auto
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:321
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:261
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-column-inner.php:29
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-column.php:25
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row-inner.php:72
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:189
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-section.php:150
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-column-text.php:29
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-empty-space.php:30
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-flickr.php:73
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-gallery.php:152
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-gmaps.php:43
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-images-carousel.php:133
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-line-chart.php:136
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:298
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-pie.php:71
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-posts-slider.php:162
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-progress-bar.php:159
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-round-chart.php:164
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-separator.php:74
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-single-image.php:223
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-text-separator.php:128
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-toggle.php:88
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-video.php:76
#: config/./content/vc-custom-heading-element.php:96
#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:251
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-accordion.php:45
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-button.php:68
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-button2.php:69
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-carousel.php:147
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button.php:86
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button2.php:113
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-posts-grid.php:132
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-tabs.php:38
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-tour.php:40
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:679
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:1037
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-facebook.php:34
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-googleplus.php:58
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-pinterest.php:34
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:352
#: config/./structure/shortcode-vc-raw-html.php:30
#: config/./structure/shortcode-vc-raw-js.php:30
#: config/./structure/shortcode-vc-widget-sidebar.php:35
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-accordion.php:185
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-pageable.php:105
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-section.php:63
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tabs.php:188
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:202
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-archives.php:40
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-calendar.php:29
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-categories.php:41
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-custommenu.php:50
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-links.php:73
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-meta.php:30
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-pages.php:49
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-posts.php:45
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-recentcomments.php:38
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-rss.php:77
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-search.php:29
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-tagcloud.php:52
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-text.php:35
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/acf/grid-item-shortcodes.php:71
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/acf/shortcode.php:67
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-layerslider.php:138
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-revslider.php:79
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-revslider.php:147
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/woocommerce/grid-item-shortcodes.php:94
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:61
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:180
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:296
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:318
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:384
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:423
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:439
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:469
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:528
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:604
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:626
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:668
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:801
msgid "Extra class name"
msgstr "اسم الفئة الإضافية"

#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:323
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:263
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-column-inner.php:32
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-column.php:27
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row-inner.php:74
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:191
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-section.php:152
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-column-text.php:31
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-empty-space.php:32
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-flickr.php:75
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-gallery.php:154
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-gmaps.php:45
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-images-carousel.php:135
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-line-chart.php:138
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:300
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-pie.php:73
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-posts-slider.php:164
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-progress-bar.php:161
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-round-chart.php:166
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-separator.php:76
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-single-image.php:225
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-text-separator.php:130
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-toggle.php:90
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-video.php:78
#: config/./content/vc-custom-heading-element.php:98
#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:253
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-accordion.php:47
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-button.php:70
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-button2.php:71
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-carousel.php:149
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button.php:88
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button2.php:115
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-posts-grid.php:134
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-tabs.php:40
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-tour.php:42
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:681
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:1039
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-facebook.php:36
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-googleplus.php:60
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-pinterest.php:36
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:354
#: config/./structure/shortcode-vc-raw-html.php:32
#: config/./structure/shortcode-vc-raw-js.php:32
#: config/./structure/shortcode-vc-widget-sidebar.php:37
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-archives.php:42
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-calendar.php:31
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-categories.php:43
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-custommenu.php:52
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-links.php:75
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-meta.php:32
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-pages.php:51
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-posts.php:47
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-recentcomments.php:40
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-rss.php:79
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-search.php:31
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-tagcloud.php:54
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-text.php:37
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/acf/grid-item-shortcodes.php:73
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/acf/shortcode.php:69
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-layerslider.php:140
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-revslider.php:81
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-revslider.php:149
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/woocommerce/grid-item-shortcodes.php:96
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:63
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:182
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:298
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:320
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:386
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:425
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:441
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:471
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:530
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:606
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:628
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:670
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:803
msgid ""
"Style particular content element differently - add a class name and refer to "
"it in custom CSS."
msgstr "استخدم هذا الحقل لإضافة CSS مخصص."

#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:327
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "On click action"
msgid "Advanced on click action"
msgstr "فوق مساحة click action"

#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:329
msgid "Insert inline onclick javascript action."
msgstr ""

#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:333
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "On click action"
msgid "On click code"
msgstr "فوق مساحة click action"

#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:335
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "On click action"
msgid "Enter onclick action code."
msgstr "فوق مساحة click action"

# Label: auto
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:343
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:267
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-column-inner.php:36
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-column.php:31
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row-inner.php:78
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:195
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-section.php:156
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-column-text.php:35
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-empty-space.php:36
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-flickr.php:79
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-gallery.php:158
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-gmaps.php:49
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-images-carousel.php:139
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-line-chart.php:142
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:304
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-pie.php:77
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-posts-slider.php:168
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-progress-bar.php:165
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-round-chart.php:170
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-separator.php:80
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-single-image.php:229
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-text-separator.php:139
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-toggle.php:95
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-video.php:82
#: config/./content/vc-custom-heading-element.php:102
#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:257
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:685
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:1043
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-facebook.php:40
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-googleplus.php:64
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-pinterest.php:40
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:358
#: config/./structure/shortcode-vc-raw-html.php:36
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-accordion.php:191
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-pageable.php:111
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tabs.php:194
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:208
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:55
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:80
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:175
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:291
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:378
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:462
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:534
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:610
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:807
msgid "CSS box"
msgstr "صندوق CSS"

# Label: auto
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:345
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:269
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-column-inner.php:38
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-column.php:33
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row-inner.php:80
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:197
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-section.php:158
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-column-text.php:37
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-empty-space.php:38
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-flickr.php:81
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-gallery.php:160
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-gmaps.php:51
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-images-carousel.php:141
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-line-chart.php:144
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:306
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-pie.php:79
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-posts-slider.php:170
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-progress-bar.php:167
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-round-chart.php:172
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-separator.php:82
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-single-image.php:231
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-text-separator.php:141
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-toggle.php:97
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-video.php:84
#: config/./content/vc-custom-heading-element.php:104
#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:259
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:687
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:1045
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-facebook.php:42
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-googleplus.php:66
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-pinterest.php:42
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:360
#: config/./structure/shortcode-vc-raw-html.php:38
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-accordion.php:193
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-pageable.php:113
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tabs.php:196
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:210
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:121
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:57
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:82
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:380
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:464
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:536
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:612
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:809
msgid "Design Options"
msgstr "خيارات التصميم"

# Label: auto
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:353
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:212
msgid "Button"
msgstr "زر"

# Label: auto
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:357
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:277
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:11
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-section.php:11
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-column-text.php:10
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-empty-space.php:11
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-flickr.php:10
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-gallery.php:10
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-gmaps.php:10
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-images-carousel.php:10
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-line-chart.php:11
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:24
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-pie.php:11
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-posts-slider.php:10
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-progress-bar.php:10
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-round-chart.php:11
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-separator.php:11
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-single-image.php:10
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-text-separator.php:40
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-toggle.php:105
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-video.php:10
#: config/./content/vc-custom-heading-element.php:12
#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:11
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-accordion.php:13
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-button.php:13
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-button2.php:13
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-carousel.php:13
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button.php:15
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button2.php:12
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-tabs.php:12
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-tour.php:14
#: config/./grids/shortcode-vc-basic-grid.php:13
#: config/./grids/shortcode-vc-masonry-grid.php:13
#: config/./grids/shortcode-vc-masonry-media-grid.php:13
#: config/./grids/shortcode-vc-media-grid.php:13
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-accordion.php:15
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-pageable.php:15
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-section.php:79
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tabs.php:15
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:15
#: include/./autoload/vendors/gravity_forms.php:35
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-automapper.php:338
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/acf/grid-item-shortcodes.php:35
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/acf/shortcode.php:34
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-contact-form7.php:56
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-layerslider.php:118
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-ninja-forms.php:39
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-ninja-forms.php:71
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-revslider.php:59
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-revslider.php:127
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/woocommerce/grid-item-shortcodes.php:11
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:170
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:195
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:216
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:230
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:270
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:284
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:313
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:720
msgid "Content"
msgstr "المحتوى"

#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-btn.php:359
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-button.php:16
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-button2.php:15
msgid "Eye catching button"
msgstr "زر Eye catching"

# Label: auto
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:9
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:78
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-toggle.php:7
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button2.php:17
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-automapper.php:355
msgid "Heading"
msgstr "الترويسة"

#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:42
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:96
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button2.php:25
msgid "Subheading"
msgstr "عنوان فرعي"

#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:81
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button2.php:20
msgid "Hey! I am first heading line feel free to change me"
msgstr "مرحبا! هذا نص تجريبي يمكنك تحريره ترجمة الاضافة بواسطة شركة تعريب"

#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:82
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button2.php:21
msgid "Enter text for heading line."
msgstr "إدخال النص"

# Label: auto
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:87
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:104
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-toggle.php:32
msgid "Use custom font?"
msgstr "اختيار خط مخصص؟"

# Label: auto
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:89
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-toggle.php:34
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:107
msgid "Enable Google fonts."
msgstr "تفعيل خطوط جوجل؟"

#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:99
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button2.php:28
msgid "Enter text for subheading line."
msgstr "إدخال نص لخط فرعي."

#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:106
msgid "Enable custom font option."
msgstr ""

# Label: auto
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:112
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button2.php:46
msgid "Text alignment"
msgstr "محاذاة النص"

#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:116
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button2.php:49
msgid "Select text alignment in \"Call to Action\" block."
msgstr "اختر محاذاة النص في كتلة الزر التفاعلي"

#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:128
msgid "Select call to action shape."
msgstr "اختر هيئة الزر التفاعلي"

#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:142
msgid "Select call to action display style."
msgstr "اختر هيئة التنسيق للزر التفاعلي"

# Label: auto
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:146
#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:196
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button2.php:53
msgid "Background color"
msgstr "لون الخلفية"

#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:148
msgid "Select custom background color."
msgstr "اختيار لون الخلفية مخصصة."

# Label: auto
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:157
#: include/./params/font_container/font_container.php:121
msgid "Text color"
msgstr "لون النص"

#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:159
msgid "Select custom text color."
msgstr "تحديد لون النص المخصص."

#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:172
msgid "Select color schema."
msgstr "اختر نظام الألوان"

#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:183
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button2.php:61
msgid ""
"I am promo text. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit "
"amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper "
"mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo."
msgstr ""
"هذا نص تجريبي يمكنك تحرير اهلا وسهلا بك تم ترجمة هذه الاضافة بواسطة شركة "
"تعريب لتعريب القوالب والمنصات البرمجية "

# Label: auto
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:187
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-column-inner.php:42
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-column.php:37
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button2.php:39
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-googleplus.php:41
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:339
#: include/./templates/params/column_offset/template.tpl.php:30
msgid "Width"
msgstr "العرض"

#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:197
msgid "Select call to action width (percentage)."
msgstr "اختر مساحة عرض الزر التفاعلي (نسبة مئوية)."

#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:201
msgid "Add button"
msgstr "إضافة زر"

#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:202
msgid "Add button for call to action."
msgstr "اضف زر تفاعلي"

# Label: auto
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:205
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:224
#: include/./autoload/vendors/gravity_forms.php:52
#: include/./autoload/vendors/gravity_forms.php:67
#: include/./autoload/vendors/gravity_forms.php:82
msgid "No"
msgstr "لا"

# Label: auto
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:206
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:225
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row-inner.php:35
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:61
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:84
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-section.php:45
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-pageable.php:89
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tabs.php:107
msgid "Top"
msgstr "الأعلى"

# Label: auto
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:207
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:226
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row-inner.php:37
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:62
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:86
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-section.php:47
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button.php:79
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button2.php:106
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-pageable.php:90
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tabs.php:108
msgid "Bottom"
msgstr "الأسفل"

#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:221
msgid "Add icon for call to action."
msgstr "اضف ايقونة في الزر التفاعلي"

#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:234
msgid "Place icon on border?"
msgstr "وضع أيقونة على الحدود؟"

#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:235
msgid "Display icon on call to action element border."
msgstr "اظهار ايقونة على حدود عنصر الزر التفاعلي"

# Label: auto
#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:274
msgid "Call to Action"
msgstr "الازرار التفاعلية"

#: config/./buttons/shortcode-vc-cta.php:278
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button.php:16
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button2.php:13
msgid "Catch visitors attention with CTA block"
msgstr "جذب انتباة الزائر مع كتلة CTA"

#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-column-inner.php:10
msgid "Inner Column"
msgstr "العمود الداخلي"

#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-column-inner.php:19
msgid "Place content elements inside the inner column"
msgstr "وضع عناصر المحتوى داخل العمود الداخلي"

# Label: auto
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-column-inner.php:45
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-column.php:40
#: include/./params/column_offset/column_offset.php:41
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:342
msgid "1 column - 1/12"
msgstr "1 عمود - 12/1"

# Label: auto
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-column-inner.php:46
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-column.php:41
#: include/./params/column_offset/column_offset.php:42
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:343
msgid "2 columns - 1/6"
msgstr "2 الأعمدة - 1/6"

# Label: auto
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-column-inner.php:47
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-column.php:42
#: include/./params/column_offset/column_offset.php:43
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:344
msgid "3 columns - 1/4"
msgstr "3 أعمدة - 1/4"

# Label: auto
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-column-inner.php:48
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-column.php:43
#: include/./params/column_offset/column_offset.php:44
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:345
msgid "4 columns - 1/3"
msgstr "4 أعمدة - 1/3"

# Label: auto
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-column-inner.php:49
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-column.php:44
#: include/./params/column_offset/column_offset.php:45
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:346
msgid "5 columns - 5/12"
msgstr "5 أعمدة - 12/5"

# Label: auto
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-column-inner.php:50
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-column.php:45
#: include/./params/column_offset/column_offset.php:46
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:347
msgid "6 columns - 1/2"
msgstr "6 أعمدة - 1/2"

# Label: auto
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-column-inner.php:51
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-column.php:46
#: include/./params/column_offset/column_offset.php:47
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:348
msgid "7 columns - 7/12"
msgstr "7 أعمدة - 12/7"

# Label: auto
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-column-inner.php:52
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-column.php:47
#: include/./params/column_offset/column_offset.php:48
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:349
msgid "8 columns - 2/3"
msgstr "8 أعمدة - 2/3"

# Label: auto
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-column-inner.php:53
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-column.php:48
#: include/./params/column_offset/column_offset.php:49
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:350
msgid "9 columns - 3/4"
msgstr "9 أعمدة - 3/4"

# Label: auto
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-column-inner.php:54
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-column.php:49
#: include/./params/column_offset/column_offset.php:50
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:351
msgid "10 columns - 5/6"
msgstr "10 الأعمدة - 5/6"

# Label: auto
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-column-inner.php:55
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-column.php:50
#: include/./params/column_offset/column_offset.php:51
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:352
msgid "11 columns - 11/12"
msgstr "11 الأعمدة - 11/12"

# Label: auto
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-column-inner.php:56
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-column.php:51
#: include/./params/column_offset/column_offset.php:52
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:353
msgid "12 columns - 1/1"
msgstr "12 الأعمدة - 1/1"

# Label: auto
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-column-inner.php:58
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-column-inner.php:66
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-column.php:53
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-column.php:61
msgid "Responsive Options"
msgstr "خيارات الاستجابة"

# Label: auto
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-column-inner.php:59
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-column.php:54
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:355
msgid "Select column width."
msgstr "تحديد عرض العمود."

# Label: auto
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-column-inner.php:64
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-column.php:59
msgid "Responsiveness"
msgstr "التجاوب"

#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-column-inner.php:67
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-column.php:62
msgid ""
"Adjust column for different screen sizes. Control width, offset and "
"visibility settings."
msgstr "ضبط عمود لأحجام مختلفة للشاشة. التحكم بالعرض، اعدادات الاظهار "

# Label: auto
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-column.php:10
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:327
msgid "Column"
msgstr "عمود"

#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-column.php:14
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:335
msgid "Place content elements inside the column"
msgstr "وضع عناصر المحتوى داخل العمود"

#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row-inner.php:7
msgid "Inner Row"
msgstr "صف داخلى"

#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row-inner.php:14
msgid "Place content elements inside the inner row"
msgstr "وضع عناصر المحتوى داخل الصف الداخلي"

# Label: auto
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row-inner.php:18
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:175
msgid "Row ID"
msgstr "ID الصف"

#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row-inner.php:20
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-accordion-tab.php:25
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Enter optional row ID. Make sure it is unique, and it is valid as w3c "
"specification: %s (Must not have spaces)"
msgstr ""
"أدخل ID الصف اختياري. تأكد من أنها فريدة من نوعها، وأنها صحيحة وتخضع لمعاير "
"w3c  %s (يجب أن لا يكن لديك مسافات)"

# Label: auto
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row-inner.php:20
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-toggle.php:84
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-accordion-tab.php:25
msgid "link"
msgstr "رابط"

# Label: auto
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row-inner.php:24
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:73
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Map height"
msgid "Equal height"
msgstr "ارتفاع الخريطة"

#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row-inner.php:26
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:75
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "If checked row will be set to full height."
msgid "If checked columns will be set to equal height."
msgstr "اذا تم اختيارها سيتم ضبط الصف لاقصي ارتفاع"

# Label: auto
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row-inner.php:27
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row-inner.php:68
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:53
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:76
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:95
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:185
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-section.php:37
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-section.php:56
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-section.php:146
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-images-carousel.php:94
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-images-carousel.php:101
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-images-carousel.php:108
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-images-carousel.php:115
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-images-carousel.php:122
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-line-chart.php:52
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-line-chart.php:60
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-posts-slider.php:79
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-round-chart.php:87
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-round-chart.php:95
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-single-image.php:94
#: config/./content/vc-custom-heading-element.php:69
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-accordion.php:34
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-accordion.php:41
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-carousel.php:115
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-carousel.php:122
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-carousel.php:129
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-carousel.php:136
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-carousel.php:143
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-posts-grid.php:110
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:234
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:596
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:967
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:32
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:57
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:128
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:165
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:212
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:249
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-posts.php:34
#: include/./autoload/vendors/gravity_forms.php:53
#: include/./autoload/vendors/gravity_forms.php:68
#: include/./autoload/vendors/gravity_forms.php:83
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/acf/grid-item-shortcodes.php:54
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/acf/shortcode.php:50
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/woocommerce/grid-item-shortcodes.php:75
#: include/./params/default_params.php:95
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:39
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:106
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:135
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:362
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "نعم"

# Label: auto
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row-inner.php:31
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:80
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-section.php:41
msgid "Content position"
msgstr "وضع المحتوى"

# Label: auto
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row-inner.php:34
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:20
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:83
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-section.php:26
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-section.php:44
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-progress-bar.php:58
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-toggle.php:57
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:1126
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:1175
#: include/./helpers/helpers_api.php:552
msgid "Default"
msgstr "الافتراضى"

# Label: auto
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row-inner.php:36
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:60
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:85
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-section.php:46
msgid "Middle"
msgstr "منتصف"

#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row-inner.php:39
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:88
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Select content position within row."
msgid "Select content position within columns."
msgstr "تحديد موقف محتوى داخل الصف."

# Label: auto
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row-inner.php:43
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:29
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Columns"
msgid "Columns gap"
msgstr "أعمدة"

#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row-inner.php:60
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:46
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Select gap between grid elements."
msgid "Select gap between columns in row."
msgstr "اختر المساحة بين عناصر الشبكة"

# Label: auto
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row-inner.php:64
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:181
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Disable"
msgid "Disable row"
msgstr "تعطيل"

#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row-inner.php:67
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:184
msgid ""
"If checked the row won't be visible on the public side of your website. You "
"can switch it back any time."
msgstr ""

# Label: auto
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:7
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:304
msgid "Row"
msgstr "صف"

# Label: auto
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:13
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:314
msgid "Place content elements inside the row"
msgstr "ضع عناصر محتوي بداخل هذا الصف"

# Label: auto
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:17
msgid "Row stretch"
msgstr "صف متوسع"

# Label: auto
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:21
msgid "Stretch row"
msgstr "صف متوسع"

# Label: auto
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:22
msgid "Stretch row and content"
msgstr "توسيع الصف والمحتوى"

# Label: auto
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:23
msgid "Stretch row and content (no paddings)"
msgstr "توسيع الصف والمحتوى (بدون هوامش)"

#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:25
msgid ""
"Select stretching options for row and content (Note: stretched may not work "
"properly if parent container has \"overflow: hidden\" CSS property)."
msgstr ""
"حدد خيارات لتمتد الصفوف والمحتوى (ملاحظة: التمديد ربما لا يعمل بشكل جيد اذا "
"كان المحتوى الرئيسي به كود مثل \"overflow: hidden\" )"

# Label: auto
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:50
msgid "Full height row?"
msgstr "ارتفاع كامل الان؟"

#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:52
msgid "If checked row will be set to full height."
msgstr "اذا تم اختيارها سيتم ضبط الصف لاقصي ارتفاع"

# Label: auto
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:57
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Content position"
msgid "Columns position"
msgstr "وضع المحتوى"

# Label: auto
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:63
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Stretch row"
msgid "Stretch"
msgstr "صف متوسع"

#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:65
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Select content position within row."
msgid "Select columns position within row."
msgstr "تحديد موقف محتوى داخل الصف."

# Label: auto
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:92
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-section.php:53
msgid "Use video background?"
msgstr "استخدام فيديو كخلفية؟"

#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:94
msgid "If checked, video will be used as row background."
msgstr "اذا تم تفعيلها، سيتم استخدام الفيديو كخلفية"

# Label: auto
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:99
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-section.php:60
msgid "YouTube link"
msgstr "رابط يوتيوب"

# Label: auto
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:103
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-section.php:64
msgid "Add YouTube link."
msgstr "إضافة رابط يوتيوب."

# Label: auto
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:111
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:126
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-section.php:72
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-section.php:87
msgid "Parallax"
msgstr "برالاكس"

# Label: auto
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:114
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:129
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-section.php:75
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-section.php:90
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-gallery.php:111
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-images-carousel.php:39
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-single-image.php:182
#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:184
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:490
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:547
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:861
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:918
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:1125
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:1174 config/./lean-map.php:206
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-googleplus.php:34
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-accordion.php:66
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-accordion.php:86
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-accordion.php:117
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-accordion.php:145
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-pageable.php:33
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-pageable.php:61
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tabs.php:66
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tabs.php:87
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tabs.php:128
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tabs.php:156
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:66
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:87
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:142
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:170
#: include/./autoload/vc-image-filters.php:56
#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:41
#: include/./params/css_editor/css_editor.php:134
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:14
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:495
#: include/./templates/pages/vc-settings/default-template-post-type.tpl.php:27
msgid "None"
msgstr "لا شيء"

# Label: auto
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:115
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:130
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-section.php:76
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-section.php:91
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:491
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:862
msgid "Simple"
msgstr "بسيطة"

# Label: auto
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:116
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:131
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-section.php:77
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-section.php:92
msgid "With fade"
msgstr "مع تلاشى"

#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:118
msgid "Add parallax type background for row."
msgstr "إضافة نوع خلفية برالكس لصف واحد."

#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:133
msgid ""
"Add parallax type background for row (Note: If no image is specified, "
"parallax will use background image from Design Options)."
msgstr ""
"إضافة نوع خلفية برالكس  لصف (ملاحظة: إذا لم يتم تحديد صورة، البرالكس سوف "
"بستخدام صورة الخلفية من خيارات التصميم)."

# Label: auto
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:141
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-section.php:102
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-single-image.php:33
#: include/./params/sorted_list/sorted_list.php:90
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:742
msgid "Image"
msgstr "الصورة"

# Label: auto
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:144
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-section.php:105
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-single-image.php:36
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:745
msgid "Select image from media library."
msgstr "اختر صوره من مكتبة الوسائط"

# Label: auto
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:152
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:163
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-section.php:113
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-section.php:124
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Parallax"
msgid "Parallax speed"
msgstr "برالاكس"

#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:155
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:166
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-section.php:116
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-section.php:127
msgid "Enter parallax speed ratio (Note: Default value is 1.5, min value is 1)"
msgstr ""

#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-row.php:177
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Enter row ID (Note: make sure it is unique and valid according to <a href=\"%s"
"\" target=\"_blank\">w3c specification</a>)."
msgstr ""
"أدخل معرف صف (ملاحظة: تأكد من أنها فريدة من نوعها وصالحة وفقا ل<a href=\" %s "
"\" target=\"_blank\"> W3C مواصفات </A>)."

# Label: auto
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-section.php:7
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-accordion-tab.php:18
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-accordion.php:215
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-pageable.php:131
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-pageable.php:132
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-section.php:70
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:228
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:229
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:843
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:846
msgid "Section"
msgstr "قسم"

#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-section.php:19
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Show multiple products in a category"
msgid "Group multiple rows in section"
msgstr "عرض منتجات متعددة في تصنيف"

# Label: auto
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-section.php:23
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Row stretch"
msgid "Section stretch"
msgstr "صف متوسع"

# Label: auto
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-section.php:27
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Stretch row"
msgid "Stretch section"
msgstr "صف متوسع"

# Label: auto
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-section.php:28
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Stretch row and content"
msgid "Stretch section and content"
msgstr "توسيع الصف والمحتوى"

#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-section.php:30
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "Select stretching options for row and content (Note: stretched may not "
#| "work properly if parent container has \"overflow: hidden\" CSS property)."
msgid ""
"Select stretching options for section and content (Note: stretched may not "
"work properly if parent container has \"overflow: hidden\" CSS property)."
msgstr ""
"حدد خيارات لتمتد الصفوف والمحتوى (ملاحظة: التمديد ربما لا يعمل بشكل جيد اذا "
"كان المحتوى الرئيسي به كود مثل \"overflow: hidden\" )"

# Label: auto
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-section.php:34
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Full height hero section"
msgid "Full height section?"
msgstr "ارتفاع كامل مع قسم بارز"

#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-section.php:36
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "If checked row will be set to full height."
msgid "If checked section will be set to full height."
msgstr "اذا تم اختيارها سيتم ضبط الصف لاقصي ارتفاع"

#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-section.php:49
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Select content position within row."
msgid "Select content position within section."
msgstr "تحديد موقف محتوى داخل الصف."

#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-section.php:55
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "If checked, video will be used as row background."
msgid "If checked, video will be used as section background."
msgstr "اذا تم تفعيلها، سيتم استخدام الفيديو كخلفية"

#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-section.php:79
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Add parallax type background for row."
msgid "Add parallax type background for section."
msgstr "إضافة نوع خلفية برالكس لصف واحد."

#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-section.php:94
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "Add parallax type background for row (Note: If no image is specified, "
#| "parallax will use background image from Design Options)."
msgid ""
"Add parallax type background for section (Note: If no image is specified, "
"parallax will use background image from Design Options)."
msgstr ""
"إضافة نوع خلفية برالكس  لصف (ملاحظة: إذا لم يتم تحديد صورة، البرالكس سوف "
"بستخدام صورة الخلفية من خيارات التصميم)."

#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-section.php:136
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-accordion-tab.php:23
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-section.php:57
msgid "Section ID"
msgstr "ID القسم"

#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-section.php:138
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-section.php:58
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Enter section ID (Note: make sure it is unique and valid according to <a href="
"\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">w3c specification</a>)."
msgstr ""
"ادخل ID القسم  (ملاحظة : يرجي ان يكون غير مكرر وغير مستخدم من قبل ويكون "
"متوافق مع <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">w3c specification</a>)."

# Label: auto
#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-section.php:142
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Video section"
msgid "Disable section"
msgstr "قسم فيديو"

#: config/./containers/shortcode-vc-section.php:145
msgid ""
"If checked the section won't be visible on the public side of your website. "
"You can switch it back any time."
msgstr ""

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-column-text.php:7
msgid "Text Block"
msgstr "عبارة نصية"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-column-text.php:11
msgid "A block of text with WYSIWYG editor"
msgstr "كتلة من النص مع محرر WYSIWYG"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-column-text.php:18
msgid ""
"<p>I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor "
"sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper "
"mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p>هذا نص تجريبي يمكنك تحرير اهلا وسهلا بك تم ترجمة هذه الاضافة بواسطة شركة "
"تعريب لتعريب القوالب والمنصات البرمجية </ P>"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-empty-space.php:7
msgid "Empty Space"
msgstr "مساحة فارغة"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-empty-space.php:12
msgid "Blank space with custom height"
msgstr "مساحة فارغة مع ارتفاع مخصص"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-empty-space.php:16
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:252
msgid "Height"
msgstr "الارتفاع"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-empty-space.php:20
msgid "Enter empty space height (Note: CSS measurement units allowed)."
msgstr "أدخل ارتفاع مساحة فارغة (ملاحظة: وحدات القياس ل CSS مسموح بها )."

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-flickr.php:8
msgid "Flickr Widget"
msgstr "وجيت Flickr"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-flickr.php:11
msgid "Image feed from Flickr account"
msgstr "تغذية الصور من حساب فليكر"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-flickr.php:15
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-gallery.php:15
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-gmaps.php:15
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-images-carousel.php:15
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-line-chart.php:16
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-pie.php:16
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-posts-slider.php:15
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-progress-bar.php:15
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-round-chart.php:16
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-single-image.php:15
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-video.php:15
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-accordion.php:18
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-carousel.php:18
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-posts-grid.php:30
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-tabs.php:18
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-tour.php:20
#: config/./structure/shortcode-vc-widget-sidebar.php:16
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-accordion.php:21
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-pageable.php:21
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tabs.php:21
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:21
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-archives.php:17
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-calendar.php:17
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-categories.php:17
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-custommenu.php:29
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-meta.php:17
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-pages.php:17
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-posts.php:17
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-recentcomments.php:17
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-rss.php:17
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-search.php:17
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-tagcloud.php:30
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-text.php:17
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-layerslider.php:123
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-revslider.php:64
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-revslider.php:132
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:725
msgid "Widget title"
msgstr "عنوان الويجيت"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-flickr.php:17
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-gallery.php:17
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-gmaps.php:17
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-images-carousel.php:17
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-line-chart.php:18
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-pie.php:18
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-posts-slider.php:17
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-progress-bar.php:17
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-round-chart.php:18
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-single-image.php:17
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-video.php:17
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-accordion.php:20
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-carousel.php:20
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-posts-grid.php:32
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-tabs.php:20
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-tour.php:22
#: config/./structure/shortcode-vc-widget-sidebar.php:18
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-accordion.php:22
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-pageable.php:22
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tabs.php:22
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:22
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-layerslider.php:125
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-revslider.php:66
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-revslider.php:134
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:727
msgid "Enter text used as widget title (Note: located above content element)."
msgstr "إدخال نص لاستخدامة للودجيت"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-flickr.php:21
msgid "Flickr ID"
msgstr "فليكر ID"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-flickr.php:25
#, php-format
msgid "To find your flickID visit %s."
msgstr "لايجاد ID لموقع فليكر يمكنك زيارة %s."

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-flickr.php:29
msgid "Number of photos"
msgstr "عدد الصور"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-flickr.php:42
msgid "Select number of photos to display."
msgstr "حدد عدد من الصور لعرضها."

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-flickr.php:46
msgid "Type"
msgstr "النوع"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-flickr.php:49
msgid "User"
msgstr "مستخدم"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-flickr.php:50
msgid "Group"
msgstr "المجموعة"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-flickr.php:52
msgid "Select photo stream type."
msgstr "حدد نوع تدفق الصور"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-flickr.php:56
msgid "Display order"
msgstr "ترتيب العرض"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-flickr.php:59
msgid "Latest first"
msgstr "الاحدث أولاً"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-flickr.php:60
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-posts-slider.php:138
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-links.php:45
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:111
#: include/./params/loop/loop.php:448
msgid "Random"
msgstr "عشوائي"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-flickr.php:62
msgid "Select photo display order."
msgstr "عرض ترتيب الصور"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-gallery.php:7
msgid "Image Gallery"
msgstr "معرض الصور"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-gallery.php:11
msgid "Responsive image gallery"
msgstr "معرض صور مستجيب"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-gallery.php:21
msgid "Gallery type"
msgstr "نوع المعرض"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-gallery.php:24
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-posts-slider.php:25
msgid "Flex slider fade"
msgstr "تحريك متلاشي للشريحة"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-gallery.php:25
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-posts-slider.php:26
msgid "Flex slider slide"
msgstr "تحريك مرن للشريحة"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-gallery.php:26
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-posts-slider.php:27
msgid "Nivo slider"
msgstr "Nivo سلايدر"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-gallery.php:27
msgid "Image grid"
msgstr "صورة شبكة"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-gallery.php:29
msgid "Select gallery type."
msgstr "اختر نوع المعرض"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-gallery.php:33
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-posts-slider.php:40
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-tabs.php:24
msgid "Auto rotate"
msgstr "تدوير تلقائي"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-gallery.php:40
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-posts-slider.php:47
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-tabs.php:27
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-tour.php:29
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:643
msgid "Disable"
msgstr "تعطيل"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-gallery.php:42
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-posts-slider.php:49
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-tour.php:36
msgid "Auto rotate slides each X seconds."
msgstr "يتم تدوير الشريحة بشكل ألي كل X ثانية"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-gallery.php:54
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-single-image.php:21
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:731
msgid "Image source"
msgstr "مصدر الصورة"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-gallery.php:57
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-single-image.php:24
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:734
msgid "Media library"
msgstr "مكتبة الوسائط"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-gallery.php:58
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-gallery.php:76
msgid "External links"
msgstr "روابط خارجية"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-gallery.php:61
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-single-image.php:29
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:738
msgid "Select image source."
msgstr "اختر مصدر الصورة"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-gallery.php:65
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-images-carousel.php:21
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:749
msgid "Images"
msgstr "الصور:"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-gallery.php:68
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-images-carousel.php:24
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:751
msgid "Select images from media library."
msgstr "اختر صور من مكتبة الوسائط"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-gallery.php:78
msgid ""
"Enter external link for each gallery image (Note: divide links with "
"linebreaks (Enter))."
msgstr "أدخل رابط خارجي لكل معرض الصور (ملاحظة: اضغط زر انتر بعد كل رابط"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-gallery.php:86
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-gallery.php:97
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-single-image.php:56
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-single-image.php:70
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:44
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:367
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:561
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:764
msgid "Image size"
msgstr "حجم الصورة"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-gallery.php:89
msgid ""
"Enter image size. Example: thumbnail, medium, large, full or other sizes "
"defined by current theme. Alternatively enter image size in pixels: 200x100 "
"(Width x Height). Leave empty to use \"thumbnail\" size."
msgstr ""
"أدخل حجم الصورة. مثال:  thumbnail, medium, large, full أو أخرى يحددها قالبك "
"الحالي. بدلا من ذلك إدخال حجم الصورة بالبكسل: 200x100 (العرض × الارتفاع). ترك "
"فارغا لاستخدام \\ \"مصغرة \" الحجم."

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-gallery.php:100
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-single-image.php:73
msgid "Enter image size in pixels. Example: 200x100 (Width x Height)."
msgstr "أدخل حجم الصورة بالبكسل. مثال: 200x100 (العرض × الارتفاع)."

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-gallery.php:108
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-images-carousel.php:35
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-single-image.php:179
msgid "On click action"
msgstr "فوق مساحة click action"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-gallery.php:112
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-single-image.php:183
msgid "Link to large image"
msgstr "رابط لصورة كبيرة ؟"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-gallery.php:113
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-images-carousel.php:38
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-single-image.php:184
msgid "Open prettyPhoto"
msgstr "فتح prettyPhoto"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-gallery.php:114
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-single-image.php:185
msgid "Open custom link"
msgstr "فتح رابط مخصص"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-gallery.php:116
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-single-image.php:188
msgid "Select action for click action."
msgstr "حدد الاجراء عند الضغط "

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-gallery.php:121
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-images-carousel.php:46
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-posts-slider.php:99
msgid "Custom links"
msgstr "رابط مخصص"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-gallery.php:123
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-images-carousel.php:48
msgid "Enter links for each slide (Note: divide links with linebreaks (Enter))."
msgstr "إدخال وصلات لكل شريحة (ملاحظة: ادخل زر الادخال بعد كل رابط )"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-gallery.php:131
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-images-carousel.php:56
msgid "Custom link target"
msgstr "رابط هدف مخصص"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-gallery.php:133
msgid "Select where to open  custom links."
msgstr "حدد فى اي مكان تود ان يفتح الرابط"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-gmaps.php:7
msgid "Google Maps"
msgstr "خرائط جوجل"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-gmaps.php:11
msgid "Map block"
msgstr "قسم خريطة"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-gmaps.php:21
msgid "Map embed iframe"
msgstr "خريطة تضمين IFRAME"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-gmaps.php:24
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Visit %s to create your map (Step by step: 1) Find location 2) Click the cog "
"symbol in the lower right corner and select \"Share or embed map\" 3) On "
"modal window select \"Embed map\" 4) Copy iframe code and paste it)."
msgstr ""
"قم بزيارة %s لانشاء الخريطة الخاصة بك (خطوة بعد خطوة: 1) ايجاد المكان 2) اضغط "
"على رمز الترس فى الركن السفلي الايمن ثم اختر \"مشاركة او تضمين الخريطة\" 3) "
"ثم قم باختيار  \"Embed map\" 4) ثم قم بنسخ الكود وقم بلصقة)."

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-gmaps.php:24
msgid "Google maps"
msgstr "خرائط جوجل"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-gmaps.php:28
msgid "Map height"
msgstr "ارتفاع الخريطة"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-gmaps.php:32
msgid "Enter map height (in pixels or leave empty for responsive map)."
msgstr "أدخل ارتفاع الخريطة (بالبكسل أو ترك فارغا لخريطة مستجيبة)."

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-images-carousel.php:7
msgid "Image Carousel"
msgstr "ناقل الصور"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-images-carousel.php:11
msgid "Animated carousel with images"
msgstr "التحريك الدائري مع الصور"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-images-carousel.php:28
msgid "Carousel size"
msgstr "حجم شرائح التمرير"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-images-carousel.php:31
msgid ""
"Enter image size. Example: thumbnail, medium, large, full or other sizes "
"defined by current theme. Alternatively enter image size in pixels: 200x100 "
"(Width x Height). Leave empty to use \"thumbnail\" size. If used slides per "
"view, this will be used to define carousel wrapper size."
msgstr ""
"أدخل حجم الصورة. مثال:  thumbnail, medium, large, full أو أخرى يحددها قالبك "
"الحالي. بدلا من ذلك إدخال حجم الصورة بالبكسل: 200x100 (العرض × الارتفاع). "
"اتركها فارغة لاستخدام الحجم thumbnail, "

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-images-carousel.php:40
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-posts-slider.php:92
msgid "Open custom links"
msgstr "فتح الروابط المخصصة"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-images-carousel.php:42
msgid "Select action for click event."
msgstr "حدد الاجراء عند الضغط فوق الحدث."

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-images-carousel.php:58
msgid "Select how to open custom links."
msgstr "تحديد كيفية فتح الروابط المخصصة."

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-images-carousel.php:67
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-carousel.php:95
msgid "Slider orientation"
msgstr ""

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-images-carousel.php:70
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-carousel.php:98
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-facebook.php:19
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-pinterest.php:19
msgid "Horizontal"
msgstr "أفقيا"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-images-carousel.php:71
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-carousel.php:99
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-pinterest.php:20
msgid "Vertical"
msgstr "رأسيا"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-images-carousel.php:73
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-carousel.php:101
msgid "Select slider position (Note: this affects swiping orientation)."
msgstr "حدد وضع السلايدر "

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-images-carousel.php:77
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-carousel.php:88
msgid "Slider speed"
msgstr "سرعة الشريحة"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-images-carousel.php:80
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-carousel.php:91
msgid "Duration of animation between slides (in ms)."
msgstr "الفترة بين كل حركة واخرى بين الشرائح (in ms)"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-images-carousel.php:84
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-carousel.php:105
msgid "Slides per view"
msgstr "شرائح حسب المنظر"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-images-carousel.php:87
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-carousel.php:108
msgid "Enter number of slides to display at the same time."
msgstr "أدخل عدد من الشرائح لعرضه في نفس الوقت."

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-images-carousel.php:91
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-carousel.php:112
msgid "Slider autoplay"
msgstr "تشغيل آلي للشرائح"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-images-carousel.php:93
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-carousel.php:114
msgid "Enable autoplay mode."
msgstr "تمكين وضع التشغيل التلقائي."

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-images-carousel.php:98
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-carousel.php:119
msgid "Hide pagination control"
msgstr "اخفاء ترقيم الصفحات"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-images-carousel.php:100
msgid "If checked, pagination controls will be hidden."
msgstr "اذا تم تفعيلها ارقام الصفحات سيتم اخفاءها"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-images-carousel.php:105
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-carousel.php:126
msgid "Hide prev/next buttons"
msgstr "اخفاء زر التالي السابق"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-images-carousel.php:107
msgid "If checked, prev/next buttons will be hidden."
msgstr "اذا تم تفعيلها، ازرار السابق والتالي سيتم اخفائها"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-images-carousel.php:112
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-carousel.php:133
msgid "Partial view"
msgstr ""

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-images-carousel.php:114
msgid "If checked, part of the next slide will be visible."
msgstr "إاذا تم تفعيلها ، سيكون جزءا من الشريحة التالية مرئي"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-images-carousel.php:119
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-carousel.php:140
msgid "Slider loop"
msgstr "تكرار الشريحة"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-images-carousel.php:121
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-carousel.php:142
msgid "Enable slider loop mode."
msgstr ""

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-line-chart.php:7
msgid "Line Chart"
msgstr "خط الرسم البياني"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-line-chart.php:12
msgid "Line and Bar charts"
msgstr "الخط وشريط الرسوم البيانية "

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-line-chart.php:23
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-progress-bar.php:30
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-round-chart.php:23
msgid "Design"
msgstr "تصميم"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-line-chart.php:26
msgid "Line"
msgstr "السطر"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-line-chart.php:27
msgid "Bar"
msgstr "شريط"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-line-chart.php:30
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-round-chart.php:29
msgid "Select type of chart."
msgstr "حدد نوع التخطيط."

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-line-chart.php:36
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-round-chart.php:35
msgid "Select chart color style."
msgstr "اختر نمط اللون.الرسم البياني "

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-line-chart.php:49
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-round-chart.php:84
msgid "Show legend?"
msgstr ""

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-line-chart.php:51
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-round-chart.php:86
msgid "If checked, chart will have legend."
msgstr "اذا تم تفعيلها، سيكون التخطيط له مخطط بياني"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-line-chart.php:57
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-round-chart.php:92
msgid "Show hover values?"
msgstr "إظهار قيم الهوفر ؟"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-line-chart.php:59
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-round-chart.php:94
msgid "If checked, chart will show values on hover."
msgstr "اذا تم تفعيلها، سيتم ظهور القيم عند مرور المؤشر على الرسم البياني"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-line-chart.php:65
msgid "X-axis values"
msgstr "X-axis values"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-line-chart.php:67
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-line-chart.php:98
msgid "Enter values for axis (Note: separate values with \";\")."
msgstr "إدخال قيم axis (ملاحظة: افصل بينهما ب \";\")."

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-line-chart.php:72
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-progress-bar.php:21
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-round-chart.php:100
msgid "Values"
msgstr "قيم"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-line-chart.php:76
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-round-chart.php:104
msgid "One"
msgstr "عامود واحد"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-line-chart.php:81
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-round-chart.php:109
msgid "Two"
msgstr "عامودين"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-line-chart.php:89
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-posts-slider.php:136
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-round-chart.php:117
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-text-separator.php:45
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-text-separator.php:48
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-accordion-tab.php:16
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-carousel.php:50
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-posts-grid.php:77
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-tab.php:16
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:277
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-section.php:48
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:109
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:1239
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:1272
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:1335
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:1449
#: include/./params/loop/loop.php:446
#: include/./params/sorted_list/sorted_list.php:91
#: include/./params/vc_link/vc_link.php:18
msgid "Title"
msgstr "العنوان:"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-line-chart.php:91
msgid "Enter title for chart dataset."
msgstr "أدخل عنوان للتخطيط البيانات."

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-line-chart.php:96
msgid "Y-axis values"
msgstr "Y-axis values"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-line-chart.php:105
msgid "Select chart color."
msgstr "حدد لون الرسم البياني."

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-line-chart.php:110
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-pie.php:54
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-progress-bar.php:76
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-round-chart.php:138
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-separator.php:18
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-text-separator.php:83
#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:165
#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:171
#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:198
msgid "Custom color"
msgstr "لون مخصص"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-line-chart.php:112
msgid "Select custom chart color."
msgstr "حدد لون مخصص للرسم البياني."

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-line-chart.php:121
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-round-chart.php:149
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:201
msgid "Animation"
msgstr "تاثيرات حركية"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-line-chart.php:122
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-round-chart.php:150
msgid "Select animation style."
msgstr "حدد أسلوب الحركة"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:10
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:40
msgid "Informational"
msgstr "معلومات"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:11
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:49
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "تحذير"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:12
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:58
msgid "Success"
msgstr "رسالة نجاح"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:13
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:67
msgid "Error"
msgstr "خطأ"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:14
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:76
msgid "Informational Classic"
msgstr "معلومات تقليدية"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:15
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:86
msgid "Warning Classic"
msgstr "تحذير تقليدي"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:16
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:96
msgid "Success Classic"
msgstr "رسالة نجاح تقليدية"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:17
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:106
msgid "Error Classic"
msgstr "رسالة خطأ تقليدي"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:21
msgid "Message Box"
msgstr "صندوق رسالة"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:25
msgid "Notification box"
msgstr "صندوق تنبيه"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:29
msgid "Message Box Presets"
msgstr "خيار صندوق الرسالة"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:116
msgid ""
"Select predefined message box design or choose \"Custom\" for custom styling."
msgstr "اختر تصميم مخصص من القائمة المنسدلة"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:124
msgid "Select message box design style."
msgstr "حدد نمط تنسيق الصندوق"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:137
msgid "Select message box shape."
msgstr "حدد شكل صندوق الرسالة"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:144
msgid "Select message box color."
msgstr "اختر لون رسالة الصندوق"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:149
#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:16
msgid "Icon library"
msgstr "مكتبة الايقونات"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:151
#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:18
msgid "Font Awesome"
msgstr "خطوط فونت اوسيم"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:152
#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:19
msgid "Open Iconic"
msgstr "مكتبة Open Iconic"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:153
#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:20
msgid "Typicons"
msgstr "موقع Typicons"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:154
#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:21
msgid "Entypo"
msgstr "Entypo"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:155
#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:22
msgid "Linecons"
msgstr "Linecons"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:157
#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:23
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Social"
msgid "Mono Social"
msgstr "اجتماعى"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:160
#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:28
msgid "Select icon library."
msgstr "اختر مكتبة الايقونات"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:285
msgid "Message text"
msgstr "نص الرسالة"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-message.php:287
msgid "<p>I am message box. Click edit button to change this text.</p>"
msgstr "<p>انا رسالة نص اضغط على زر تحرير لتغيير هذا النص.</p>"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-pie.php:7
msgid "Pie Chart"
msgstr "الرسم البياني"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-pie.php:12
msgid "Animated pie chart"
msgstr "الرسوم المتحركة الرسم البياني"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-pie.php:23
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-progress-bar.php:48
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-round-chart.php:124
msgid "Value"
msgstr "القيمة"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-pie.php:25
msgid "Enter value for graph (Note: choose range from 0 to 100)."
msgstr "أدخل قيمة الرسم البياني (ملاحظة: اختيار مجموعة 0-100)."

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-pie.php:31
msgid "Label value"
msgstr "قيمة التسمية"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-pie.php:33
msgid ""
"Enter label for pie chart (Note: leaving empty will set value from \"Value\" "
msgstr ""
"أدخل تسمية الرسم البياني (ملاحظة: اذا تركتها فارغة سوف يتم ضبطها من قيمة "
"الحقل )"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-pie.php:38
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-progress-bar.php:98
msgid "Units"
msgstr "وحدات"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-pie.php:40
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-progress-bar.php:100
msgid ""
"Enter measurement units (Example: %, px, points, etc. Note: graph value and "
"units will be appended to graph title)."
msgstr ""
"أدخل وحدات القياس (مثال %, px، نقاط، الخ. ملاحظة: سيتم إلحاق  وحدات قيمة "
"الرسم البياني إلى عنوان الرسم البياني)."

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-pie.php:47
msgid "Select pie chart color."
msgstr "حدد لون الرسم البياني."

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-pie.php:56
msgid "Select custom color."
msgstr "اختيار لون مخصص."

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-posts-slider.php:7
msgid "Posts Slider"
msgstr "شرائح التدوينات"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-posts-slider.php:11
msgid "Slider with WP Posts"
msgstr "شريحة مع تدونات ووردبريس"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-posts-slider.php:21
msgid "Slider type"
msgstr "نوع السلايدر"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-posts-slider.php:29
msgid "Select slider type."
msgstr "اختر نوع الشريحة"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-posts-slider.php:33
msgid "Slider count"
msgstr "عدد الشرائح"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-posts-slider.php:36
msgid ""
"Enter number of slides to display (Note: Enter \"All\" to display all slides)."
msgstr "أدخل عدد من الشرائح لعرض (ملاحظة: إدخال  \"All\"  لعرض كافة الشرائح)."

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-posts-slider.php:53
#: include/./params/loop/loop.php:329
#: include/./templates/pages/partials/vc-roles-parts/_post_types.tpl.php:18
#: include/./templates/pages/partials/vc-roles-parts/_post_types.tpl.php:19
msgid "Post types"
msgstr "انواع التدوينات"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-posts-slider.php:55
msgid "Select source for slider."
msgstr "حدد مصدر للسلايدر"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-posts-slider.php:59
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-automapper.php:392
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:56
msgid "Description"
msgstr "الوصف"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-posts-slider.php:62
msgid "No description"
msgstr "لا يوجد وصف"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-posts-slider.php:63
msgid "Teaser (Excerpt)"
msgstr ""

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-posts-slider.php:65
msgid ""
"Select source to use for description (Note: some sliders do not support it)."
msgstr "حدد مصدر لاستخدامه في الوصف (ملاحظة: بعض السلايدرات لا تدعم ذلك)."

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-posts-slider.php:76
msgid "Output post title?"
msgstr "اخراج عنوان اخر؟"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-posts-slider.php:78
msgid "If selected, title will be printed before the teaser text."
msgstr "اذا تم اختيارها سيتم طباعتها قبل تاثير الحركة"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-posts-slider.php:87
#: include/./params/sorted_list/sorted_list.php:92
msgid "Link"
msgstr "رابط"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-posts-slider.php:90
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-posts-grid.php:9 config/./lean-map.php:128
#: include/./params/sorted_list/sorted_list.php:100
msgid "Link to post"
msgstr "رابط للتدوينة"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-posts-slider.php:91
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-posts-grid.php:17 config/./lean-map.php:136
msgid "Link to bigger image"
msgstr "رابط لصورة أكبر"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-posts-slider.php:93
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-posts-grid.php:13 config/./lean-map.php:132
#: include/./params/sorted_list/sorted_list.php:99
#: include/./templates/teaser.html.php:22 include/./templates/teaser.html.php:43
msgid "No link"
msgstr "لا روابط"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-posts-slider.php:95
msgid "Link type."
msgstr "نوع الرابط"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-posts-slider.php:106
msgid "Enter links for each slide here. Divide links with linebreaks (Enter)."
msgstr ""
"إدخال وصلات لكل شريحة هنا. تقسيم الروابط مع الفواصل عبر الضغط على زر (إدخال)."

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-posts-slider.php:110
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-carousel.php:81
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-posts-grid.php:125
msgid "Thumbnail size"
msgstr "حجم الصورة المصغّرة (Thumbnail)"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-posts-slider.php:113
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-carousel.php:84
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-posts-grid.php:128
msgid ""
"Enter thumbnail size. Example: thumbnail, medium, large, full or other sizes "
"defined by current theme. Alternatively enter image size in pixels: 200x100 "
"(Width x Height) . "
msgstr ""
"أدخل حجم الصور المصغرة. مثال: المصغرة والمتوسطة، والأحجام الكبيرة، كاملة أو "
"أخرى يحددها قالبك الحالي. بدلا من ذلك إدخال حجم الصورة بالبكسل: 200x100 "
"(العرض × الارتفاع). "

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-posts-slider.php:117
msgid "Post/Page IDs"
msgstr "هوية الصفحة/ التدوينة"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-posts-slider.php:119
msgid ""
"Enter page/posts IDs to display only those records (Note: separate values by "
"commas (,)). Use this field in conjunction with \"Post types\" field."
msgstr ""
"ادخل هوية الصفحة او التدوينات لعرضها في السجلات (ملاحظة / افصل القيم بعلامة "
"الفاصلة (,)) استخدم هذا الحقل بالتعاون مع حقل \"Post types\""

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-posts-slider.php:123
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-categories.php:7
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-categories.php:20
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:588
#: include/./params/loop/loop.php:331
msgid "Categories"
msgstr "التصنيفات"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-posts-slider.php:125
msgid ""
"Enter categories by names to narrow output (Note: only listed categories will "
"be displayed, divide categories with linebreak (Enter))."
msgstr ""
"ادخال الاقسام بالاسماء مع ملاحظة ان قائمة الاقسام فقط سوف يتم ظهورها , برجاء "
"الضغط علي زر الادخال انتر بعد كل قسم"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-posts-slider.php:129
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:271
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-links.php:39
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-pages.php:24
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:232
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:284
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:349
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:517
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:558
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:635
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:721
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:780
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:873
#: include/./params/loop/loop.php:327
msgid "Order by"
msgstr "ترتيب حسب"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-posts-slider.php:133
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:274
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:106
#: include/./params/loop/loop.php:443
msgid "Date"
msgstr "التاريخ"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-posts-slider.php:134
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:107
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:1464
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:1489
msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-posts-slider.php:135
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:276
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:108
#: include/./params/loop/loop.php:330 include/./params/loop/loop.php:445
msgid "Author"
msgstr "المؤلف"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-posts-slider.php:137
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:110
#: include/./params/loop/loop.php:447
msgid "Modified"
msgstr "تم تعديلها"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-posts-slider.php:139
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:112
#: include/./params/loop/loop.php:449
msgid "Comment count"
msgstr "عدد التعليقات"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-posts-slider.php:140
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:113
#: include/./params/loop/loop.php:450
msgid "Menu order"
msgstr "قائمة طلبات الشراء"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-posts-slider.php:142
#, php-format
msgid "Select how to sort retrieved posts. More at %s."
msgstr "حدد كيفية طريقة السرد للتدوينات يمكنك الرجوع الى %s."

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-posts-slider.php:146
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:299
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:240
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:292
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:358
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:525
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:566
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:643
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:729
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:788
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:881
#: include/./params/loop/loop.php:328
msgid "Sort order"
msgstr "وترتيب الفرز"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-posts-slider.php:149
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:303
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:118
#: include/./params/loop/loop.php:463
msgid "Descending"
msgstr "تنازلي"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-posts-slider.php:150
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:304
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:119
#: include/./params/loop/loop.php:462
msgid "Ascending"
msgstr "تصاعدي"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-posts-slider.php:152
#, php-format
msgid "Select ascending or descending order. More at %s."
msgstr "حدد تصاعدي أو تنازلي. المزيد %s"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-progress-bar.php:7
msgid "Progress Bar"
msgstr "شريط التقدم"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-progress-bar.php:11
msgid "Animated progress bar"
msgstr "اشرطة التقدم المتحركة"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-progress-bar.php:23
msgid "Enter values for graph - value, title and color."
msgstr "أدخل قيم الرسم البياني - قيمة، والعنوان واللون."

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-progress-bar.php:26
msgid "Development"
msgstr "التطوير"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-progress-bar.php:34
msgid "Marketing"
msgstr "التسويق"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-progress-bar.php:41
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:650
msgid "Label"
msgstr "العنوان"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-progress-bar.php:43
msgid "Enter text used as title of bar."
msgstr "أدخل النص المستخدم كعنوان لشريط."

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-progress-bar.php:50
msgid "Enter value of bar."
msgstr "أدخل قيمة من شريط."

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-progress-bar.php:68
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-progress-bar.php:115
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-text-separator.php:90
msgid "Custom Color"
msgstr "لون مخصص"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-progress-bar.php:70
msgid "Select single bar background color."
msgstr "اختيار لون خلفية الشريط الفردي"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-progress-bar.php:78
msgid "Select custom single bar background color."
msgstr "اختيار لون  مخصص لخلفية الشريط الفردي"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-progress-bar.php:86
msgid "Custom text color"
msgstr "تخصيص لون نص "

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-progress-bar.php:88
msgid "Select custom single bar text color."
msgstr "اختيار لون مخصص للنص"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-progress-bar.php:117
msgid "Select bar background color."
msgstr "اختر لون خلفية الشريط"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-progress-bar.php:123
msgid "Bar custom background color"
msgstr "لون الخلفية المخصصة"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-progress-bar.php:125
msgid "Select custom background color for bars."
msgstr "حدد لون مخصص للخلفية الاشرطة"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-progress-bar.php:133
msgid "Bar custom text color"
msgstr "لون النص المخصص"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-progress-bar.php:135
msgid "Select custom text color for bars."
msgstr "تحديد لون النص المخصص للاشرطة"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-progress-bar.php:143
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-links.php:50
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-rss.php:60
msgid "Options"
msgstr "الخيارات"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-progress-bar.php:146
msgid "Add stripes"
msgstr "إضافة شرائط؟"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-progress-bar.php:147
msgid "Add animation (Note: visible only with striped bar)."
msgstr "إضافة التأثيرات المتحركة (ملاحظة: مرئية فقط مع الخط المتقطع)."

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-round-chart.php:7
msgid "Round Chart"
msgstr "مخطط رسوم بيانية"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-round-chart.php:12
msgid "Pie and Doughnat charts"
msgstr "مخطط رسوم بيانية"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-round-chart.php:26
msgid "Pie"
msgstr "مخطط دائري"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-round-chart.php:27
msgid "Doughnut"
msgstr ""

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-round-chart.php:48
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:248
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:798
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-accordion.php:99
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tabs.php:100
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:100
msgid "Gap"
msgstr "مسافة بينية"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-round-chart.php:56
msgid "Select gap size."
msgstr "حدد حجم الفجوة."

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-round-chart.php:61
msgid "Outline color"
msgstr "لون المخطط"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-round-chart.php:64
msgid "Select outline color."
msgstr "حدد لون المخطط التفصيلي."

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-round-chart.php:74
msgid "Custom outline color"
msgstr ""

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-round-chart.php:76
msgid "Select custom outline color."
msgstr "اختيار لون مخصص للخط الخارجي"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-round-chart.php:119
msgid "Enter title for chart area."
msgstr "عنوان منطقة المخطط"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-round-chart.php:126
msgid "Enter value for area."
msgstr "أدخل قيمة للمنطقة."

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-round-chart.php:133
msgid "Select area color."
msgstr "حدد لون المنطقة."

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-round-chart.php:140
msgid "Select custom area color."
msgstr "اختر لون المساحة الخاصة"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-separator.php:7
msgid "Separator"
msgstr "فاصل"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-separator.php:12
msgid "Horizontal separator line"
msgstr "خط افقي للفاصل"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-separator.php:20
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-text-separator.php:85
msgid "Select color of separator."
msgstr "اختر لون الفاصل"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-separator.php:32
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-text-separator.php:77
msgid "Select separator alignment."
msgstr "اختر هوامش الفاصل"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-separator.php:36
msgid "Custom Border Color"
msgstr "لون حدود مخصصة"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-separator.php:38
msgid "Select border color for your element."
msgstr "اختر لون الحدود للعنصر الخاص بك"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-separator.php:49
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-text-separator.php:103
msgid "Separator display style."
msgstr "نمط الفاصل"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-separator.php:53
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-text-separator.php:107
msgid "Border width"
msgstr "عرض الحد"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-separator.php:56
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-text-separator.php:110
msgid "Select border width (pixels)."
msgstr "اختر عرض الحدود بالبكسل"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-separator.php:60
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-text-separator.php:114
msgid "Element width"
msgstr "مساحة عرض العنصر"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-separator.php:63
msgid "Select separator width (percentage)."
msgstr "اختر عرض الفاصل بالنسبة المئوية"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-single-image.php:7
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:717
msgid "Single Image"
msgstr "صورة منفردة"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-single-image.php:11
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:721
msgid "Simple image with CSS animation"
msgstr "صورة بسيطة مع CSS تأثيرات حركية"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-single-image.php:25
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-single-image.php:45
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:735
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:753
msgid "External link"
msgstr "رابط خارجي"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-single-image.php:26
msgid "Featured Image"
msgstr "الصورة البارزة"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-single-image.php:47
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:755
msgid "Select external link."
msgstr "حدد ارتباط خارجي."

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-single-image.php:59
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:47
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:370
msgid ""
"Enter image size (Example: \"thumbnail\", \"medium\", \"large\", \"full\" or "
"other sizes defined by theme). Alternatively enter size in pixels (Example: "
"200x100 (Width x Height))."
msgstr ""
"أدخل حجم الصورة (مثال: \"thumbnail\", \"medium\", \"large\", \"full\"  أو "
"أحجام أخرى يحددها القالب). بدلا من ذلك إدخال حجم بالبكسل (مثال: 200x100 "
"(العرض × الارتفاع))."

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-single-image.php:81
msgid "Caption"
msgstr "المقتطف"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-single-image.php:83
msgid "Enter text for image caption."
msgstr "إدخال النص لصورة توضيحية."

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-single-image.php:91
msgid "Add caption?"
msgstr "اضافة عنوان؟"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-single-image.php:93
msgid "Add image caption."
msgstr "إضافة التسمية التوضيحية للصورة."

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-single-image.php:105
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:567
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:770
msgid "Image alignment"
msgstr "محاذاة الصورة"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-single-image.php:112
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:574
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:777
msgid "Select image alignment."
msgstr "اختر محازات الصورة"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-single-image.php:116
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-single-image.php:130
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:578
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:781
msgid "Image style"
msgstr "نمط الصورة"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-single-image.php:119
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-single-image.php:133
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:581
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:784
msgid "Select image display style."
msgstr "حدد صورة نمط العرض."

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-single-image.php:141
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-single-image.php:161
#: include/./params/css_editor/css_editor.php:93
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:585
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:788
msgid "Border color"
msgstr "لون الحد"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-single-image.php:156
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-single-image.php:174
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:598
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:796
msgid "Border color."
msgstr "لون الحدود"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-single-image.php:186
msgid "Zoom"
msgstr "زووم"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-single-image.php:193
msgid "Image link"
msgstr "رابط الصورة"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-single-image.php:195
msgid ""
"Enter URL if you want this image to have a link (Note: parameters like "
"\"mailto:\" are also accepted)."
msgstr ""
"إدخال URL إذا كنت تريد هذه الصورة وصلة (ملاحظة: المعلمات مثل \\ \"mailto:\" "
"مقبولة )."

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-single-image.php:203
msgid "Link Target"
msgstr "أين يفتح الرابط"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-text-separator.php:37
msgid "Separator with Text"
msgstr "فاصل مع نص"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-text-separator.php:41
msgid "Horizontal separator line with heading"
msgstr "خط افقي مع عنوان "

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-text-separator.php:49
msgid "Add text to separator."
msgstr "اضف نص للفاصل"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-text-separator.php:59
msgid "Title position"
msgstr "موضع العنوان"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-text-separator.php:66
msgid "Select title location."
msgstr "اختر مكان العنوان"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-text-separator.php:70
msgid "Separator alignment"
msgstr "هوامش الفاصل"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-text-separator.php:92
msgid "Custom separator color for your element."
msgstr "لون مخصص للفاصل"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-text-separator.php:117
msgid "Separator element width in percents."
msgstr "فاصل يتم احتسابة بالنسب المئوية."

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-toggle.php:24
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-toggle.php:26
msgid "Toggle title"
msgstr " عنوان Toggle"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-toggle.php:27
msgid "Enter title of toggle block."
msgstr "أدخل عنوان كتلة تبديل."

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-toggle.php:41
msgid "Toggle content"
msgstr " محتوى Toggle"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-toggle.php:43
msgid "<p>Toggle content goes here, click edit button to change this text.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p>Toggle محتوى, اضغط تحرير لتغيير المحتوى تم الترجمة بواسطة شركة تعريب.</p>"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-toggle.php:44
msgid "Toggle block content."
msgstr "محتوى كتلة تبديل."

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-toggle.php:51
msgid "Select toggle design style."
msgstr "تحديد نمط تصميم تبديل."

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-toggle.php:55
#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:163
msgid "Icon color"
msgstr "لون الأيقونة"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-toggle.php:58
#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:166
msgid "Select icon color."
msgstr "اختر لون الايقونة"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-toggle.php:67
msgid "Select toggle size"
msgstr "حدد حجم التبديل toggle"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-toggle.php:71
msgid "Default state"
msgstr "وضع افتراضى"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-toggle.php:74
msgid "Closed"
msgstr "مغلق"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-toggle.php:75
msgid "Open"
msgstr "مفتوح"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-toggle.php:77
msgid "Select \"Open\" if you want toggle to be open by default."
msgstr "اختر \"فتح\" اذا كنت ترغب في جعل الصندوق منسدل بشكل افتراضي."

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-toggle.php:84
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Enter optional ID. Make sure it is unique, and it is valid as w3c "
"specification: %s (Must not have spaces)"
msgstr ""
"أدخل ID اختياري. تأكد من أنها فريدة من نوعها، وأنها صحيحة وتخضع لمعاير w3c  "
"%s (يجب أن لا يكن لديك مسافات)"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-toggle.php:102
#: include/./autoload/vc-pages/welcome-screen.php:93
msgid "FAQ"
msgstr "الأسئلة الشائعة"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-toggle.php:106
msgid "Toggle element for Q&A block"
msgstr "كتلة تبديل مع عناصر سؤال وجواب"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-video.php:7
msgid "Video Player"
msgstr "مشغل الفيديو"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-video.php:11
msgid "Embed YouTube/Vimeo player"
msgstr "تضمين مشغل يوتيوب / فيمو"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-video.php:21
msgid "Video link"
msgstr "رابط الفيديو"

#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-video.php:25
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Enter link to video (Note: read more about available formats at WordPress <a "
"href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">codex page</a>)."
msgstr ""
"أدخل رابط لفيديو (ملاحظة: قراءة المزيد حول التنسيقات المتاحة في ووردبرس <a "
"href=\" %s \" target=\"_blank\">codex page</a>)."

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-video.php:29
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Border width"
msgid "Video width"
msgstr "عرض الحد"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-video.php:43
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Select separator width (percentage)."
msgid "Select video width (percentage)."
msgstr "اختر عرض الفاصل بالنسبة المئوية"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-video.php:47
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Video section"
msgid "Video aspect ration"
msgstr "قسم فيديو"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-video.php:54
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Select title location."
msgid "Select video aspect ratio."
msgstr "اختر مكان العنوان"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/shortcode-vc-video.php:60
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Select icon alignment."
msgid "Select video alignment."
msgstr "اختر هوامش الايقونة"

#: config/./content/vc-custom-heading-element.php:8
msgid "Custom Heading"
msgstr "عناوين مخصصة"

#: config/./content/vc-custom-heading-element.php:13
msgid "Text with Google fonts"
msgstr "النص مع خطوط جوجل"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/vc-custom-heading-element.php:17
msgid "Text source"
msgstr "مصدر النص"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/vc-custom-heading-element.php:20
msgid "Custom text"
msgstr "نص مخصص"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/vc-custom-heading-element.php:21
msgid "Post or Page Title"
msgstr "عنوان الصفحة/المقالة"

#: config/./content/vc-custom-heading-element.php:24
msgid "Select text source."
msgstr "تحديد مصدر النص."

#: config/./content/vc-custom-heading-element.php:31
msgid "This is custom heading element"
msgstr "هذا هو العنصر البند المخصص"

#: config/./content/vc-custom-heading-element.php:32
msgid ""
"Note: If you are using non-latin characters be sure to activate them under "
"Settings/Visual Composer/General Settings."
msgstr ""
"ملاحظة: إذا كنت تستخدم أحرف غير لاتينية تأكد من تفعيلها ضمن إعدادات / المحرر "
"المتطور / الإعدادات العامة."

#: config/./content/vc-custom-heading-element.php:42
msgid "Add link to custom heading."
msgstr "إضافة وصلة لعنوان المخصص."

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/vc-custom-heading-element.php:57
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:94
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:118
msgid "Select element tag."
msgstr "حدد نوع العنصر"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/vc-custom-heading-element.php:58
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:95
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:119
msgid "Select text alignment."
msgstr "تحديد محاذاة النص."

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/vc-custom-heading-element.php:59
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:96
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:120
msgid "Enter font size."
msgstr "حجم الخط"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/vc-custom-heading-element.php:60
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:97
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:121
msgid "Enter line height."
msgstr "أدخل ارتفاع الخط."

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/vc-custom-heading-element.php:61
msgid "Select heading color."
msgstr "حدد لون العنوان."

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/vc-custom-heading-element.php:67
msgid "Use theme default font family?"
msgstr "استخدم الخط الافتراضي للقالب ؟"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/vc-custom-heading-element.php:70
msgid "Use font family from the theme."
msgstr "استخدم الخط الافتراضي للقالب ؟"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/vc-custom-heading-element.php:78
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:151
msgid "Select font family."
msgstr "اختر عائلة الخط"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/vc-custom-heading-element.php:79
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:152
msgid "Select font styling."
msgstr "اختر تنسيق الخط"

#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:12
msgid "Eye catching icons from libraries"
msgstr "ايقونات Eye catching مع المكتبات"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:24
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Water"
msgid "Material"
msgstr "ماء"

#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:173
msgid "Select custom icon color."
msgstr "اختيار لون مخصص للايقونة"

#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:181
msgid "Background shape"
msgstr "رمز الخلفية"

# Label: auto
#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:185
msgid "Circle"
msgstr "دائرة"

#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:188
msgid "Outline Circle"
msgstr ""

#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:189
msgid "Outline Square"
msgstr ""

#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:190
msgid "Outline Rounded"
msgstr ""

#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:192
msgid "Select background shape and style for icon."
msgstr "حدد خلفية والتنسيق للايقونة"

#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:200
msgid "Select background color for icon."
msgstr "لون الخلفية  للايقونة"

#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:209
msgid "Custom background color"
msgstr "لون خلفية مخصصة"

#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:211
msgid "Select custom icon background color."
msgstr "حدد مخصص لون الخلفية للايقونة"

#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:223
msgid "Icon size."
msgstr "حجم الأيقونة"

#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:227
msgid "Icon alignment"
msgstr "محاذاة الأيقونة"

#: config/./content/vc-icon-element.php:240
msgid "Add link to icon."
msgstr "اضافة رابط الى الايقونة "

# Label: auto
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-accordion-tab.php:7
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Add Section"
msgid "Old Section"
msgstr "إضافة قسم"

#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-accordion-tab.php:19
msgid "Enter accordion section title."
msgstr "ادخل العنوان"

# Label: auto
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-accordion.php:7
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Accordion"
msgid "Old Accordion"
msgstr "اكورديون"

#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-accordion.php:14
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-accordion.php:16
msgid "Collapsible content panels"
msgstr "لوحات محتوى للطي Collapsible"

#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-accordion.php:24
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-accordion.php:172
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-pageable.php:53
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tabs.php:148
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:162
msgid "Active section"
msgstr "قسم نشط"

#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-accordion.php:27
msgid ""
"Enter section number to be active on load or enter \"false\" to collapse all "
msgstr "ادخل رقم القسم لتنشيطه عند التحميل او ادخل \"false\" لطي القسم كاملاً"

#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-accordion.php:31
msgid "Allow collapse all sections?"
msgstr "السماح تصغير جميع الأقسام؟"

#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-accordion.php:33
msgid "If checked, it is allowed to collapse all sections."
msgstr "اذا تم تفعيلها سيتم فتح جميع الاقسام"

#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-accordion.php:38
msgid "Disable keyboard interactions?"
msgstr "تعطيل تفاعلات لوحة المفاتيح؟"

#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-accordion.php:40
msgid ""
"If checked, disables keyboard arrow interactions (Keys: Left, Up, Right, "
"Down, Space)."
msgstr ""
"اذا تم تفعيلها، سيتم تعطيل لوحة المفاتيح للاسهم(مفاتيح: يسار، فوق، يمين، "
"أسفل، مساحة)."

# Label: auto
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-accordion.php:55
msgid "Add section"
msgstr "اضف قسم"

# Label: auto
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-accordion.php:59
msgid "Section 1"
msgstr "قسم 1"

# Label: auto
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-accordion.php:60
msgid "Section 2"
msgstr "قسم 2"

# Label: auto
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-button.php:10
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-button2.php:7
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Button"
msgid "Old Button"
msgstr "زر"

#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-button.php:25
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-button2.php:30
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button.php:31
msgid "Enter text on the button."
msgstr "إدخال نص على الزر."

#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-button.php:31
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button.php:37
msgid "Enter button link."
msgstr "رابط الزر"

# Label: auto
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-button.php:35
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button.php:41
msgid "Target"
msgstr "أين يفتح الرابط:"

#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-button.php:57
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button.php:63
msgid "Select icon to display on button."
msgstr "حدد ايقونة لعرضها على زر."

# Label: auto
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-button.php:64
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-button2.php:65
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button.php:70
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button2.php:97
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:722
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:849
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:1080
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-googleplus.php:24
msgid "Select button size."
msgstr "اختر حجم الزر"

#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-button2.php:49
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button2.php:81
msgid "Select button display style and shape."
msgstr "اختر هيئة وتنسيق مظهر الزر"

#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-carousel.php:7
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Post Carousel"
msgid "Old Post Carousel"
msgstr "سلسة تدوينات متحركة في سلايدر"

#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-carousel.php:14
msgid "Animated carousel with posts"
msgstr "شريط متحرك يحتوي تدوينات"

# Label: auto
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-carousel.php:24
msgid "Carousel content"
msgstr "محتوى متحرك"

#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-carousel.php:34
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-posts-grid.php:46
msgid "Create WordPress loop, to populate content from your site."
msgstr "إنشاء حلقة وردبريس، لتجميع المحتوى من موقع الويب الخاص بك."

#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-carousel.php:38
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-posts-grid.php:65
msgid "Teaser layout"
msgstr "تخطيط Teaser"

#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-carousel.php:40
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-posts-grid.php:67
msgid ""
"Control teasers look. Enable blocks and place them in desired order. Note: "
"This setting can be overrriden on post to post basis."
msgstr ""

# Label: auto
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-carousel.php:45
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-posts-grid.php:72
msgid "Thumbnail"
msgstr "الصورة المصغرة"

#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-carousel.php:59
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-posts-grid.php:86
msgid "Teaser/Excerpt"
msgstr ""

# Label: auto
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-carousel.php:63
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-posts-grid.php:90
msgid "Full content"
msgstr "المحتوى الكامل"

#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-carousel.php:69
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-posts-grid.php:96
msgid "Read more link"
msgstr "رابط اقرا المزيد"

# Label: auto
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-carousel.php:75
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-posts-grid.php:102
msgid "Link target"
msgstr "هذف الرابط"

#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-carousel.php:121
msgid "If \"YES\" pagination control will be removed"
msgstr "إذا \\ \"YES \" سيتم ازالة التحكم في ترقيم الصفحات"

#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-carousel.php:128
msgid "If \"YES\" prev/next control will be removed"
msgstr "إذا \"YES \" سيتم ازالة السابق والتالي"

#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-carousel.php:135
msgid "If \"YES\" part of the next slide will be visible on the right side"
msgstr "إذا \"YES \" جزء من الشريحة التالية سوف تكون مرئية على الجانب الأيمن"

# Label: auto
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button.php:10
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Call to Action"
msgid "Old Call to Action"
msgstr "الازرار التفاعلية"

# Label: auto
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button.php:23
msgid "Click edit button to change this text."
msgstr "اضغط زر التحرير لتغيير هذا النص"

#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button.php:24
msgid "Enter text content."
msgstr "أدخل محتوى النص."

# Label: auto
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button.php:60
msgid "Button icon"
msgstr "ايكونة الزر"

# Label: auto
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button.php:74
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button2.php:101
msgid "Button position"
msgstr "وضع الزر واتجاهه"

# Label: auto
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button2.php:7
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Call to Action Button"
msgid "Old Call to Action Button"
msgstr "ازرة تفاعليه"

#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button2.php:35
msgid "Select display shape and style."
msgstr "اختر هيئة العرض والتنسيق"

#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button2.php:42
msgid "Select element width (percentage)."
msgstr "حدد عرض العنصر (نسبة مئوية)."

#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button2.php:55
msgid "Select background color."
msgstr "حدد لون الخلفية."

#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button2.php:67
msgid "Add link to button (Important: adding link automatically adds button)."
msgstr "إضافة وصلة إلى زر (هام: يتم اضافة رابط بشكل ألي )."

# Label: auto
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-cta-button2.php:74
msgid "Add text on the button."
msgstr "اضف نص للزر"

#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-posts-grid.php:21
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Posts Grid"
msgid "Old Posts Grid"
msgstr "شبكة المقالات"

#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-posts-grid.php:26
msgid "Posts in grid view"
msgstr "المشاركات في وضع عرض شبكي"

#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-posts-grid.php:36
msgid "Grids content"
msgstr "محتوى شبكات"

#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-posts-grid.php:50
msgid "Columns count"
msgstr "عدد الاعمدة"

#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-posts-grid.php:61
msgid "Select columns count."
msgstr "اختر عدد الاعمدة"

#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-posts-grid.php:108
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:232
msgid "Show filter"
msgstr "عرض التصفية"

#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-posts-grid.php:111
msgid "Select to add animated category filter to your posts grid."
msgstr "اختر من التأثيرات الحركية"

# Label: auto
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-posts-grid.php:115
msgid "Layout mode"
msgstr "نظام التخطيط"

#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-posts-grid.php:118
msgid "Fit rows"
msgstr "Fit rows"

# Label: auto
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-posts-grid.php:119
msgid "Masonry"
msgstr "مخطط Masonry"

#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-posts-grid.php:121
msgid "Teaser layout template."
msgstr "قالب تخطيط Teaser"

#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-tab.php:7
msgid "Old Tab"
msgstr ""

#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-tab.php:18
msgid "Enter title of tab."
msgstr "أدخل عنوان التبويب."

#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-tab.php:22
msgid "Tab ID"
msgstr "ID التبويب"

# Label: auto
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-tabs.php:7
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Tabs"
msgid "Old Tabs"
msgstr "علامات تبويب"

#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-tabs.php:14
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tabs.php:16
msgid "Tabbed content"
msgstr "محتوي تبويب"

#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-tabs.php:34
msgid "Auto rotate tabs each X seconds."
msgstr "تدوير تلقائي كل X ثانية"

# Label: auto
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-tabs.php:50
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-tour.php:52
msgid "Tab 1"
msgstr "تبويب 1"

# Label: auto
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-tabs.php:51
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-tour.php:53
msgid "Tab 2"
msgstr "تيوبيب 2"

# Label: auto
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-tour.php:7
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Tour"
msgid "Old Tour"
msgstr "جولة"

#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-tour.php:16
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:16
msgid "Vertical tabbed content"
msgstr "محتوى تبويب عمودي"

# Label: auto
#: config/./deprecated/shortcode-vc-tour.php:26
msgid "Auto rotate slides"
msgstr "تدوير الشرائح بشكل آلى"

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:20
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:697
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:710
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:723
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:824
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:837
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:850
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:1055
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:1068
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:1081
msgid "Load More Button"
msgstr "زر تحميل المزيد"

# Label: auto
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:33
#: include/./classes/shortcodes/paginator/class-vc-pageable.php:55
#: include/./classes/shortcodes/vc-basic-grid.php:92
msgid "Load more"
msgstr "المزيد"

# Label: auto
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:97
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:145
msgid "Custom query"
msgstr "استعلام مخصص"

# Label: auto
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:101
msgid "List of IDs"
msgstr "قائمة او ID"

# Label: auto
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:120
msgid "Data source"
msgstr "مصدر البيانات"

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:124
msgid "Select content type for your grid."
msgstr "تحديد نوع المحتوى للشبكة الخاصة بك."

# Label: auto
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:129
msgid "Include only"
msgstr "اشتمال فقط"

# Label: auto
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:131
msgid "Add posts, pages, etc. by title."
msgstr "إضافة تدوينات، الصفحات، وما إلى ذلك حسب العنوان."

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:147
msgid ""
"Build custom query according to <a href=\"http://codex.wordpress.org/"
"Function_Reference/query_posts\">WordPress Codex</a>."
msgstr ""
"بناء الاستعلامات المخصصة بناء على <a href=\"http://codex.wordpress.org/"
"Function_Reference/query_posts\">WordPress Codex</a>."

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:155
msgid "Narrow data source"
msgstr ""

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:172
msgid "Enter categories, tags or custom taxonomies."
msgstr "ادخل الاقسام والوسوم او الاصناف المخصصة"

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:183
msgid "Total items"
msgstr "الاجمالي"

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:188
msgid ""
"Set max limit for items in grid or enter -1 to display all (limited to 1000)."
msgstr ""
"تعيين حد أقصى للعناصر في الشبكة أو إدخال -1 لعرض الجميع (على سبيل المثال "

# Label: auto
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:199
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:756
msgid "Display Style"
msgstr "تنسيق الظهور"

# Label: auto
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:202
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:759
msgid "Show all"
msgstr "عرض الكل"

# Label: auto
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:203
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:760
msgid "Load more button"
msgstr "تحميل المزيد من الازرار"

# Label: auto
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:204
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:761
msgid "Lazy loading"
msgstr "تحميل بطيئ"

# Label: auto
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:205
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:505
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:520
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:534
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:569
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:583
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:597
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:609
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:619
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:636
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:762
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:876
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:891
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:905
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:940
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:954
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:968
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:980
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:990
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:1007
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:1117
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:1135
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:1157
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:1166
msgid "Pagination"
msgstr "ترقيم الصفحات"

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:212
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:769
msgid "Select display style for grid."
msgstr "حدد نمط العرض للشبكة."

# Label: auto
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:216
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:773
msgid "Items per page"
msgstr "البنود بكل صفحة"

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:218
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:775
msgid "Number of items to show per page."
msgstr "عدد العناصر المعروضة في كل صفحة"

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:235
msgid "Append filter to grid."
msgstr "إلحاق مرشح لشبكة."

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:239
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:789
msgid "Grid elements per row"
msgstr "عناصر الشبكة في كل صف"

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:244
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:794
msgid "Select number of single grid elements per row."
msgstr "حدد عدد من عناصر شبكة واحدة لكل صف."

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:265
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:815
msgid "Select gap between grid elements."
msgstr "اختر المساحة بين عناصر الشبكة"

# Label: auto
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:275
msgid "Order by post ID"
msgstr "الترتيب حسب معرف التدوينة"

# Label: auto
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:278
msgid "Last modified date"
msgstr "تاريخ اخر تعديل"

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:279
msgid "Post/page parent ID"
msgstr "هوية الصفحة/ التدوينة رئيسية"

# Label: auto
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:280
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-recentcomments.php:24
msgid "Number of comments"
msgstr "عدد التعليقات"

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:281
msgid "Menu order/Page Order"
msgstr "ترتيب القوائم / ترتيب الصفحات"

# Label: auto
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:282
msgid "Meta value"
msgstr "قيمة الميتا"

# Label: auto
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:283
msgid "Meta value number"
msgstr "رقم قيمة الميتا"

# Label: auto
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:284
msgid "Random order"
msgstr "ترتيب عشوائي"

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:286
msgid ""
"Select order type. If \"Meta value\" or \"Meta value Number\" is chosen then "
"meta key is required."
msgstr ""
"حدد نوع الطلب اذا كان الاختيار قيم ميتا \"Meta value\" او \"Meta value Number"
"\" سيتطلب ذلك مفتاح ميتا"

# Label: auto
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:287
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:301
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:321
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:336
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:351
msgid "Data Settings"
msgstr "اعدادات البيانات"

# Label: auto
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:307
msgid "Select sorting order."
msgstr "اختر ترتيب الفرز"

# Label: auto
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:318
msgid "Meta key"
msgstr "مفتاح أعلى"

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:320
msgid "Input meta key for grid ordering."
msgstr "مفتاح الميتا المدخلة في ترتيب الشبكة"

# Label: auto
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:333
#: include/./templates/params/column_offset/template.tpl.php:27
msgid "Offset"
msgstr "إزاحة رأسية"

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:335
msgid "Number of grid elements to displace or pass over."
msgstr "عدد عناصر الشبكة لترحيلها او تمريرها"

# Label: auto
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:348
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-pages.php:36
msgid "Exclude"
msgstr "استبعاد"

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:350
msgid "Exclude posts, pages, etc. by title."
msgstr "استبعاد التدوينات، الصفحات، وما إلى ذلك حسب العنوان."

# Label: auto
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:368
msgid "Filter by"
msgstr "العرض حسب"

# Label: auto
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:371
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:405
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:425
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:438
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:453
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:467
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:481
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:804
msgid "Filter"
msgstr "انتقاء"

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:377
msgid "Select filter source."
msgstr "حدد مصدر التصفية."

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:381
msgid "Exclude from filter list"
msgstr "استبعاد من قائمة التصفية"

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:399
msgid "Enter categories, tags won't be shown in the filters list"
msgstr "ادخال الاقسام والوسوم التي لا ترغب في عرضها في قائمة التصفية"

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:413
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:498
msgid "Less Rounded"
msgstr ""

# Label: auto
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:414
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:499
msgid "Border"
msgstr "حد"

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:415
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:500
msgid "Rounded Border"
msgstr "حدود مستديرة"

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:416
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:501
msgid "Less Rounded Border"
msgstr ""

# Label: auto
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:417
msgid "Filled"
msgstr "مملوء"

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:418
msgid "Rounded Filled"
msgstr ""

# Label: auto
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:419
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-archives.php:27
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-categories.php:27
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-automapper.php:371
msgid "Dropdown"
msgstr "قائمة منسدلة"

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:426
msgid "Select filter display style."
msgstr "حدد  نمط الظهور للفلتر"

# Label: auto
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:430
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Default state"
msgid "Default title"
msgstr "وضع افتراضى"

# Label: auto
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:432
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/add_element_tabs.tpl.php:10
#: include/./templates/pages/partials/vc-roles-parts/_presets.tpl.php:11
#: include/./templates/pages/partials/vc-roles-parts/_settings.tpl.php:17
#: include/./templates/pages/partials/vc-roles-parts/_shortcodes.tpl.php:26
#: include/./templates/pages/partials/vc-roles-parts/_shortcodes.tpl.php:31
#: include/./templates/pages/partials/vc-roles-parts/_templates.tpl.php:11
#: include/./templates/shortcodes/vc_basic_grid_filter.php:19
#: include/./templates/shortcodes/vc_posts_grid.php:153
msgid "All"
msgstr "الكل"

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:433
msgid "Enter default title for filter option display (empty: \"All\")."
msgstr ""

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:454
msgid "Select filter alignment."
msgstr "اختر محاذاة التصفية"

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:468
msgid "Select filter color."
msgstr "حدد اللون التصفية."

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:472
msgid "Filter size"
msgstr "مرشح الحجم"

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:476
msgid "Select filter size."
msgstr "حدد حجم التصفية."

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:487
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:858
msgid "Arrows design"
msgstr "تصميم السهام"

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:492
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:863
msgid "Simple Circle Border"
msgstr "حدود مستديرة بسيطة"

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:493
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:864
msgid "Simple Circle"
msgstr "دائرة بسيطة"

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:494
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:865
msgid "Simple Square"
msgstr ""

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:495
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:866
msgid "Simple Square Rounded"
msgstr ""

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:496
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:867
msgid "Simple Rounded"
msgstr "استدارة بسيطة"

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:498
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:869
msgid "Rounded Circle Border"
msgstr "حدود دائرية"

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:499
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:870
msgid "Rounded Circle"
msgstr "دائرة مستديرة"

# Label: auto
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:500
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:871
msgid "Rounded Square"
msgstr "مربع مستدير الزوايا"

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:501
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:872
msgid "Simple Arrow"
msgstr ""

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:502
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:873
msgid "Simple Rounded Arrow"
msgstr ""

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:510
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:881
msgid "Select design for arrows."
msgstr "حدد تصميم السهام."

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:514
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:885
msgid "Arrows position"
msgstr ""

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:517
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:888
msgid "Inside Wrapper"
msgstr ""

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:518
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:889
msgid "Outside Wrapper"
msgstr "التفاف الخارجي"

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:526
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:897
msgid "Arrows will be displayed inside or outside grid."
msgstr "سيتم عرض السهام داخل أو خارج الشبكة."

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:530
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:901
msgid "Arrows color"
msgstr "لون السهام"

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:540
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:911
msgid "Select color for arrows."
msgstr "حدد لون السهام."

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:544
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:915
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-pageable.php:68
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tabs.php:163
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:177
msgid "Pagination style"
msgstr "أسلوب ترقيم الصفحات"

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:548
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:919
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-pageable.php:62
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tabs.php:157
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:171
msgid "Square Dots"
msgstr ""

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:549
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:920
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-pageable.php:63
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tabs.php:158
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:172
msgid "Radio Dots"
msgstr ""

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:550
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:921
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-pageable.php:64
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tabs.php:159
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:173
msgid "Point Dots"
msgstr ""

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:551
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:922
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-pageable.php:65
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tabs.php:160
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:174
msgid "Fill Square Dots"
msgstr ""

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:552
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:923
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-pageable.php:66
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tabs.php:161
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:175
msgid "Rounded Fill Square Dots"
msgstr ""

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:553
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:924
msgid "Pagination Default"
msgstr "ترقيم الصفحات افتراضي"

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:554
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:925
msgid "Outline Default Dark"
msgstr ""

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:555
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:926
msgid "Outline Default Light"
msgstr ""

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:556
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:927
msgid "Pagination Rounded"
msgstr "ترقيم مستدير"

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:557
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:928
msgid "Outline Rounded Dark"
msgstr ""

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:558
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:929
msgid "Outline Rounded Light"
msgstr ""

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:559
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:930
msgid "Pagination Square"
msgstr ""

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:560
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:931
msgid "Outline Square Dark"
msgstr ""

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:561
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:932
msgid "Outline Square Light"
msgstr ""

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:562
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:933
msgid "Pagination Rounded Square"
msgstr "ترقيم الصفحات بتأثير Rounded Square"

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:563
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:934
msgid "Outline Rounded Square Dark"
msgstr ""

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:564
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:935
msgid "Outline Rounded Square Light"
msgstr ""

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:565
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:936
msgid "Stripes Dark"
msgstr "اشرطة داكنة"

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:566
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:937
msgid "Stripes Light"
msgstr "اشرطة مضيئة"

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:574
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:945
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-pageable.php:69
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tabs.php:164
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:178
msgid "Select pagination style."
msgstr "حدد أسلوب ترقيم الصفحات."

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:578
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:949
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-pageable.php:76
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tabs.php:170
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:184
msgid "Pagination color"
msgstr "ترقيم ملون"

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:589
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:960
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-pageable.php:77
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tabs.php:171
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:185
msgid "Select pagination color."
msgstr "اختر لون ترقيم الصفحات"

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:593
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:964
msgid "Loop pages?"
msgstr "تكرار صفحات؟"

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:595
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:966
msgid "Allow items to be repeated in infinite loop (carousel)."
msgstr "السماح للعناصر أن يتكرر في حلقة لا نهائية (دائري)."

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:605
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:976
msgid "Autoplay delay"
msgstr " تأخير التشغيل التلقائي"

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:608
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:979
msgid "Enter value in seconds. Set -1 to disable autoplay."
msgstr "أدخل قيمة في ثوان. ادخل -1 لتعطيل التشغيل التلقائي."

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:617
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:988
msgid "Animation In"
msgstr ""

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:630
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:1001
msgid "Select \"animation in\" for page transition."
msgstr "حدد التأثير الحركي لتنقلات الصفحة"

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:634
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:1005
msgid "Animation Out"
msgstr ""

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:644
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:1015
msgid "Select \"animation out\" for page transition."
msgstr "اختر تأثير  \"animation out\" لحركة الصفحة"

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:648
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:1019
msgid "Grid element template"
msgstr "قالب عناصر الشبكة"

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:650
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:1021
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%sCreate new%s template or %smodify selected%s. Predefined templates will be "
msgstr ""
"%sانشاء جديد%s قالب او %smodify selected%s. سيتم نسخ القوالب المعدة مسبقا"

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:651
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:1022
msgid "Item Design"
msgstr "تصميم البند"

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:660
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:1089
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:1122
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:1171
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Single block (no animation)"
msgid "Initial loading animation"
msgstr "كتلة واحدة (بدون تحريك)"

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:669
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:1098
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:1130
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:1185
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Select outline and text color for your element."
msgid "Select initial loading animation for grid element."
msgstr "حدد الخطوط العريضة ولون النص للعنصر الخاص بك."

# Label: auto
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:693
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:820
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:1051
msgid "Button style"
msgstr "نمط الزر"

#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:702
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:829
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:1060
msgid "Select button style."
msgstr "حدد نمط الزر."

# Label: auto
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:706
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:833
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:1064
msgid "Button color"
msgstr "زر الالوان"

# Label: auto
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:719
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:846
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:1077
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-googleplus.php:15
msgid "Button size"
msgstr "حجم الزر"

# Label: auto
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:1127
#: config/./grids/class-vc-grids-common.php:1176
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Fade in"
msgid "Fade In"
msgstr "ظهور تدريجي"

#: config/./grids/shortcode-vc-basic-grid.php:10
msgid "Post Grid"
msgstr "شبكة تدوينات"

#: config/./grids/shortcode-vc-basic-grid.php:14
msgid "Posts, pages or custom posts in grid"
msgstr "المشاركات، وصفحات أو تدوينات مخصصة في شكل الشبكة"

#: config/./grids/shortcode-vc-masonry-grid.php:10
msgid "Post Masonry Grid"
msgstr "تدوينة بتقنية شبكات Masonry "

#: config/./grids/shortcode-vc-masonry-grid.php:14
msgid "Posts, pages or custom posts in masonry grid"
msgstr "المشاركات، وصفحات أو تدوينات مخصصة في شكل الشبكة masonry"

#: config/./grids/shortcode-vc-masonry-media-grid.php:10
msgid "Masonry Media Grid"
msgstr "شبكة وسائط متعددة بتقنية Masonry"

#: config/./grids/shortcode-vc-masonry-media-grid.php:14
msgid "Masonry media grid from Media Library"
msgstr "شبكة وسائط Masonry من مكتبة الوسائط"

#: config/./grids/shortcode-vc-media-grid.php:10
msgid "Media Grid"
msgstr "شبكة الوسائط"

#: config/./grids/shortcode-vc-media-grid.php:14
msgid "Media grid from Media Library"
msgstr "شبكة وسائط من مكتبة الوسائط"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:119
msgid "Same window"
msgstr "نفس النافذه"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:120
msgid "New window"
msgstr "نافذه جديده"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:143
msgid "Alert"
msgstr "تنبيه"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:144
msgid "Info"
msgstr "معلومات"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:145
msgid "Tick"
msgstr "علامة"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:146
msgid "Explanation"
msgstr "الشرح"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:147
msgid "Address book"
msgstr "دفتر عناوين"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:148
msgid "Alarm clock"
msgstr "منبه"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:149
msgid "Anchor"
msgstr "مرساة"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:150
msgid "Application Image"
msgstr "صورة التطبيق"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:151
msgid "Arrow"
msgstr "سهم"

#: config/./lean-map.php:152
msgid "Asterisk"
msgstr ""

#: config/./lean-map.php:153
msgid "Hammer"
msgstr "مطرقة"

#: config/./lean-map.php:154
msgid "Balloon"
msgstr ""

#: config/./lean-map.php:155
msgid "Balloon Buzz"
msgstr "تأثير Balloon Buzz"

#: config/./lean-map.php:156
msgid "Balloon Facebook"
msgstr ""

#: config/./lean-map.php:157
msgid "Balloon Twitter"
msgstr ""

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:158
msgid "Battery"
msgstr "بطارية"

#: config/./lean-map.php:159
msgid "Binocular"
msgstr "مجهر"

#: config/./lean-map.php:160
msgid "Document Excel"
msgstr "مستند Excel"

#: config/./lean-map.php:161
msgid "Document Image"
msgstr "رمز وثيقة صورة"

#: config/./lean-map.php:162
msgid "Document Music"
msgstr "رمز وثائق الموسيقى"

#: config/./lean-map.php:163
msgid "Document Office"
msgstr "رمز وثائق الاوفيس"

#: config/./lean-map.php:164
msgid "Document PDF"
msgstr "رمز وثيقة PDF"

#: config/./lean-map.php:165
msgid "Document Powerpoint"
msgstr "رمز وثيقة باور بوينت"

#: config/./lean-map.php:166
msgid "Document Word"
msgstr "مستند Word"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:167
msgid "Bookmark"
msgstr "علامة"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:168
msgid "Camcorder"
msgstr "ايكونة تسجيل الفيديو"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:169
msgid "Camera"
msgstr "كاميرا"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:170
msgid "Chart"
msgstr "خُطاطة، رسم بياني"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:171
msgid "Chart pie"
msgstr "ايكونة الرسم البياني"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:172
msgid "Clock"
msgstr "ساعة"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:173
msgid "Fire"
msgstr "ايكونة نار"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:174
msgid "Heart"
msgstr "قلب"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:175
msgid "Mail"
msgstr "بريد"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:176
msgid "Play"
msgstr "شغّل"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:177
msgid "Shield"
msgstr "ايقونة درع"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:178
msgid "Video"
msgstr "فيديو"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:184
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-shared-library.php:335
msgid "Grey"
msgstr "رمادى"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:185
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-shared-library.php:326
msgid "Blue"
msgstr "أزرق"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:186
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-shared-library.php:327
msgid "Turquoise"
msgstr "فيروزي"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:187
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-shared-library.php:338
msgid "Green"
msgstr "أخضر"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:188
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-shared-library.php:336
msgid "Orange"
msgstr "برتقالي"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:189
msgid "Red"
msgstr "أحمر"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:190
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-shared-library.php:334
msgid "Black"
msgstr "أسود"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:197
msgid "Regular"
msgstr "منتظم"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:198 config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:130
msgid "Large"
msgstr "كبير"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:199 config/./social/shortcode-vc-googleplus.php:20
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:132
msgid "Small"
msgstr "صغير"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:200
msgid "Mini"
msgstr "صغير جدا"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:207
msgid "Address book icon"
msgstr "ايكونة دفتر العناوين"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:208
msgid "Alarm clock icon"
msgstr "ايكونة المنبة"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:209
msgid "Anchor icon"
msgstr "ايكونة مرساة"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:210
msgid "Application Image icon"
msgstr "ايكونة صورة تطبيق"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:211
msgid "Arrow icon"
msgstr "ايكونة اسهم"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:212
msgid "Asterisk icon"
msgstr " ايكونة Asterisk"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:213
msgid "Hammer icon"
msgstr "رمز المطرقة"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:214
msgid "Balloon icon"
msgstr " ايكونة البالون"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:215
msgid "Balloon Buzz icon"
msgstr " ايكونة Balloon Buzz"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:216
msgid "Balloon Facebook icon"
msgstr " ايكونة Balloon Facebook"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:217
msgid "Balloon Twitter icon"
msgstr "أيقونة تويتر بالون"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:218
msgid "Battery icon"
msgstr "ايكونة بطارية"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:219
msgid "Binocular icon"
msgstr "ايقونة مجهر"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:220
msgid "Document Excel icon"
msgstr "رمز وثيقة اكسيل"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:221
msgid "Document Image icon"
msgstr "رمز وثائق الصور"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:222
msgid "Document Music icon"
msgstr "بمز وثائق الموسيقى"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:223
msgid "Document Office icon"
msgstr "رمز وثائق الاوفيس"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:224
msgid "Document PDF icon"
msgstr "رمز وثيقة PDF"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:225
msgid "Document Powerpoint icon"
msgstr "رمز وثيقة بوربوينت"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:226
msgid "Document Word icon"
msgstr "رمز مستند Word"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:227
msgid "Bookmark icon"
msgstr "ايكونة المفضلات"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:228
msgid "Camcorder icon"
msgstr "ايكونة تسجيل الفيديو"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:229
msgid "Camera icon"
msgstr "ايكونة كاميرا"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:230
msgid "Chart icon"
msgstr "ايكونة التخطيط"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:231
msgid "Chart pie icon"
msgstr "ايكونة الرسم البياني"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:232
msgid "Clock icon"
msgstr "ايكونة الساعه"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:233
msgid "Fire icon"
msgstr "ايكونة نار"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:234
msgid "Heart icon"
msgstr "ايكونة قلب"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:235
msgid "Mail icon"
msgstr "ايكونة البريد"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:236
msgid "Play icon"
msgstr "ايكونة التشغيل"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:237
msgid "Shield icon"
msgstr "أيقونة الدرع"

# Label: auto
#: config/./lean-map.php:238
msgid "Video icon"
msgstr "ايكونة الفيديو"

# Label: auto
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-facebook.php:7
msgid "Facebook Like"
msgstr "اعجاب فيسبوك"

# Label: auto
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-facebook.php:10
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-googleplus.php:10
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-pinterest.php:10
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:10
msgid "Social"
msgstr "اجتماعى"

#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-facebook.php:11
msgid "Facebook \"Like\" button"
msgstr "زر اعجاب فيسبوك"

# Label: auto
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-facebook.php:15
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-pinterest.php:15
msgid "Button type"
msgstr "نوع الزر"

#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-facebook.php:20
msgid "Horizontal with count"
msgstr "أفقي مع عداد"

#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-facebook.php:21
msgid "Vertical with count"
msgstr "عمودي مع العد"

# Label: auto
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-facebook.php:23
msgid "Select button type."
msgstr "حدد نوع الزر"

# Label: auto
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-googleplus.php:7
msgid "Google+ Button"
msgstr "جوجل +"

# Label: auto
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-googleplus.php:11
msgid "Recommend on Google"
msgstr "المقترح على جوجل "

# Label: auto
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-googleplus.php:19
msgid "Standard"
msgstr "معياري"

# Label: auto
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-googleplus.php:21
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:131
msgid "Medium"
msgstr "متوسط"

# Label: auto
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-googleplus.php:22
msgid "Tall"
msgstr "طويل"

# Label: auto
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-googleplus.php:28
msgid "Annotation"
msgstr "حاشية"

# Label: auto
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-googleplus.php:32
msgid "Bubble"
msgstr "فقاعة"

#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-googleplus.php:37
msgid "Select type of annotation."
msgstr "حدد نوع التعليق التوضيحي."

# هذه السطر يحتاج الى مراجعة (سيتم تحديثه فى الاصدارات الاحدث لملف اللغة هذا)
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-googleplus.php:47
msgid ""
"Minimum width of 120px to display. If annotation is set to \"inline\", this "
"parameter sets the width in pixels to use for button and its inline "
"annotation. Default width is 450px."
msgstr ""
"الحد الادنى لمساحة العرض هي 120px اذا تم تعين التنسيق الى  \"inline\" , هذا "
"سيقوم بتغير مساحة العرض للاستخدام في الازرار , مساحة العرض الافتراضية هي "
"450px. "

# Label: auto
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-pinterest.php:7
msgid "Pinterest"
msgstr "بينتيريست"

#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-pinterest.php:11
msgid "Pinterest button"
msgstr "زر بينتيريست"

# Label: auto
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-pinterest.php:21
msgid "No count"
msgstr "بدون عدد"

# Label: auto
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-pinterest.php:23
msgid "Select button layout."
msgstr "اختر زر تخطيط"

# Label: auto
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:7
msgid "Tweetmeme Button"
msgstr "زر مقتباسات تويتر"

# Label: auto
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:11
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "\"Tweet\" button"
msgid "Tweet button"
msgstr "زر تغريد"

# Label: auto
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:16
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Load more button"
msgid "Choose a button"
msgstr "تحميل المزيد من الازرار"

#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:18
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Shareable"
msgid "Share a link"
msgstr "قابلة للمشاركة"

#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:19
#: include/./templates/shortcodes/vc_tweetmeme.php:20
msgid "Follow"
msgstr ""

# Label: auto
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:20
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Hash"
msgid "Hashtag"
msgstr "هاش"

# Label: auto
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:21
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Attention"
msgid "Mention"
msgstr "تنبية"

#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:23
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Select type of annotation."
msgid "Select type of Twitter button."
msgstr "حدد نوع التعليق التوضيحي."

#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:29
msgid "Share url: page URL"
msgstr ""

#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:39
msgid "Use the current page url to share?"
msgstr ""

#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:43
msgid "Share url: custom URL"
msgstr ""

#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:50
msgid "Enter custom page url which you like to share on twitter?"
msgstr ""

# Label: auto
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:54
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Please enter page title"
msgid "Tweet text: page title"
msgstr "برجاء ادخال عنوان الصفحة"

#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:64
msgid "Use the current page title as tweet text?"
msgstr ""

#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:68
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Select custom text color."
msgid "Tweet text: custom text"
msgstr "تحديد لون النص المخصص."

#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:75
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Enter text used as title of bar."
msgid "Enter the text to be used as a tweet?"
msgstr "أدخل النص المستخدم كعنوان لشريط."

#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:79
msgid "Via @"
msgstr ""

#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:86
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Enter your Envato username."
msgid "Enter your Twitter username."
msgstr "أدخل اسم المستخدم الخاص بك Envato."

# Label: auto
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:90
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:187
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:198
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:271
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:282
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Recommend on Google"
msgid "Recommend @"
msgstr "المقترح على جوجل "

#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:97
msgid "Enter the Twitter username to be recommended."
msgstr ""

# Label: auto
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:101
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:151
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Hash"
msgid "Hashtag #"
msgstr "هاش"

#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:108
msgid ""
"Add a comma-separated list of hashtags to a Tweet using the hashtags "
msgstr ""

# Label: auto
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:114
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "User"
msgid "User @"
msgstr "مستخدم"

#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:121
msgid "Enter username to follow."
msgstr ""

# Label: auto
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:125
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Show Link Name"
msgid "Show username"
msgstr "اظهار رابط الاسم"

#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:135
msgid "Do you want to show username in button?"
msgstr ""

# Label: auto
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:139
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Show post counts"
msgid "Show followers count"
msgstr "اظهر آخر تعداد"

# Label: auto
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:146
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Would you like to display the forms description?"
msgid "Do you want to displat the follower count in button?"
msgstr "هل تود اظهار وصف النماذج"

#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:158
msgid "Add hashtag to a Tweet using the hashtags parameter"
msgstr ""

#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:162
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:246
msgid "Tweet text: No default text"
msgstr ""

#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:172
msgid "Set no default text for tweet?"
msgstr ""

#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:176
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:260
msgid "Tweet text: custom"
msgstr ""

#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:183
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Select custom text color."
msgid "Set custom text for tweet."
msgstr "تحديد لون النص المخصص."

#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:194
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:205
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Enter your Envato username."
msgid "Enter username to be recommended."
msgstr "أدخل اسم المستخدم الخاص بك Envato."

#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:209
msgid "Tweet url: No URL"
msgstr ""

#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:219
msgid "Do you want to set no url to be tweeted?"
msgstr ""

#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:223
msgid "Tweet url: custom"
msgstr ""

#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:230
msgid "Enter custom url to be used in the tweet."
msgstr ""

# Label: auto
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:235
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "\"Tweet\" button"
msgid "Tweet to @"
msgstr "زر تغريد"

#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:242
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Enter template name you want to save."
msgid "Enter username where you want to send your tweet."
msgstr "أدخل اسم القالب الذي تريد حفظة."

#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:256
msgid "Set no default text of the tweet?"
msgstr ""

#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:267
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Enter text on the button."
msgid "Enter custom text for the tweet."
msgstr "إدخال نص على الزر."

#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:278
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:289
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Enter number of comments to display."
msgid "Enter username to recommend."
msgstr "أدخل عدد من التعليقات لعرضه."

#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:294
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Eye catching button"
msgid "Use large button"
msgstr "زر Eye catching"

# Label: auto
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:297
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Would you like to display the forms description?"
msgid "Do you like to display a larger Tweet button?"
msgstr "هل تود اظهار وصف النماذج"

#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:301
msgid "Opt-out of tailoring Twitter"
msgstr ""

#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:304
msgid ""
"Tailored suggestions make building a great timeline. Would you like to "
"disable this feature?"
msgstr ""

# Label: auto
#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:308
msgid "Language"
msgstr "اللغة"

#: config/./social/shortcode-vc-tweetmeme.php:341
msgid ""
"Select button display language or allow it to be automatically defined by "
"user preferences."
msgstr ""

# Label: auto
#: config/./structure/shortcode-vc-raw-html.php:7
#: config/./structure/shortcode-vc-raw-html.php:17
msgid "Raw HTML"
msgstr "صف HTML"

# Label: auto
#: config/./structure/shortcode-vc-raw-html.php:10
#: config/./structure/shortcode-vc-raw-js.php:10
#: config/./structure/shortcode-vc-widget-sidebar.php:11
msgid "Structure"
msgstr "هيكلى"

# Label: auto
#: config/./structure/shortcode-vc-raw-html.php:12
msgid "Output raw HTML code on your page"
msgstr "اخراج كود HTML في الصفحة الخاصة بك"

# Label: auto
#: config/./structure/shortcode-vc-raw-html.php:20
msgid "Enter your HTML content."
msgstr "ادخل محتوى HTML"

# Label: auto
#: config/./structure/shortcode-vc-raw-js.php:7
msgid "Raw JS"
msgstr "كود Raw JS"

# Label: auto
#: config/./structure/shortcode-vc-raw-js.php:12
msgid "Output raw JavaScript code on your page"
msgstr "إخراج شفرة جافا سكريبت على الصفحة الخاصة بك"

# Label: auto
#: config/./structure/shortcode-vc-raw-js.php:17
msgid "JavaScript Code"
msgstr "كود جافا سكربت"

# Label: auto
#: config/./structure/shortcode-vc-raw-js.php:20
msgid "Enter your JavaScript code."
msgstr "ادخل كود الجافا سكريبت الخاص بك"

#: config/./structure/shortcode-vc-widget-sidebar.php:7
msgid "Widgetised Sidebar"
msgstr "Widgetised الشريط الجانبي"

#: config/./structure/shortcode-vc-widget-sidebar.php:12
msgid "WordPress widgetised sidebar"
msgstr "مناطق الودجيت للوردبريس"

# Label: auto
#: config/./structure/shortcode-vc-widget-sidebar.php:23
msgid "Sidebar"
msgstr "القائمة الجانبية"

#: config/./structure/shortcode-vc-widget-sidebar.php:25
msgid "Select widget area to display."
msgstr "اختر مساحة ودجيت لعرضة"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:13
msgid "Landing Page"
msgstr "صفحة الهبوط"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:23
msgid "Call to Action Page"
msgstr "صفحة تفاعلية (Call to Action)"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:33
msgid "Feature List"
msgstr "قائمة مميزة"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:43
msgid "Description Page"
msgstr "صفحة وصف"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:53
msgid "Service List"
msgstr "قائمة خدمات"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:63
msgid "Product Page"
msgstr "صفحة منتجات"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:72
msgid "FAQ section"
msgstr "قسم اسئلة شائعة"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:82
msgid "About section"
msgstr "قسم من نحن"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:92
msgid "About with features"
msgstr "قسم من نحن مع خصائص"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:102
msgid "Three image description"
msgstr "ثلاثة صور مع وصف"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:112
msgid "News list"
msgstr "قائمة اخبار"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:122
msgid "Product description"
msgstr "وصف منتج"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:132
msgid "Description with accordion"
msgstr "وصف مع قائمة اكورديون"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:144
msgid "Two column list"
msgstr "قائمة مع عمودين"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:154
msgid "About with tour section"
msgstr "من نحن مع قسم مساعدة"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:168
msgid "Rounded image description"
msgstr "صورة دائرية مع وصف"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:178
msgid "Description with success message"
msgstr "وصف مع رسالة نجاح"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:188
msgid "Images with tab description"
msgstr "صورة مع تبويب وصف"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:198
msgid "Square on background"
msgstr "مربع بالخلفية"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:208
msgid "Product description with tabs"
msgstr "وصف منتج مع تبويبات"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:218
msgid "Description with headings"
msgstr "وصف مع عناوين هيدنج"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:228
msgid "Video with description"
msgstr "فيديو مع وصف"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:238
msgid "Description with buttons"
msgstr "الوصف مع ازرار"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:248
msgid "Map and Contacts"
msgstr "خرائط ونماذج اتصال"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:258
msgid "Help section"
msgstr "قسم مساعدة"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:268
msgid "Screen description"
msgstr "شاشة وصف"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:278
msgid "Description with round images"
msgstr "وصف مع صورة دائرية"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:288
msgid "FAQ in three columns"
msgstr "اسئله شائعة مع 3 اعمدة"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:298
msgid "Centre description"
msgstr "وصف بالمنتصف"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:308
msgid "Description with gallery"
msgstr "وصف مع معرض صور"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:318
msgid "Centre description with image"
msgstr "وصف بالمنتصف مع صورة"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:328
msgid "Description with thumbnails"
msgstr "وصف مع صور مصغرة"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:338
msgid "About with left gallery"
msgstr "من نحن مع معرض صور يسار"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:348
msgid "Five image layout"
msgstr "تخطيط 5 صور"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:358
msgid "Accordion news list"
msgstr "قائمة اخبار اكورديون"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:368
msgid "Product with social icons"
msgstr "منتج مع ايقونات شبكات اجتماعية"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:378
msgid "Complex news layout"
msgstr "تخطيط اخبار معقد"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:388
msgid "Product list with CTA"
msgstr "قائمة منتج مع CTA"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:398
msgid "Intro with features"
msgstr "انترو مع مميزات"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:408
msgid "Image gallery with description"
msgstr "صورة معرض صور مع وصف"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:418
msgid "Team members"
msgstr "اعضاء فريق العمل"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:428
msgid "Large image with thumbnails"
msgstr "صورة كبيرة مع مصغرات"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:438
msgid "Complex news layout II"
msgstr "تخطيط اخبار معقد II"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:448
msgid "Service description layout"
msgstr "تخطيط وصف خدمات"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:458
msgid "Articles with headings"
msgstr "مقالات مع عناوين كبيرة"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:476
msgid "Call to Action section"
msgstr "قسم تفاعلي Call to Action"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:488
msgid "Charts section"
msgstr "قسم مخططات بيانات"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:506
msgid "Chess Grid"
msgstr "عناصر شبكة شطرنج"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:528
msgid "Features and articles"
msgstr "مميزات مع مقالات"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:570
msgid "Features and charts"
msgstr "مقالات مع بيانات"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:604
msgid "Features with video parallax"
msgstr "مميزات مع فيديو براليكس"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:626
msgid "Features with full width promo"
msgstr "مميزات مع برومو عريض"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:664
msgid "Full height hero section"
msgstr "ارتفاع كامل مع قسم بارز"

#: config/./templates.php:678
msgid "Full height with transparent block"
msgstr "ارتفاع كامل مع كتلة شفافة"

#: config/./templates.php:692
msgid "Full height parallax"
msgstr "ارتفاع البرالكس الكامل"

#: config/./templates.php:702
msgid "Header section with features"
msgstr "قسم هيدر مع خواص"

#: config/./templates.php:733
msgid "Helps with icons"
msgstr "مساعدة مع ايقونات"

#: config/./templates.php:743
msgid "Plain articles"
msgstr ""

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:757
msgid "Post portfolio"
msgstr "مقالات معرض الاعمال"

#: config/./templates.php:767
msgid "Product introduction"
msgstr "مقدمة المنتج"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:793
msgid "Services with block buttons"
msgstr "خدمات مع مربع ازرار"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:815
msgid "Tabs with features"
msgstr "تبويبات مع مميزات"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:837
msgid "Video section"
msgstr "قسم فيديو"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:851
msgid "Video promo"
msgstr "فيديو ترويجي"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:861
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Feature List"
msgid "Equal Feature List"
msgstr "قائمة مميزة"

#: config/./templates.php:871
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Product introduction"
msgid "Parallax Introduction"
msgstr "مقدمة المنتج"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:881
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "General Information"
msgid "Three Informative Blocks"
msgstr "معلومات عامه"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:892
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Description Page"
msgid "Description Articles"
msgstr "صفحة وصف"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:902
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Full height row?"
msgid "Full Height Features"
msgstr "ارتفاع كامل الان؟"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:912
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Description"
msgid "Business Description"
msgstr "الوصف"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:922
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Single Image"
msgid "Article Hero Image"
msgstr "صورة منفردة"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:932
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Team members"
msgid "My Team Members"
msgstr "اعضاء فريق العمل"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:942
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Images with tab description"
msgid "Hero Image With Description"
msgstr "صورة مع تبويب وصف"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:952
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Description with accordion"
msgid "Description with Image on Background"
msgstr "وصف مع قائمة اكورديون"

# Label: auto
#: config/./templates.php:962
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Large image with thumbnails"
msgid "Three Image with Article"
msgstr "صورة كبيرة مع مصغرات"

# Label: auto
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-accordion.php:7
msgid "Accordion"
msgstr "اكورديون"

#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-accordion.php:34
msgid "Select accordion display style."
msgstr "حدد نمط تنسيق الاكورديون"

#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-accordion.php:45
msgid "Select accordion shape."
msgstr "تحديد شكل الأكورديون."

#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-accordion.php:53
msgid "Select accordion color."
msgstr "حدد لون الأكورديون."

#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-accordion.php:59
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tabs.php:59
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:59
msgid "Do not fill content area?"
msgstr "لا تملأ منطقة المحتوى؟"

#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-accordion.php:60
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tabs.php:60
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:60
msgid "Do not fill content area with color."
msgstr "لا تملأ مساحة المحتوى باللون"

# Label: auto
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-accordion.php:79
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tabs.php:79
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:79
msgid "Spacing"
msgstr "فراغات"

#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-accordion.php:80
msgid "Select accordion spacing."
msgstr "حدد المسافات"

#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-accordion.php:100
msgid "Select accordion gap."
msgstr "اختر مساحة الاكورديون"

#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-accordion.php:111
msgid "Select accordion section title alignment."
msgstr "اختر محاذاة عناصر عناوين القسم للاكرديون"

# Label: auto
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-accordion.php:131
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-pageable.php:47
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tabs.php:142
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:156
msgid "Autoplay"
msgstr "التشغيل التلقائي"

#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-accordion.php:132
msgid "Select auto rotate for accordion in seconds (Note: disabled by default)."
msgstr "اختر تدوير تلقائي للاكورديون في الثانية مع التنبية انه معطل بالافتراضي"

#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-accordion.php:137
msgid "Allow collapse all?"
msgstr "السماح  بفتح جميع الاقسام ؟"

#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-accordion.php:138
msgid "Allow collapse all accordion sections."
msgstr "السماح بتصغير جميع أبواب الاكورديون."

# Label: auto
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-accordion.php:146
msgid "Chevron"
msgstr "شارة الرتبة"

# Label: auto
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-accordion.php:147
msgid "Plus"
msgstr "إضافي"

#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-accordion.php:148
msgid "Triangle"
msgstr "مثلث"

#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-accordion.php:152
msgid "Select accordion navigation icon."
msgstr "حدد ايقونة التنقل لأكورديون."

# Label: auto
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-accordion.php:165
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tabs.php:110
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:110
msgid "Position"
msgstr "الموقع"

#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-accordion.php:166
msgid "Select accordion navigation icon position."
msgstr "حدد ايقونة التنقل للاكودريون"

#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-accordion.php:174
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-pageable.php:55
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tabs.php:150
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:164
msgid ""
"Enter active section number (Note: to have all sections closed on initial "
"load enter non-existing number)."
msgstr ""
"أدخل رقم القسم النشط (ملاحظة: ليتم غلق جميع الاقسام في التحميل الاولي ادخل "
"رقم غير موجود )."

# Label: auto
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-accordion.php:187
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-pageable.php:107
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-section.php:65
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tabs.php:190
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:204
msgid ""
"If you wish to style particular content element differently, then use this "
"field to add a class name and then refer to it in your css file."
msgstr ""
"إذا كنت ترغب في نمط معين لعنصار المحتوى بشكل مختلف، قم باستخدام هذا الحقل "
"لإضافة اسم فئة او النمط ثم قم بربطه بملف CSS الخاص بك."

# Label: auto
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-accordion.php:206
msgid "Add Section"
msgstr "إضافة قسم"

#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-pageable.php:7
msgid "Pageable Container"
msgstr "الحاوية القابلة للتجميع"

#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-pageable.php:16
msgid "Pageable content container"
msgstr "الحاويات القابلة لتجميع المحتوى"

#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-pageable.php:48
msgid "Select auto rotate for pageable in seconds (Note: disabled by default)."
msgstr ""
"اختر تدوير تلقائي لتسمية الصفحة في الثانية مع التنبية انه معطل بالافتراضي"

#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-pageable.php:93
msgid "Pagination position"
msgstr ""

#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-pageable.php:94
msgid "Select pageable navigation position."
msgstr "تحديد الاتجاه والموضع"

#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-section.php:16
msgid "Add icon next to section title."
msgstr "إضافة أيقونة بجانب عنوان القسم"

# Label: auto
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-section.php:22
msgid "Before title"
msgstr "قبل العنوان"

# Label: auto
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-section.php:23
msgid "After title"
msgstr "بعد العنوان"

#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-section.php:29
msgid "Icon position"
msgstr ""

#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-section.php:30
msgid "Select icon position."
msgstr "حدد وضع الايقونة"

#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-section.php:49
msgid "Enter section title (Note: you can leave it empty)."
msgstr "أدخل عنوان القسم  (ملاحظة: يمكنك تركه فارغا)."

#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-section.php:80
msgid "Section for Tabs, Tours, Accordions."
msgstr "قسم للتبويبات، الجولات ، الأكورديون."

# Label: auto
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tabs.php:7
msgid "Tabs"
msgstr "علامات تبويب"

#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tabs.php:34
msgid "Select tabs display style."
msgstr "اختر تنسيق عرض التبويبات"

#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tabs.php:45
msgid "Select tabs shape."
msgstr "حدد شكل علامات التبويب."

#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tabs.php:51
msgid "Select tabs color."
msgstr "حدد لون علامات التبويب."

#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tabs.php:80
msgid "Select tabs spacing."
msgstr "حدد التباعد لعلامات التبويب."

#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tabs.php:101
msgid "Select tabs gap."
msgstr "اختر مساحة التبويبات"

#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tabs.php:111
msgid "Select tabs navigation position."
msgstr "اختر موضع التنقلات للتبويبات"

#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tabs.php:122
msgid "Select tabs section title alignment."
msgstr "اختر محاذاة عناوين القسم للتبويبات"

#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tabs.php:143
msgid "Select auto rotate for tabs in seconds (Note: disabled by default)."
msgstr "اختر تدوير تلقائي للتبويبات في الثانية مع التنبية انه معطل بالافتراضي"

# Label: auto
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tabs.php:214
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tabs.php:215
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:842
#: include/./classes/shortcodes/vc-tab.php:6
msgid "Tab"
msgstr "تبويب"

# Label: auto
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:7
msgid "Tour"
msgstr "جولة"

#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:34
msgid "Select tour display style."
msgstr "اختر تنسيق عرض الجولة"

#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:45
msgid "Select tour shape."
msgstr "اختر هيئة الجولة"

#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:51
msgid "Select tour color."
msgstr "اختر لون الواجهه"

#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:80
msgid "Select tour spacing."
msgstr "حدد مسافات الجولة"

#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:101
msgid "Select tour gap."
msgstr "اختر المسافة للجولة"

#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:111
msgid "Select tour navigation position."
msgstr "تحديد موضع تنقل الجولة"

#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:122
msgid "Select tour section title alignment."
msgstr "حدد محاذاة عنوان قسم الجولات"

# Label: auto
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:128
msgid "Auto"
msgstr "تلقائي"

# Label: auto
#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:129
msgid "Extra large"
msgstr "كبير جدًا"

#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:133
msgid "Extra small"
msgstr "صغير جدا"

#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:135
msgid "Navigation width"
msgstr "مساحة العرض للتنقل"

#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:136
msgid "Select tour navigation width."
msgstr "اختر مساحة عرض التنقل للجولة"

#: config/./tta/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php:157
msgid "Select auto rotate for tour in seconds (Note: disabled by default)."
msgstr "اختر تدوير تلقائي للجولة في الثانية مع التنبية انه معطل بالافتراضي"

# Label: auto
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-archives.php:7
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-archives.php:20
msgid "Archives"
msgstr "الأرشيف"

# Label: auto
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-archives.php:10
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-calendar.php:10
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-categories.php:10
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-custommenu.php:22
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-links.php:24
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-meta.php:10
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-pages.php:10
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-posts.php:10
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-recentcomments.php:10
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-rss.php:10
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-search.php:10
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-tagcloud.php:23
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-text.php:10
msgid "WordPress Widgets"
msgstr "المربعات الجانبيه للوردبريس"

#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-archives.php:13
msgid "A monthly archive of your sites posts"
msgstr "أرشيف الشهري للتدوينات"

# Label: auto
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-archives.php:19
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-calendar.php:19
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-categories.php:19
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-custommenu.php:31
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-meta.php:19
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-pages.php:19
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-posts.php:19
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-recentcomments.php:19
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-rss.php:19
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-search.php:19
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-tagcloud.php:33
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-text.php:19
msgid ""
"What text use as a widget title. Leave blank to use default widget title."
msgstr ""
"ما النص المراد استخدامه فى عنوان الوجيت .اتركها فارغة اذا كنت تريد اظهار النص "
"الافتراضي للوجيت"

# Label: auto
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-archives.php:24
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-categories.php:24
msgid "Display options"
msgstr "خيارات العرض"

# Label: auto
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-archives.php:28
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-categories.php:28
msgid "Show post counts"
msgstr "اظهر آخر تعداد"

#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-archives.php:30
msgid "Select display options for archives."
msgstr "حدد خيارات عرض الارشيف"

# Label: auto
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-calendar.php:7
msgid "Calendar"
msgstr "التقويم"

#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-calendar.php:13
msgid "A calendar of your sites posts"
msgstr "جدول زمني لمدونات موقعك"

# Label: auto
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-categories.php:13
msgid "A list or dropdown of categories"
msgstr "قائمة منسدلة بالتصنيفات"

# Label: auto
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-categories.php:29
msgid "Show hierarchy"
msgstr "عرض التسلسل الهرمي"

#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-categories.php:31
msgid "Select display options for categories."
msgstr "تحديد خيارات العرض لفئات."

# Label: auto
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-custommenu.php:19
msgid "Custom Menu"
msgstr "قائمة مخصصة"

# Label: auto
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-custommenu.php:25
msgid "Use this widget to add one of your custom menus as a widget"
msgstr "استخدم هذا المربع الجانبي لإضافة إحدى قوائمك المخصصة كمربع جانبي."

# Label: auto
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-custommenu.php:35
msgid "Menu"
msgstr "القائمة"

#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-custommenu.php:38
msgid ""
"Custom menus not found. Please visit <b>Appearance > Menus</b> page to create "
"new menu."
msgstr ""
"لم يتم العثور على قوائم مخصصة. يرجى زيارة <b> المظهر> القوائم </b> الصفحة "
"لإنشاء قائمة جديدة."

#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-custommenu.php:38
msgid "Select menu to display."
msgstr "حدد القائمة لعرضها."

# Label: auto
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-links.php:7
msgid "All Links"
msgstr "كل الروابط"

# Label: auto
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-links.php:21
msgid "Links"
msgstr "الراوبط"

# Label: auto
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-links.php:28
msgid "Your blogroll"
msgstr "روابطك"

# Label: auto
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-links.php:32
msgid "Link Category"
msgstr "تصنيف روابط"

# Label: auto
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-links.php:42
msgid "Link title"
msgstr "عنوان الرابط"

# Label: auto
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-links.php:43
msgid "Link rating"
msgstr "تقييم الرابط"

# Label: auto
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-links.php:44
msgid "Link ID"
msgstr "معرف الرابط (ID)"

# Label: auto
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-links.php:53
msgid "Show Link Image"
msgstr "إظهار صورة الرابط"

# Label: auto
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-links.php:54
msgid "Show Link Name"
msgstr "اظهار رابط الاسم"

# Label: auto
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-links.php:55
msgid "Show Link Description"
msgstr "إظهار وصف للرابط"

# Label: auto
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-links.php:56
msgid "Show Link Rating"
msgstr "إظهار تقييم الرابط"

# Label: auto
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-links.php:61
msgid "Number of links to show"
msgstr "عدد الروابط المراد عرضها"

# Label: auto
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-meta.php:7
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-meta.php:20
msgid "Meta"
msgstr "منوعات"

# Label: auto
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-meta.php:13
msgid "Log in/out, admin, feed and WordPress links"
msgstr "تسجيل الدخول/الخروج، الخلاصات وروابط ووردبريس"

# Label: auto
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-pages.php:7
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-pages.php:20
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "الصفحات"

#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-pages.php:13
msgid "Your sites WordPress Pages"
msgstr "صفحات موقعك"

# Label: auto
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-pages.php:27
#: include/./templates/editors/popups/vc_ui-panel-post-settings.tpl.php:18
msgid "Page title"
msgstr "عنوان الصفحة"

# Label: auto
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-pages.php:28
msgid "Page order"
msgstr "ترتيب الصفحة"

# Label: auto
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-pages.php:29
msgid "Page ID"
msgstr "رقم صفحة (ID)"

#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-pages.php:31
msgid "Select how to sort pages."
msgstr "حدد كيفية فرز الصفحات."

#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-pages.php:38
msgid "Enter page IDs to be excluded (Note: separate values by commas (,))."
msgstr "أدخل ID  الصفحة للاستبعاد (ملاحظة: افصل القيم بعلامة الفاصلة  (,))."

# Label: auto
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-posts.php:7
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-posts.php:20
msgid "Recent Posts"
msgstr "أحدث التدوينات"

# Label: auto
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-posts.php:13
msgid "The most recent posts on your site"
msgstr "أحدث التدوينات في مدونتك"

# Label: auto
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-posts.php:24
msgid "Number of posts"
msgstr "عدد المواضيع:"

#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-posts.php:25
msgid "Enter number of posts to display."
msgstr "أدخل عدد من التدوينات لعرضه."

# Label: auto
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-posts.php:32
msgid "Display post date?"
msgstr "عرض تاريخ التدوينة؟"

#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-posts.php:35
msgid "If checked, date will be displayed."
msgstr "اذا تم تفعيلها سيتم عرض التاريخ."

# Label: auto
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-recentcomments.php:7
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-recentcomments.php:20
msgid "Recent Comments"
msgstr "أحدث التعليقات"

# Label: auto
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-recentcomments.php:13
msgid "The most recent comments"
msgstr "اخر التعليقات"

#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-recentcomments.php:25
msgid "Enter number of comments to display."
msgstr "أدخل عدد من التعليقات لعرضه."

# Label: auto
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-rss.php:7
msgid "RSS"
msgstr "آر.إس.إس"

# Label: auto
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-rss.php:13
msgid "Entries from any RSS or Atom feed"
msgstr "استيراد التدوينات من خلاصة RSS أو Atom"

#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-rss.php:23
msgid "RSS feed URL"
msgstr "URL تغذية RSS"

#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-rss.php:25
msgid "Enter the RSS feed URL."
msgstr "أدخل URL تغذية RSS."

# Label: auto
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-rss.php:30
msgid "Items"
msgstr "العناصر"

# Label: auto
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-rss.php:33
msgid "10 - Default"
msgstr "10 - الافتراضى"

#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-rss.php:55
msgid "Select how many items to display."
msgstr "تحديد عدد العناصر لعرضه."

#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-rss.php:63
msgid "Item content"
msgstr "محتوى البند"

# Label: auto
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-rss.php:64
msgid "Display item author if available?"
msgstr "عرض كاتب العنصر إذا كان متوفرا؟"

# Label: auto
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-rss.php:65
msgid "Display item date?"
msgstr "عرض تاريخ العنصر؟"

#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-rss.php:67
msgid "Select display options for RSS feeds."
msgstr "حدد خيارات عرض آر إس إس."

# Label: auto
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-search.php:7
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-automapper.php:268
msgid "Search"
msgstr "بحث"

# Label: auto
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-search.php:13
msgid "A search form for your site"
msgstr "نموذج بحث خاص بموقعك"

# Label: auto
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-tagcloud.php:20
msgid "Tag Cloud"
msgstr "معرض الوسوم"

# Label: auto
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-tagcloud.php:26
msgid "Your most used tags in cloud format"
msgstr "وسومك الأكثر استخداماً بشكل سحابة"

# Label: auto
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-tagcloud.php:32
#: include/./params/loop/loop.php:332
msgid "Tags"
msgstr "وسوم"

# Label: auto
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-tagcloud.php:37
msgid "Taxonomy"
msgstr "مجالات التصنيف:"

#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-tagcloud.php:40
msgid "Select source for tag cloud."
msgstr "حدد مصدر سحابة الوسوم"

# Label: auto
#: config/./wp/shortcode-vc-wp-text.php:13
msgid "Arbitrary text or HTML"
msgstr "نص أو HTML"

# Label: auto
#: include/./autoload/class-vc-settings-presets.php:394
#: include/./autoload/class-vc-settings-presets.php:413
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Elements"
msgid "My Elements"
msgstr "العناصر"

#: include/./autoload/post-type-default-template.php:64
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Default templates"
msgid "Default template for post types"
msgstr "القوالب الافتراضية"

#: include/./autoload/post-type-default-template.php:158
msgid "Invalid template or post type."
msgstr ""

# Label: auto
#: include/./autoload/ui-vc-pointers.php:63
msgid "Finish"
msgstr "إنهاء"

# Label: auto
#: include/./autoload/ui-vc-pointers.php:64
msgid "Next"
msgstr "التالي"

# Label: auto
#: include/./autoload/ui-vc-pointers.php:65
msgid "Prev"
msgstr "السابق"

# Label: auto
#: include/./autoload/vc-grid-item-editor.php:174
msgid "Start Here!"
msgstr "ابدا هنا !"

# Label: auto
#: include/./autoload/vc-grid-item-editor.php:174
msgid "Start easy - use predefined template as a starting point and modify it."
msgstr "بداية سهلة - استخدام قالب محدد مسبقا كنقطة انطلاق وقم بتعديله."

# Label: auto
#: include/./autoload/vc-grid-item-editor.php:184
msgid "Use Animations"
msgstr "استخدم حركات مخصصة"

#: include/./autoload/vc-grid-item-editor.php:184
msgid ""
"Select animation preset for grid element. \"Hover\" state will be added next "
"to the \"Normal\" state tab."
msgstr ""
"اختر التحريك المعد مسبقا لعناصر الشبكة \"تأثير الهوفر \" سيتم اضافته بعد "
"الوضع الطبيعي للتبويب"

# Label: auto
#: include/./autoload/vc-grid-item-editor.php:194
msgid "Style Design Options"
msgstr "خيارات تصميم التنسيق"

#: include/./autoload/vc-grid-item-editor.php:194
msgid ""
"Edit \"Normal\" state to set \"Featured image\" as a background, control zone "
"sizing proportions and other design options (Height mode: Select \"Original\" "
"to scale image without cropping)."
msgstr ""

#: include/./autoload/vc-grid-item-editor.php:204
msgid "Extend Element"
msgstr "تمديد العنصر"

#: include/./autoload/vc-grid-item-editor.php:204
msgid ""
"Additional content zone can be added to grid element edges (Note: This zone "
"can not be animated)."
msgstr ""
"ويمكن أن يضاف منطقة محتوى إضافية لشبكة عنصر (ملاحظة: لا يمكن أن تكون متحركة "
"هذه المنطقة)."

#: include/./autoload/vc-grid-item-editor.php:214
msgid "Watch Video Tutorial"
msgstr "مشاهدة فيديو تعليمي"

#: include/./autoload/vc-grid-item-editor.php:214
msgid "Have a look how easy it is to work with grid element builder."
msgstr "ارايت كيفية السهولة في التعامل مع بناء عناصر الشبكات"

#: include/./autoload/vc-image-filters.php:16
msgid "Antique"
msgstr "عتيق"

# Label: auto
#: include/./autoload/vc-image-filters.php:17
msgid "Black & White"
msgstr "أبيض وأسود"

#: include/./autoload/vc-image-filters.php:18
msgid "Boost"
msgstr ""

#: include/./autoload/vc-image-filters.php:19
msgid "Concentrate"
msgstr ""

# Label: auto
#: include/./autoload/vc-image-filters.php:20
msgid "Country"
msgstr "الدولة"

# Label: auto
#: include/./autoload/vc-image-filters.php:21
msgid "Darken"
msgstr "معتم"

#: include/./autoload/vc-image-filters.php:22
msgid "Dream"
msgstr "حلم"

#: include/./autoload/vc-image-filters.php:23
msgid "Everglow"
msgstr "Everglow"

# Label: auto
#: include/./autoload/vc-image-filters.php:24
msgid "Forest"
msgstr "غابة"

#: include/./autoload/vc-image-filters.php:25
msgid "Fresh Blue"
msgstr "أزرق جديد"

#: include/./autoload/vc-image-filters.php:26
msgid "Frozen"
msgstr "مُتجمد"

#: include/./autoload/vc-image-filters.php:27
msgid "Her Majesty"
msgstr ""

# Label: auto
#: include/./autoload/vc-image-filters.php:28
msgid "Light"
msgstr "الفاتح:"

#: include/./autoload/vc-image-filters.php:29
msgid "Orange Peel"
msgstr "Orange Peel"

#: include/./autoload/vc-image-filters.php:30
msgid "Rain"
msgstr "مطر"

#: include/./autoload/vc-image-filters.php:31
msgid "Retro"
msgstr ""

#: include/./autoload/vc-image-filters.php:32
msgid "Sepia"
msgstr ""

#: include/./autoload/vc-image-filters.php:33
msgid "Summer"
msgstr "تأثير Summer"

#: include/./autoload/vc-image-filters.php:34
msgid "Tender"
msgstr ""

# Label: auto
#: include/./autoload/vc-image-filters.php:35
msgid "Vintage"
msgstr "عتيق"

#: include/./autoload/vc-image-filters.php:36
msgid "Washed"
msgstr ""

#: include/./autoload/vc-image-filters.php:66
msgid "Image filter"
msgstr "تصفية الصور"

# Label: auto
#: include/./autoload/vc-image-filters.php:361
msgid "Filter:"
msgstr "المرشح:"

#: include/./autoload/vc-pages/page-design-options.php:40
msgid "Important notice"
msgstr "تنبيهات هامة"

#: include/./autoload/vc-pages/page-design-options.php:42
#: include/./autoload/vc-pages/page-design-options.php:45
msgid ""
"You have an outdated version of Visual Composer Design Options. It is "
"required to review and save it."
msgstr ""
"لديك إصدار تصميم قديم من خيارات ال Visual Composer . يتوجب عليك الترقية الان "

# Label: auto
#: include/./autoload/vc-pages/page-design-options.php:56
msgid "Open Design Options"
msgstr "فتح خيارات التصميم"

#: include/./autoload/vc-pages/page-role-manager.php:12
msgid "Role Manager"
msgstr "ادارة الادوار"

#: include/./autoload/vc-pages/page-role-manager.php:17
msgid "Roles Manager"
msgstr "ادارة الادوار"

# Label: auto
#: include/./autoload/vc-pages/pages.php:60
#: include/./autoload/vc-pages/pages.php:78
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:832
#: include/./classes/editors/class-vc-backend-editor.php:81
#: include/./classes/editors/navbar/class-vc-navbar.php:93
#: include/./classes/editors/navbar/class-vc-navbar.php:95
msgid "Visual Composer"
msgstr "المحرر المتطور"

# Label: auto
#: include/./autoload/vc-pages/welcome-screen.php:38
msgid "About"
msgstr "حول"

# Label: auto
#: include/./autoload/vc-pages/welcome-screen.php:92
msgid "What's New"
msgstr "ما الجديد"

# Label: auto
#: include/./autoload/vc-pages/welcome-screen.php:94
#: include/./templates/pages/vc-welcome/vc-resources.php:9
msgid "Resources"
msgstr "المصادر"

#: include/./autoload/vc-pointers-backend-editor.php:29
msgid "Welcome to Visual Composer"
msgstr "اهلا بك في المحرر المتطور"

#: include/./autoload/vc-pointers-backend-editor.php:30
msgid "Choose Backend or Frontend editor."
msgstr "اختيار محرر خلفي او محرر الواجهه"

# Label: auto
#: include/./autoload/vc-pointers-backend-editor.php:43
#: include/./autoload/vc-pointers-frontend-editor.php:25
msgid "Add Elements"
msgstr "اضف عنصر"

#: include/./autoload/vc-pointers-backend-editor.php:44
#: include/./autoload/vc-pointers-frontend-editor.php:26
msgid "Add new element or start with a template."
msgstr "إضافة عنصر جديد أو ابدأ مع القوالب"

#: include/./autoload/vc-pointers-backend-editor.php:59
#: include/./autoload/vc-pointers-frontend-editor.php:40
msgid "Rows and Columns"
msgstr "الصفوف والأعمدة"

#: include/./autoload/vc-pointers-backend-editor.php:60
#: include/./autoload/vc-pointers-frontend-editor.php:41
msgid ""
"This is a row container. Divide it into columns and style it. You can add "
"elements into columns."
msgstr ""
"هذا صف للمحتوى يمكنك وضعة داخل اعمدة وتنسيقة يمكنك ايضا اضافة عناصر داخل هذه "

#: include/./autoload/vc-pointers-backend-editor.php:75
#: include/./autoload/vc-pointers-frontend-editor.php:56
msgid "Control Elements"
msgstr "عناصر التحكم"

# Label: auto
#: include/./autoload/vc-pointers-backend-editor.php:76
#: include/./autoload/vc-pointers-frontend-editor.php:57
msgid "You can edit your element at any time and drag it around your layout."
msgstr "يمكنك تحرير العنصر الخاص بك في أي وقت واسحبه حول التخطيط الخاص بك."

#: include/./autoload/vc-pointers-backend-editor.php:77
#: include/./autoload/vc-pointers-frontend-editor.php:58
#, php-format
msgid ""
"P.S. Learn more at our <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Knowledge Base</a>."
msgstr ""
"PS مزيد من المعلومات في موقعنا <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">قاعدة المعارف."

# Label: auto
#: include/./autoload/vendors/gravity_forms.php:21
msgid "No Gravity forms found."
msgstr "Gravity لم يتم ايجاد نموذج"

# Label: auto
#: include/./autoload/vendors/gravity_forms.php:25
msgid "Select a form to display."
msgstr "حدد نموذج لعرضه"

# Label: auto
#: include/./autoload/vendors/gravity_forms.php:32
msgid "Gravity Form"
msgstr "نموذج Gravity"

#: include/./autoload/vendors/gravity_forms.php:36
msgid "Place Gravity form"
msgstr "وضع نموذج Gravity form"

# Label: auto
#: include/./autoload/vendors/gravity_forms.php:40
msgid "Form"
msgstr "نموذج"

# Label: auto
#: include/./autoload/vendors/gravity_forms.php:44
msgid "Select a form to add it to your post or page."
msgstr "اختر نموذج لاضافته لتدوينة او الصفحة"

# Label: auto
#: include/./autoload/vendors/gravity_forms.php:49
msgid "Display Form Title"
msgstr "عرض عنوان النموذج"

# Label: auto
#: include/./autoload/vendors/gravity_forms.php:56
msgid "Would you like to display the forms title?"
msgstr "هل تود ان يتم عرض عنوان النموذج"

# Label: auto
#: include/./autoload/vendors/gravity_forms.php:64
msgid "Display Form Description"
msgstr "اظهار وصف النماذج"

# Label: auto
#: include/./autoload/vendors/gravity_forms.php:71
msgid "Would you like to display the forms description?"
msgstr "هل تود اظهار وصف النماذج"

# Label: auto
#: include/./autoload/vendors/gravity_forms.php:79
msgid "Enable AJAX?"
msgstr "تمكين AJAX ؟"

# Label: auto
#: include/./autoload/vendors/gravity_forms.php:86
msgid "Enable AJAX submission?"
msgstr "تمكين تقديم AJAX؟"

# Label: auto
#: include/./autoload/vendors/gravity_forms.php:94
msgid "Tab Index"
msgstr "نص التبويب"

# Label: auto
#: include/./autoload/vendors/gravity_forms.php:96
msgid ""
"(Optional) Specify the starting tab index for the fields of this form. Leave "
"blank if you're not sure what this is."
msgstr ""
"(اختياري) حدد التبويب الابتدائي لحقول النموذج او يمكنك تركه فارغ لو كنت غير "

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:670
#: include/./templates/pages/vc-settings/index.php:7
msgid "Visual Composer Settings"
msgstr "خيارات المحرر المتطور"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:673
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Visual Composer"
msgid "About Visual Composer"
msgstr "المحرر المتطور"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:827
msgid "Add/remove picture"
msgstr "اضافة/ازالة صورة"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:828
msgid "Finish Adding Images"
msgstr "انهاء اضافة الصور"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:829
msgid "Add Image"
msgstr "إضافة صورة"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:830
msgid "Add Images"
msgstr "إضافة صور"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:831
#: include/./templates/pages/vc-welcome/index.php:24
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "(الإعدادات)"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:833
msgstr "المحرر الخلفي"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:834
msgstr "محرر الواجهه"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:835
msgstr "الوضع الكلاسيكي"

#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:836
msgid "Enter template name you want to save."
msgstr "أدخل اسم القالب الذي تريد حفظة."

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:837
msgid ""
"Confirm deleting \"{template_name}\" template, press Cancel to leave. This "
"action cannot be undone."
msgstr ""
"تاكيد حذف \"{template_name}\"قالب, اضغط الغاء للرحيل. هذا الاجراء لا يمكن "
"استعادته مرة اخرى"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:838
msgid "Press OK to delete section, Cancel to leave"
msgstr "اضغط موافق او حذف القسم او الغاء للرحيل"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:839
msgid "Drag and drop me in the column"
msgstr "اسحب وافلتنى لاي مكان تريد"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:840
msgid "Press OK to delete \"{tab_name}\" tab, Cancel to leave"
msgstr "اضغط موافق او حذف \"{tab_name}\" تبويب, الغاء للرحيل"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:841
#: include/./classes/shortcodes/vc-tour.php:8
msgid "Slide"
msgstr "شريحة"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:844
msgid "Please enter new tab title"
msgstr "برجاء ادخال اسم التبويب الجديد"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:845
msgid "Press OK to delete \"{tab_name}\" section, Cancel to leave"
msgstr "اضغط موافق او حذف \"{tab_name}\" , الغاء للرحيل"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:847
msgid "Please enter new section title"
msgstr "برجاء ادخال اسم القسم الجديد"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:848
msgid "Error. Please try again."
msgstr "خطأ من فضلك حاول مرة اخرى"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:849
msgid ""
"If you close this window all shortcode settings will be lost. Close this "
msgstr ""
"اذا قمت باغلاق النافذه فان كل الاكواد المختصره لن تحفظ فهل تود حقا غلق "
"النافذه ؟"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:850
msgid "Select element type"
msgstr "حدد نوع العنصر"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:851
msgid "Media gallery"
msgstr "معرض الوسائط"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:852
msgid "Element settings"
msgstr "خيارات العناصر"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:853
msgid "Add tab"
msgstr "اضافة تبويب"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:854
msgid "Are you sure you want to convert to new version?"
msgstr "هل انت متاكد انك تود التحويل للاصدار الاحدث؟"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:855
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "جارى التحميل ..."

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:857
msgid "Set Image"
msgstr "ضبط الصورة"

#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:858
msgid "Are you sure that you want to remove all your data?"
msgstr "هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد إزالة جميع البيانات الخاصة بك؟"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:859
msgid "Loop settings"
msgstr "خيارات التكرار"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:860
msgid "Custom row layout"
msgstr "تخطيط صف مخصص"

#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:861
msgid "Wrong row layout format! Example: 1/2 + 1/2 or span6 + span6."
msgstr "خطأ بتنسيق التخطيط ! مثال: 1/2 + 1/2 or span6 + span6."

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:862
msgid "Row background color"
msgstr "لون خلفية الصف"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:863
msgid "Row background image"
msgstr "صورة خلفية الصف"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:864
msgid "Column background color"
msgstr "لون خلفية العمود"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:865
msgid "Column background image"
msgstr "صورة خلفية العمود"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:866
#: include/./classes/editors/navbar/class-vc-navbar-frontend.php:45
msgid "Guides ON"
msgstr "التعليمات مفعلة"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:867
msgid "Guides OFF"
msgstr "التعليمات مغلقة"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:868
msgid "New template successfully saved."
msgstr "تم حفظ القالب الجديد"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:869
msgid "Template added to the page."
msgstr "تم اضافة القالب للصفحة بنجاح "

#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:870
msgid ""
"Template added to the page. Template has ID attributes, make sure that they "
"are not used more than once on the same page."
msgstr "تم اضافة القالب للصفحة. كن متأكد ان ID السمة غير متكرر"

#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:871
msgid "Template successfully removed."
msgstr "تم إزالة القالب بنجاح."

#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:872
msgid "Template is empty: There is no content to be saved as a template."
msgstr "قالب فارغ: لا يوجد أي محتوى ليتم حفظها كقالب."

#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:873
msgid "Error while saving template."
msgstr "خطأ أثناء حفظ القالب."

#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:874
msgid "Page settings updated!"
msgstr "تم تحديث اعدادات الصفحة!"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:875
msgid "Update all"
msgstr "تحديث الكل"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:876
msgid "The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page."
msgstr "جميع التغييرات التي قمت بها سيتم فقدانها , اذا قمت بتغيير هذه الصفحة."

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:877
#, php-format
msgid "%s saved!"
msgstr "%s تم الحفظ"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:878
#, php-format
msgid "%s deleted!"
msgstr "%s حذفت"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:879
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%s cloned. <a href=\"#\" class=\"vc_edit-cloned\" data-model-id=\"%s\">Edit "
msgstr ""
"%s تم نسخة. <a href=\"#\" class=\"vc_edit-cloned\" data-model-id=\"%s\">تحرير "

#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:880
msgid "Loading Google Font failed"
msgstr "فشل في تحميل خطوط جوجل"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:881
msgid "Loading Font..."
msgstr "يتم تحميل الخط .."

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:882
msgid "Unable to load Google Fonts"
msgstr "غير قادر على تحميل خطوط جوجل"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:883
msgid "no title"
msgstr "(بدون عنوان)"

#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:884
msgid ""
"Error while applying filter to the image. Check your server and memory "
msgstr "خطأ أثناء تطبيق مرشح للصورة. تحقق من إعدادات الخادم والذاكرة الخاصة بك."

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:885
msgid "Saved!"
msgstr "تمّ الحفظ."

#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:886
msgid "Failed to Save!"
msgstr ""

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:887
msgid "You are about to delete this preset. This action can not be undone."
msgstr "أنت على وشك حذف هذا مسبقاً. لا يمكن التراجع عن هذا الإجراء."

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:888
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Download"
msgid "Downloaded"
msgstr "تحميل:"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:889
#: include/./classes/editors/navbar/class-vc-navbar-frontend.php:148
#: include/./classes/editors/navbar/class-vc-navbar.php:192
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/editor/navbar/class-vc-navbar-grid-item.php:48
#: include/./templates/editors/popups/vc_ui-panel-row-layout.tpl.php:32
msgid "Update"
msgstr "تحديث"

#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-base.php:890
msgid "Failed to download template"
msgstr ""

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-shared-library.php:328
msgid "Pink"
msgstr "وردي"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-shared-library.php:329
msgid "Violet"
msgstr "بنفسجي"

#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-shared-library.php:330
msgid "Peacoc"
msgstr "Peacoc"

#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-shared-library.php:331
msgid "Chino"
msgstr ""

#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-shared-library.php:332
msgid "Mulled Wine"
msgstr ""

#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-shared-library.php:333
msgid "Vista Blue"
msgstr ""

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-shared-library.php:337
msgid "Sky"
msgstr "سماء"

#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-shared-library.php:339
msgid "Juicy pink"
msgstr "وردي"

#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-shared-library.php:340
msgid "Sandy brown"
msgstr ""

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-shared-library.php:341
msgid "Purple"
msgstr "بنفسجي"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/class-vc-shared-library.php:342
msgid "White"
msgstr "أبيض"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/class-wpb-map.php:153
#: include/./classes/core/class-wpb-map.php:168
#: include/./classes/core/class-wpb-map.php:479
#: include/./classes/core/class-wpb-map.php:519
#: include/./classes/core/class-wpb-map.php:566
#: include/./classes/core/class-wpb-map.php:652
#, php-format
msgid "Wrong name for shortcode:%s. Name required"
msgstr "اسم خطأ للكود المختصر:%s. الاسم مطلوب"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/class-wpb-map.php:155
#: include/./classes/core/class-wpb-map.php:170
#, php-format
msgid "Wrong base for shortcode:%s. Base required"
msgstr "قاعدة خاطئه للكود المختصر:%s. القاعدة مطلوبه"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/class-wpb-map.php:521
#: include/./classes/core/class-wpb-map.php:568
#, php-format
msgid "Wrong attribute for '%s' shortcode. Attribute 'param_name' required"
msgstr "حقل غير صحيح '%s' للكود المختصر. اسم الحقل 'param_name' مطلوب"

#: include/./classes/core/class-wpb-map.php:654
#, php-format
msgid "Wrong setting_name for shortcode:%s. Base can't be modified."
msgstr "خطأ  setting_name للكود المختصر :%s. لا يمكن تحريرة"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/shared-templates/class-vc-shared-templates.php:252
#: include/./templates/editors/popups/shared-templates/category.tpl.php:120
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Template name"
msgid "Template library"
msgstr "اسم القالب"

#: include/./classes/core/shared-templates/importer/parsers.php:49
#: include/./classes/core/shared-templates/importer/parsers.php:80
#: include/./classes/core/shared-templates/importer/parsers.php:88
msgid "There was an error when reading this WXR file"
msgstr ""

#: include/./classes/core/shared-templates/importer/parsers.php:50
msgid ""
"Details are shown above. The importer will now try again with a different "
msgstr ""

#: include/./classes/core/shared-templates/importer/parsers.php:93
#: include/./classes/core/shared-templates/importer/parsers.php:99
#: include/./classes/core/shared-templates/importer/parsers.php:360
#: include/./classes/core/shared-templates/importer/parsers.php:576
msgid ""
"This does not appear to be a WXR file, missing/invalid WXR version number"
msgstr ""

#: include/./classes/core/shared-templates/importer/wordpress-importer.php:93
#: include/./classes/core/shared-templates/importer/wordpress-importer.php:101
#: include/./classes/core/shared-templates/importer/wordpress-importer.php:147
#: include/./classes/core/shared-templates/importer/wordpress-importer.php:152
#: include/./classes/core/shared-templates/importer/wordpress-importer.php:162
msgid "Sorry, there has been an error."
msgstr ""

#: include/./classes/core/shared-templates/importer/wordpress-importer.php:94
msgid "The file does not exist, please try again."
msgstr ""

#: include/./classes/core/shared-templates/importer/wordpress-importer.php:153
#, php-format
msgid ""
"The export file could not be found at <code>%s</code>. It is likely that this "
"was caused by a permissions problem."
msgstr ""

#: include/./classes/core/shared-templates/importer/wordpress-importer.php:172
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This WXR file (version %s) may not be supported by this version of the "
"importer. Please consider updating."
msgstr ""

#: include/./classes/core/shared-templates/importer/wordpress-importer.php:338
msgid "Fetching attachments is not enabled"
msgstr ""

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/core/shared-templates/importer/wordpress-importer.php:354
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Slider type"
msgid "Invalid file type"
msgstr "نوع السلايدر"

#: include/./classes/core/shared-templates/importer/wordpress-importer.php:436
msgid "Remote server did not respond"
msgstr ""

#: include/./classes/core/shared-templates/importer/wordpress-importer.php:443
#, php-format
msgid "Remote server returned error response %1$d %2$s"
msgstr ""

#: include/./classes/core/shared-templates/importer/wordpress-importer.php:451
msgid "Remote file is incorrect size"
msgstr ""

#: include/./classes/core/shared-templates/importer/wordpress-importer.php:457
msgid "Zero size file downloaded"
msgstr ""

#: include/./classes/core/shared-templates/importer/wordpress-importer.php:464
#, php-format
msgid "Remote file is too large, limit is %s"
msgstr ""

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/editors/class-vc-edit-form-fields.php:159
msgid "General"
msgstr "عام"

#: include/./classes/editors/class-vc-edit-form-fields.php:213
#, php-format
msgid "You are using outdated element, it is deprecated since version %s."
msgstr "انت تستخدم عنصر عفا عليها الزمن، وتم اهمالها منذ الاصدار  %s"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/editors/class-vc-edit-form-fields.php:215
#: include/./classes/editors/navbar/class-vc-navbar-frontend.php:120
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-automapper.php:266
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-automapper.php:419
#: include/./templates/pages/partials/vc-roles-parts/_shortcodes.tpl.php:27
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "تعديل"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/editors/class-vc-frontend-editor.php:457
#, php-format
msgid "Edit %s with Visual Composer"
msgstr "تعديل %s بالمحرر المتطور"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/editors/class-vc-frontend-editor.php:466
msgid "(no title)"
msgstr "(بدون عنوان)"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/editors/class-vc-frontend-editor.php:483
#: include/./classes/editors/class-vc-frontend-editor.php:498
#: include/./classes/editors/class-vc-frontend-editor.php:535
msgid "Edit with Visual Composer"
msgstr "تحرير الصفحة بواسطة المحرر المتطور"

#: include/./classes/editors/navbar/class-vc-navbar-frontend.php:44
msgid "Toggle editor's guides"
msgstr "أدلة تبديل المحرر"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/editors/navbar/class-vc-navbar-frontend.php:58
msgid "Desktop"
msgstr "سطح المكتب"

#: include/./classes/editors/navbar/class-vc-navbar-frontend.php:64
msgid "Tablet landscape mode"
msgstr ""

#: include/./classes/editors/navbar/class-vc-navbar-frontend.php:69
msgid "Tablet portrait mode"
msgstr ""

#: include/./classes/editors/navbar/class-vc-navbar-frontend.php:74
msgid "Smartphone landscape mode"
msgstr ""

#: include/./classes/editors/navbar/class-vc-navbar-frontend.php:79
msgid "Smartphone portrait mode"
msgstr "وضع عمودي للهواتف"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/editors/navbar/class-vc-navbar-frontend.php:87
msgid "Responsive preview"
msgstr "مشاهدة بوضع ريسبونزف"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/editors/navbar/class-vc-navbar-frontend.php:117
msgid "Cancel all changes and return to WP dashboard"
msgstr "الغاء كل التغيرات والرجوع الى لوحة التحكم"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/editors/navbar/class-vc-navbar-frontend.php:120
msgid "Backend Editor"
msgstr "محرر خلفي"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/editors/navbar/class-vc-navbar-frontend.php:130
msgid "Save Draft"
msgstr "حفظ المسودة"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/editors/navbar/class-vc-navbar-frontend.php:134
msgid "Save as Pending"
msgstr "حفظ بانتظار المراجعة"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/editors/navbar/class-vc-navbar-frontend.php:139
msgid "Publish"
msgstr "نشر"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/editors/navbar/class-vc-navbar-frontend.php:143
msgid "Submit for Review"
msgstr "ارسل للمراجعه"

#: include/./classes/editors/navbar/class-vc-navbar-frontend.php:164
msgid "Exit Visual Composer edit mode"
msgstr "الخروج من وضع التحرير في المحرر المتطور"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/editors/navbar/class-vc-navbar.php:109
#: include/./templates/editors/popups/vc_ui-panel-edit-element.tpl.php:24
#: include/./templates/pages/partials/vc-roles-parts/_post_settings.tpl.php:14
msgid "Page settings"
msgstr "خيارات الصفحة"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/editors/navbar/class-vc-navbar.php:110
msgid "CSS"
msgstr "كود CSS"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/editors/navbar/class-vc-navbar.php:120
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Full content"
msgid "Full screen"
msgstr "المحتوى الكامل"

#: include/./classes/editors/navbar/class-vc-navbar.php:129
msgid "Exit full screen"
msgstr ""

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/editors/navbar/class-vc-navbar.php:145
msgid "Add new element"
msgstr "اضف عنصر جديد"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/editors/navbar/class-vc-navbar.php:163
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/editor/navbar/class-vc-navbar-grid-item.php:26
#: include/./templates/editors/popups/panel_templates_editor.tpl.php:17
#: include/./templates/editors/popups/vc_ui-panel-templates.tpl.php:14
#: include/./templates/pages/partials/vc-roles-parts/_templates.tpl.php:15
msgid "Templates"
msgstr "قوالب"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/editors/navbar/class-vc-navbar.php:175
msgid "Frontend"
msgstr "محرر الواجهه"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/editors/navbar/class-vc-navbar.php:191
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/editor/class-vc-grid-item-editor.php:220
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/editor/navbar/class-vc-navbar-grid-item.php:31
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "معاينة"

#: include/./classes/editors/popups/class-vc-shortcode-edit-form.php:60
#: include/./classes/editors/popups/class-vc-shortcode-edit-form.php:64
#: include/./classes/editors/popups/class-vc-shortcode-edit-form.php:66
#: include/./classes/editors/popups/class-vc-shortcode-edit-form.php:89
#: include/./classes/editors/popups/class-vc-shortcode-edit-form.php:94
#: include/./classes/editors/popups/class-vc-shortcode-edit-form.php:96
msgid "Access denied"
msgstr "الوصول ممنوع"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/editors/popups/class-vc-templates-editor.php:362
#: include/./templates/editors/popups/shared-templates/category.tpl.php:149
msgid "Delete template"
msgstr "حذف القالب"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/editors/popups/class-vc-templates-editor.php:380
msgid "Save current page as a Template"
msgstr "احفظ الصفحة الحاليه كقالب"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/editors/popups/class-vc-templates-editor.php:382
#: include/./templates/editors/popups/panel_templates_editor.tpl.php:53
#: include/./templates/editors/popups/panel_templates_editor.tpl.php:65
msgid "Load Template"
msgstr "تحميل القالب"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/editors/popups/class-vc-templates-editor.php:388
msgid "No custom templates yet."
msgstr "لا يوجد قوالب مخصصة بعد"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/editors/popups/class-vc-templates-panel-editor.php:96
#: include/./templates/editors/popups/panel_templates_editor.tpl.php:41
msgid "Save current layout as a template"
msgstr "حفظ التخطيط الحالي كقالب"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/editors/popups/class-vc-templates-panel-editor.php:100
#: include/./templates/editors/popups/panel_templates_editor.tpl.php:47
msgid "Save Template"
msgstr "حفظ التخطيط"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/editors/popups/class-vc-templates-panel-editor.php:103
#: include/./templates/editors/popups/panel_templates_editor.tpl.php:50
msgid "Save layout and reuse it on different sections of this site."
msgstr "حفظ التخطيط وإعادة استخدامها في أجزاء مختلفة من هذا الموقع."

#: include/./classes/editors/popups/class-vc-templates-panel-editor.php:415
msgid "Error: wrong template id."
msgstr ""

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/editors/popups/class-vc-templates-panel-editor.php:538
msgid "My Templates"
msgstr "قوالبي"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/editors/popups/class-vc-templates-panel-editor.php:539
msgid "Append previously saved template to the current layout."
msgstr "إلحاق القالب المحفوظ مسبقاً إلى التخطيط الحالي."

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/editors/popups/class-vc-templates-panel-editor.php:563
msgid "Default Templates"
msgstr "القوالب الافتراضية"

#: include/./classes/editors/popups/class-vc-templates-panel-editor.php:564
msgid "Append default template to the current layout."
msgstr "إلحاق القالب الافتراضي إلى التخطيط الحالي."

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/editors/popups/class-vc-templates-panel-editor.php:841
msgid "No title"
msgstr "بدون عنوان"

#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-automapper.php:191
msgid "Shortcode Mapper"
msgstr "خريطة الاكواد المختصرة"

#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-automapper.php:217
msgid ""
"Visual Composer Shortcode Mapper adds custom 3rd party vendors shortcodes to "
"the list of Visual Composer content elements menu (Note: to map shortcode it "
"needs to be installed on site)."
msgstr ""
"يضيف المحرر المتطور خريطة اكواد مختصرة الى المطورين للاضافات الطرف الثالث : "
"تنبيه يتوجب اولا تركيب خريطة الاكواد المختصرة على الموقع"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-automapper.php:221
msgid "Map Shortcode"
msgstr "خريطة الاكواد المختصرة"

#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-automapper.php:244
msgid "Shortcode string"
msgstr "نص الكود المختصر"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-automapper.php:249
msgid "Please enter valid shortcode"
msgstr "برجاء اضافة كود مختصر صحيح"

#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-automapper.php:254
msgid "Parse Shortcode"
msgstr "تحليل كود مختصر"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-automapper.php:255
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-automapper.php:318
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "إلغاء"

#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-automapper.php:259
msgid ""
"Enter valid shortcode (Example: [my_shortcode first_param=\"first_param_value"
"\"]My shortcode content[/my_shortcode])."
msgstr ""
"ادخل رمز قصير صحيح  (مثال: [my_shortcode first_param = \\ \"first_param_value "
"\"] محتوي اكوادي المختصرة [/ my_shortcode])."

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-automapper.php:267
msgid "Add"
msgstr "اضافة"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-automapper.php:284
msgid "General Information"
msgstr "معلومات عامه"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-automapper.php:287
msgid "Tag:"
msgstr "لا توجد أي وسوم"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-automapper.php:291
msgid "Description:"
msgstr "تفاصيل الوظيفة: "

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-automapper.php:295
msgid "Category:"
msgstr "بدون تصنيف"

#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-automapper.php:298
msgid "Comma separated categories names"
msgstr "فصل الاقسام بعلامة الفاصلة"

#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-automapper.php:303
msgid "Include content param into shortcode"
msgstr "اشمال محتوي البارم داخل الكود المختصر"

#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-automapper.php:309
msgid "Shortcode Parameters"
msgstr "معلمات رمز قصير"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-automapper.php:311
msgid "Add Param"
msgstr "اضف Param"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-automapper.php:317
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:455
#: include/./templates/editors/popups/modal_edit_element.tpl.php:21
#: include/./templates/editors/popups/panel_multi_shortcode_edit_form.tpl.php:22
#: include/./templates/editors/popups/panel_shortcode_edit_form.tpl.php:22
#: include/./templates/pages/vc-settings/tab-vc-roles.php:86
#: include/./templates/pages/vc-settings/tab.php:63
msgid "Save Changes"
msgstr "حفظ التغيرات"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-automapper.php:319
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-automapper.php:418
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "حذف"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-automapper.php:325
#: include/./classes/shortcodes/vc-row.php:59
#: include/./classes/shortcodes/vc-section.php:42
#: include/./params/vc_grid_element/vc_grid_element.php:144
#: include/./templates/params/param_group/inner_content.tpl.php:7
msgid "Drag row to reorder"
msgstr "سحب الصف لتسجيلة"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-automapper.php:328
#: include/./templates/params/param_group/inner_content.tpl.php:10
msgid "Delete this param"
msgstr "حذف هذه العنصر"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-automapper.php:336
msgid "Param name"
msgstr " اسم  Param"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-automapper.php:341
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-automapper.php:348
msgid "Required value"
msgstr "قيمة مطلوبة"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-automapper.php:345
msgid "Use only letters, numbers and underscore."
msgstr "استخدم فقط احرف وارقام واحرف مخصصة"

#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-automapper.php:351
msgid "Please use only letters, numbers and underscore."
msgstr "يرجى استخدام حروف فقط، أرقام والتأكيد."

#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-automapper.php:357
msgid "Input heading"
msgstr "إدخال عنوان"

#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-automapper.php:362
msgid "Heading for field in shortcode edit form."
msgstr "الترويسات للحقل في نموذج تحرير الكود المختصر"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-automapper.php:365
msgid "Field type"
msgstr "نوع الخانة"

#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-automapper.php:367
msgid "Select field type"
msgstr "حدد نوع الحقل"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-automapper.php:369
msgid "Textfield"
msgstr "حقل نصى"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-automapper.php:373
msgid "Textarea"
msgstr "مربع نص"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-automapper.php:376
msgid "Textarea HTML"
msgstr "منطقة النص HTML"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-automapper.php:379
msgid "Hidden"
msgstr "مخفي"

#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-automapper.php:383
msgid "Field type for shortcode edit form."
msgstr "نموذج تعديل لنوع حقل لكود قصير"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-automapper.php:386
msgid "Default value"
msgstr "القيمة الافتراضية"

#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-automapper.php:389
msgid ""
"Default value or list of values for dropdown type (Note: separate by comma)."
msgstr ""
"القيمة الافتراضية او القائمة للقيم لنوع القائمة المنسدلة (ملاحظة: افصلها "

#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-automapper.php:399
msgid "Enter description for parameter."
msgstr "أدخل وصف للمعلمة.parameter."

#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-license.php:118
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "License successfully activated."
msgid "Visual Composer successfully activated."
msgstr "تم الترخيص بنجاح شكرا لك "

#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-license.php:125
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "License successfully activated."
msgid "Visual Composer successfully deactivated."
msgstr "تم الترخيص بنجاح شكرا لك "

#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-license.php:142
msgid "Token is not valid or has expired"
msgstr ""

#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-license.php:172
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-license.php:185
msgid "Invalid response structure. Please contact us for support."
msgstr ""

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-license.php:178
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Something went wrong: custom.css could not be created."
msgid "Something went wrong. Please contact us for support."
msgstr "خطـأ لم يتم انشاء custom.css"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-license.php:284
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Invalid Margin value."
msgid "Invalid license key"
msgstr "قمية هامش خاطئه"

#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-license.php:560
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hola! Would you like to receive automatic updates and unlock premium support? "
"Please <a href=\"%s\">activate your copy</a> of Visual Composer."
msgstr ""

#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-license.php:560
msgid "Dismiss this notice."
msgstr ""

#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-roles.php:112
msgid "Roles settings successfully saved."
msgstr "تم حفظ الاعدادت بنجاح"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:119
msgid "General Settings"
msgstr "الإعدادات العامّة"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:122
msgid "Custom CSS"
msgstr "اكود Css مخصصة"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:128
msgid "Product License"
msgstr "رخصة المنتج"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:188
msgid "Main accent color"
msgstr "لون تمييز الرئيسي"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:189
msgid "Hover color"
msgstr "لون الهوفر"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:190
msgid "Call to action background color"
msgstr "لون خلفية الزر"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:191
msgid "Google maps background color"
msgstr "لون خلفية خرائط جوجل"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:192
msgid "Post slider caption background color"
msgstr "لون خلفية عنوان الشريحة"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:193
msgid "Progress bar background color"
msgstr "لون خلفية شريط العمليات"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:194
msgid "Separator border color"
msgstr "لون حدود الفاصل"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:195
msgid "Tabs navigation background color"
msgstr "لون خلفية تبويب التنقل"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:196
msgid "Active tab background color"
msgstr "تنشيط لون خلفية التبويب"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:251
msgid "Disable responsive content elements"
msgstr "تعطيل عناصر تحجيم المحتوى"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:259
msgid "Google fonts subsets"
msgstr "ضبط خطوط جوجل"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:274
msgid "Use custom design options"
msgstr "استخدمم خيارات تصميم مخصص"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:297
msgid "Elements bottom margin"
msgstr "عناصر الهامش السفلى"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:306
msgid "Grid gutter width"
msgstr "مساحة عرض شبكة gutter"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:315
msgid "Mobile screen width"
msgstr "عرض شاشة الموبايل"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:335
msgid "Paste your CSS code"
msgstr "ضع اكواد CSS"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:452
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:453
msgid "Are you sure you want to reset to defaults?"
msgstr "هل انت متاكد انك تود الرجوع الى الافتراضي؟"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:454
msgid "Saving..."
msgstr "يتم الحفظ"

#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:456
msgid "Design Options successfully saved."
msgstr "تم حفظ  الخيارات للتصميم بنجاح"

#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:457
msgid "Design Options could not be saved"
msgstr "تعذر حفظ خيارات التصميم"

#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:458
msgid ""
"Problem with AJAX request execution, check internet connection and try again."
msgstr ""
"مشكلة مع AJAX في تنفيذ الطلب، برجاء التحقق من الاتصال بشبكة الانترنت وحاول "
"مرة أخرى."

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:459
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this shortcode?"
msgstr "هل أنت متأكد من الحذف؟"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:460
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the shortcode's param?"
msgstr "هل متاكد انك تود حذف هذه؟"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:461
msgid "My shortcodes"
msgstr "اكوادى المختصرة"

#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:462
msgid "Shortcode name is required."
msgstr "اسم الكود المختصر مطلوب"

#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:463
msgid "Please enter valid shortcode tag."
msgstr "الرجاء ادخال رمز كود مختصر صحيح"

#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:464
msgid "Please enter all required fields for params."
msgstr "الرجاء إدخال جميع الحقول المطلوبة للبارامس."

#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:465
msgid "New shortcode mapped from string!"
msgstr "الرمز القصير الجديد المعين من سلسلة!"

#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:466
msgid "Shortcode updated!"
msgstr "تحديث الكود المختصر"

#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:467
msgid "Content param can not be added manually, please use checkbox."
msgstr "لا يمكن إضافة محتوى المعلمة يدويا، يرجى استخدام مربع ادخال."

#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:468
#, php-format
msgid "Param %s already exists. Param names must be unique."
msgstr "%s موجود بالفعل. يجب أن تكون أسماء المعلمة فريدة من نوعها."

#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:469
msgid "Please use only letters, numbers and underscore for param name"
msgstr "يرجى استخدام حروف فقط، أرقام وتأكيد لاسم param"

#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:470
msgid "Please enter valid shortcode to parse!"
msgstr "الرجاء ادخال كود قصير صحيح لتحليلة"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:491
msgid "Show Visual Composer & default editor"
msgstr "اعرض المحرر المتطور وكذلك المحرر العادى"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:492
msgid "Show only Visual Composer"
msgstr "اعرض فقط المحرر المتطور"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:493
msgid "Don't allow to use Visual Composer"
msgstr "لا تسمح باستخدام المحرر المتطور"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:514
msgid "Visual Composer access"
msgstr "خيارات الوصول للمحرر المتطور"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:524
msgid "Enabled shortcodes"
msgstr "تفعيل الاكواد المختصره"

#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:544
#, php-format
msgid "(deprecated since v%s)"
msgstr "(مهملة من الاصدار v%s)"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:556
msgid "Select All"
msgstr "تحديد الكل"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:558
msgid "Select none"
msgstr "الغاء التحديد"

#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:568
msgid "Define access rules for different user groups."
msgstr "تحديد قواعد الوصول لمجموعات المستخدمين المختلفة."

#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:594
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:620
msgid "Select content types available to Visual Composer."
msgstr "حدد أنواع المحتوى المتاحة للمحرر المتطور"

#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:631
msgid "Add custom CSS code to the plugin without modifying files."
msgstr "إضافة كود  CSS مخصص للمساعدة دون تعديل الملفات."

#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:646
msgid ""
"Disable content elements from \"stacking\" one on top other on small media "
"screens (Example: mobile devices)."
msgstr ""
"تعطيل عناصر المحتوى من \"stacking\" بالاعلى بشاشة الوسائط الصغيرة (مثال : "
"اجهزة الجوال)"

#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:670
msgid "Select subsets for Google Fonts available to content elements."
msgstr "اختر المجموعة للخطوط المتاحة في جوجل فونت"

#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:747
msgid "Empty value"
msgstr "قيمة فارغة"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:761
msgid "Enable"
msgstr "تفعيل"

#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:764
msgid ""
"Enable the use of custom design options (Note: when checked - custom css file "
"will be used)."
msgstr ""
"تمكين استخدام خيارات التصميم حسب الطلب (ملاحظة: اذا تم الاختيار - اكواد css "
"المخصصة سوف يتم استخدامها)."

#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:784
msgid ""
"Change default vertical spacing between content elements (Example: 20px)."
msgstr "تغير التباعد العمودي بين محتوي العناصر (مثال: 20px)."

#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:794
msgid ""
"Change default horizontal spacing between columns, enter new value in pixels."
msgstr "تغير المسافة الافقية بين الاعمدة، أدخل قيمة جديدة بالبكسل."

#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:804
msgid ""
"By default content elements \"stack\" one on top other when screen size is "
"smaller than 768px. Change the value to change \"stacking\" size."
msgstr ""
"افتراضيا عناصر المحتوى  \"stack\" ​​ستظهر فوق بعضها البعض عند حجم الشاشات "
"الاصغر من 768px , يمكنك تغير القيمة لمساحة \"stacking\""

#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:847
msgid ""
"Here you can tweak default Visual Composer content elements visual "
"appearance. By default Visual Composer is using neutral light-grey theme. "
"Changing \"Main accent color\" will affect all content elements if no "
"specific \"content block\" related color is set."
msgstr ""

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:1007
msgid "Invalid Margin value."
msgstr "قمية هامش خاطئه"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:1021
msgid "Invalid Gutter value."
msgstr "قيمة غير صحيحة"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:1034
msgid "Invalid \"Responsive max\" value."
msgstr "قيمة غير صالحة \"Responsive max\"."

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:1136
msgid "Something went wrong: js_composer_front_custom.css could not be created."
msgstr "حدث خطأ: تعذر إنشاء js_composer_front_custom.css."

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:1138
msgid "js_composer_front_custom.css could not be created. Connection error."
msgstr "js_composer_front_custom.css تعذر إنشاء. مشكلة في الوصول."

#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:1140
#, php-format
msgid ""
"js_composer_front_custom.css could not be created. Cannot write custom css to "
msgstr ""
"لا يمكن إنشاء js_composer_front_custom.css. لا يمكن الكتابة على ملف css \"%s"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:1142
msgid "js_composer_front_custom.css could not be created. Problem with access."
msgstr "js_composer_front_custom.css تعذر إنشاء. مشكلة في الوصول."

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:1180
msgid "Something went wrong: custom.css could not be created."
msgstr "خطـأ لم يتم انشاء custom.css"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:1182
msgid "custom.css could not be created. Connection error."
msgstr "لا يمكن إنشاء custom.css. خطأ في الإتصال."

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:1184
msgid "custom.css could not be created. Cannot write custom css to \""
msgstr "لا يمكن إنشاء custom.css. لا يمكن كتابة الملف"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:1186
msgid "custom.css could not be created. Problem with access."
msgstr "تعذر إنشاء custom.css. مشكلة في الوصول."

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:1250
#: include/./classes/settings/class-vc-settings.php:1256
msgid "This is required to enable file writing for js_composer"
msgstr "هذه الميزة مطلوبة لتمكين الكتابة ل js_composer"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/shortcodes/example.php:95
msgid "Hello World"
msgstr "أهلاً بالعالم!"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/shortcodes/example.php:103
msgid "Foo attribute"
msgstr "السمة FOO"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/shortcodes/example.php:105
msgid "I'm foo attribute"
msgstr "انا السمة foo"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/shortcodes/example.php:106
msgid "Enter foo value."
msgstr "ادخل قيمة الـ foo"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/shortcodes/example.php:114
msgid "I'm hello world"
msgstr "مرحبا ايها العالم"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/shortcodes/example.php:115
msgid "Enter your content."
msgstr "ادخل المحتوى"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/shortcodes/example.php:119
msgid "Drop down example"
msgstr "مثال لقائمة منسدلة"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/shortcodes/example.php:122
msgid "One, two or three?"
msgstr "واحد ,اثنين او ثلاثة ؟"

#: include/./classes/shortcodes/shortcodes.php:477
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Template file is missing for `%s` shortcode. Make sure you have `%s` file in "
"your theme folder."
msgstr ""
"ملف قالب مفقود  `%s` للكود المختصر برجاء التأكيد ان لديك  `%s` في ملف القالب "
"الخاص بك"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/shortcodes/shortcodes.php:731
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/backend_controls.tpl.php:24
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/backend_controls_tab.tpl.php:25
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:18
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:41
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:73
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:95
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:124
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:149
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:182
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:205
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:240
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:266
#, php-format
msgid "Edit %s"
msgstr "تحرير %s"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/shortcodes/shortcodes.php:732
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/backend_controls.tpl.php:28
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/backend_controls_tab.tpl.php:29
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:23
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:47
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:79
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:133
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:189
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:211
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:248
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:274
#, php-format
msgid "Clone %s"
msgstr "استنساخ %s"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/shortcodes/shortcodes.php:732
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/backend_controls.tpl.php:32
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/backend_controls_tab.tpl.php:33
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:26
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:50
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:82
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:136
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:155
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:192
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:214
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:252
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:278
#, php-format
msgid "Delete %s"
msgstr "حذف %s"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/shortcodes/shortcodes.php:1131
#, php-format
msgid "Append to this %s"
msgstr "الحاق الى %s"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/shortcodes/shortcodes.php:1133
#, php-format
msgid "Prepend to this %s"
msgstr "الحاق الى %s"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/shortcodes/shortcodes.php:1136
#, php-format
msgid "Move this %s"
msgstr "سحب ونقل الى %s"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/shortcodes/shortcodes.php:1138
#, php-format
msgid "Edit this %s"
msgstr "تحرير هذا %s"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/shortcodes/shortcodes.php:1139
#, php-format
msgid "Clone this %s"
msgstr "استنساخ هذه %s"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/shortcodes/shortcodes.php:1140
#, php-format
msgid "Delete this %s"
msgstr "حذف هذا %s"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/shortcodes/vc-column.php:36
msgid "Append to this column"
msgstr "إلحاق لهذا العمود"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/shortcodes/vc-column.php:38
#: include/./params/vc_grid_element/vc_grid_element.php:190
msgid "Prepend to this column"
msgstr "إلحاق مسبق لهذا العمود"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/shortcodes/vc-column.php:45
msgid "Edit this column"
msgstr "تحرير هذا العمود"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/shortcodes/vc-column.php:46
msgid "Delete this column"
msgstr "حذف العمود"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/shortcodes/vc-flickr.php:43
#: include/./templates/shortcodes/vc_flickr.php:41
msgid "View stream on flickr"
msgstr "معاينة المحتوى من فليكر"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/shortcodes/vc-gallery.php:61
#: include/./classes/shortcodes/vc-media-grid.php:96
#: include/./params/default_params.php:312
msgid "Add images"
msgstr "اضافة صور"

#: include/./classes/shortcodes/vc-gitem-animated-block.php:30
msgid "Single block (no animation)"
msgstr "كتلة واحدة (بدون تحريك)"

#: include/./classes/shortcodes/vc-gitem-animated-block.php:31
msgid "Double block (no animation)"
msgstr "كتلة مزدوجة (بدون تأثير حركي)"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/shortcodes/vc-gitem-animated-block.php:32
msgid "Fade in"
msgstr "ظهور تدريجي"

#: include/./classes/shortcodes/vc-gitem-animated-block.php:33
msgid "Scale in"
msgstr ""

#: include/./classes/shortcodes/vc-gitem-animated-block.php:34
msgid "Scale in with rotation"
msgstr "دوران مع تغير بالمقاس"

#: include/./classes/shortcodes/vc-gitem-animated-block.php:35
msgid "Blur out"
msgstr ""

#: include/./classes/shortcodes/vc-gitem-animated-block.php:36
msgid "Blur scale out"
msgstr ""

#: include/./classes/shortcodes/vc-gitem-animated-block.php:37
msgid "Slide in from left"
msgstr "حركة شريحة من اليسار"

#: include/./classes/shortcodes/vc-gitem-animated-block.php:38
msgid "Slide in from right"
msgstr "تحريك من ناحية اليمين"

#: include/./classes/shortcodes/vc-gitem-animated-block.php:39
msgid "Slide bottom"
msgstr "أسفل الشريحة"

#: include/./classes/shortcodes/vc-gitem-animated-block.php:40
msgid "Slide top"
msgstr ""

#: include/./classes/shortcodes/vc-gitem-animated-block.php:41
msgid "Vertical flip in with fade"
msgstr "انعكاس عمودي مع تلاشي"

#: include/./classes/shortcodes/vc-gitem-animated-block.php:42
msgid "Horizontal flip in with fade"
msgstr "انعكاس أفقي مع تلاشي تدريجي"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/shortcodes/vc-gitem-animated-block.php:43
msgid "Go top"
msgstr "اذهب لاعلى"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/shortcodes/vc-gitem-animated-block.php:44
msgid "Go bottom"
msgstr "اذهب لاسفل"

#: include/./classes/shortcodes/vc-gitem.php:86
msgid "Add to this grid item"
msgstr "إضافة إلى هذا البند الشبكة"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/shortcodes/vc-gitem.php:92
msgid "Edit this grid item"
msgstr "تحرير عنصر الشبكة"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/shortcodes/vc-gitem.php:98
msgid "Delete this grid item "
msgstr "حذف هذا العنصر"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/shortcodes/vc-posts-grid.php:135
#: include/./templates/shortcodes/post_block/_item.php:22
#: include/./templates/shortcodes/vc_posts_slider.php:167
#, php-format
msgid "Permalink to %s"
msgstr "الوصلة الدائمة لـ%s"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/shortcodes/vc-row.php:47
msgid "Custom layout"
msgstr "تخطيط مخصص"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/shortcodes/vc-row.php:60
#: include/./classes/shortcodes/vc-section.php:43
msgid "Add column"
msgstr "إضافة عمود"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/shortcodes/vc-row.php:61
#: include/./classes/shortcodes/vc-section.php:44
#: include/./params/vc_grid_element/vc_grid_element.php:163
msgid "Delete this row"
msgstr "حذف هذا الصف"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/shortcodes/vc-row.php:62
#: include/./classes/shortcodes/vc-section.php:45
msgid "Edit this row"
msgstr "تحرير هذا الصف"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/shortcodes/vc-row.php:63
#: include/./classes/shortcodes/vc-section.php:46
#: include/./templates/params/param_group/inner_content.tpl.php:11
msgid "Clone this row"
msgstr "نسخ هذا الصف"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/shortcodes/vc-row.php:64
#: include/./templates/params/param_group/inner_content.tpl.php:12
msgid "Toggle row"
msgstr "تبديل وضم الان"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/shortcodes/vc-single-image.php:61
#: include/./params/css_editor/css_editor.php:126
#: include/./params/default_params.php:309
msgid "Add image"
msgstr "اضافة صورة"

#: include/./classes/updaters/class-vc-updater.php:129
#: include/./classes/updaters/class-vc-updater.php:197
msgid "Error! Can't connect to filesystem"
msgstr "خطأ! لا يمكن الاتصال بنظام الملفات"

#: include/./classes/updaters/class-vc-updater.php:138
#: include/./classes/updaters/class-vc-updater.php:203
msgid ""
"To receive automatic updates license activation is required. Please visit <a "
msgstr ""
"للحصول على التحديثات التلقائية يتوجب عليك تفعيل الترخيص. يرجى زيارة <a href=\""

#: include/./classes/updaters/class-vc-updater.php:138
#: include/./classes/updaters/class-vc-updating-manager.php:174
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Exit Visual Composer edit mode"
msgid "Got Visual Composer in theme?"
msgstr "الخروج من وضع التحرير في المحرر المتطور"

#: include/./classes/updaters/class-vc-updater.php:141
msgid "Getting download link..."
msgstr ""

#: include/./classes/updaters/class-vc-updater.php:147
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Design Options could not be saved"
msgid "Download link could not be retrieved"
msgstr "تعذر حفظ خيارات التصميم"

#: include/./classes/updaters/class-vc-updater.php:154
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Downloading package from envato market..."
msgid "Downloading package..."
msgstr "تحميل الحزمة من سوق envato ..."

#: include/./classes/updaters/class-vc-updater.php:192
msgid "Downloading package from envato market..."
msgstr "تحميل الحزمة من سوق envato ..."

#: include/./classes/updaters/class-vc-updater.php:208
msgid "Error! Envato API error"
msgstr "خطأ! خطأ API Envato"

#: include/./classes/updaters/class-vc-updater.php:224
msgid "Error on unzipping package"
msgstr "خطا في فك الحزمة"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/updaters/class-vc-updating-manager.php:172
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Settings"
msgid "settings"
msgstr "(الإعدادات)"

#: include/./classes/updaters/class-vc-updating-manager.php:174
#, fuzzy, php-format
#| msgid ""
#| "To receive automatic updates license activation is required. Please visit "
#| "<a href=\""
msgid ""
"To receive automatic updates license activation is required. Please visit %s "
"to activate your Visual Composer."
msgstr ""
"للحصول على التحديثات التلقائية يتوجب عليك تفعيل الترخيص. يرجى زيارة <a href=\""

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/acf/grid-item-shortcodes.php:18
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/acf/shortcode.php:18
msgid "Field name"
msgstr "اسم الحقل"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/acf/grid-item-shortcodes.php:22
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/acf/shortcode.php:22
msgid "Select field from group."
msgstr "حدد الحقل من المجموعة."

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/acf/grid-item-shortcodes.php:32
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/acf/grid-item-shortcodes.php:36
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/acf/shortcode.php:31
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/acf/shortcode.php:35
msgid "Advanced Custom Field"
msgstr ""

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/acf/grid-item-shortcodes.php:42
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/acf/shortcode.php:39
msgid "Field group"
msgstr "مجموعة حقل"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/acf/grid-item-shortcodes.php:46
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/acf/shortcode.php:43
msgid "Select field group."
msgstr "اختر مجموعة حقل"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/acf/grid-item-shortcodes.php:52
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/acf/shortcode.php:48
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/woocommerce/grid-item-shortcodes.php:73
msgid "Show label"
msgstr "عرض التسمية"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/acf/grid-item-shortcodes.php:55
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/acf/shortcode.php:51
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/woocommerce/grid-item-shortcodes.php:77
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:652
msgid "Enter label to display before key value."
msgstr "أدخل تسمية لعرض قبل قيمة المفتاح."

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/acf/grid-item-shortcodes.php:59
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/acf/shortcode.php:55
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/woocommerce/grid-item-shortcodes.php:81
msgid "Align"
msgstr "محاذاة"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/acf/grid-item-shortcodes.php:62
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/acf/shortcode.php:58
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/woocommerce/grid-item-shortcodes.php:84
#: include/./params/font_container/font_container.php:91
msgid "left"
msgstr "يسار"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/acf/grid-item-shortcodes.php:63
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/acf/shortcode.php:59
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/woocommerce/grid-item-shortcodes.php:85
#: include/./params/font_container/font_container.php:92
msgid "right"
msgstr "يمين"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/acf/grid-item-shortcodes.php:64
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/acf/shortcode.php:60
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/woocommerce/grid-item-shortcodes.php:86
#: include/./params/font_container/font_container.php:93
msgid "center"
msgstr "وسط"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/acf/grid-item-shortcodes.php:65
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/acf/shortcode.php:61
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/woocommerce/grid-item-shortcodes.php:87
#: include/./params/font_container/font_container.php:94
msgid "justify"
msgstr "متساوي"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/acf/grid-item-shortcodes.php:67
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/acf/shortcode.php:63
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/woocommerce/grid-item-shortcodes.php:90
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:664
msgid "Select alignment."
msgstr "اختر المحاذاة"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-contact-form7.php:49
msgid "No contact forms found"
msgstr "لم يتم ايجاد نماذج اتصال"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-contact-form7.php:54
msgid "Contact Form 7"
msgstr "نموذج للاتصال 7"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-contact-form7.php:57
msgid "Place Contact Form7"
msgstr "اضف نموذج اتصل بنا Form7"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-contact-form7.php:61
msgid "Select contact form"
msgstr "اختر نموذج اتصال"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-contact-form7.php:65
msgid "Choose previously created contact form from the drop down list."
msgstr "اختر نموذج اتصال مصمم من قبل من القائمة المنسدله"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-contact-form7.php:69
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "After title"
msgid "Search title"
msgstr "بعد العنوان"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-contact-form7.php:72
msgid "Enter optional title to search if no ID selected or cannot find by ID."
msgstr ""

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-layerslider.php:97
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-layerslider.php:110
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-revslider.php:119
msgid "No sliders found"
msgstr "لم يتم العثور على سلايدرات"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-layerslider.php:116
msgid "Layer Slider"
msgstr "طبقة الشريحة"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-layerslider.php:119
msgid "Place LayerSlider"
msgstr "اضف LayerSlider"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-layerslider.php:129
msgid "LayerSlider ID"
msgstr "معرف طبقة الشريحة ID"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-layerslider.php:134
msgid "Select your LayerSlider."
msgstr "اختر لايرسليدر"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-ninja-forms.php:37
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-ninja-forms.php:69
msgid "Ninja Forms"
msgstr "نماذج Ninja Forms"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-ninja-forms.php:40
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-ninja-forms.php:72
msgid "Place Ninja Form"
msgstr "وضع نموذج Ninja Form"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-ninja-forms.php:44
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-ninja-forms.php:76
msgid "Select ninja form"
msgstr "اختر نموذج ninja form"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-ninja-forms.php:48
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-ninja-forms.php:80
msgid "Choose previously created ninja form from the drop down list."
msgstr "اختر نموذج تم صنعة مسبقا بواسطة نماذج ninja form من القائمة المنسدلة"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-revslider.php:57
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-revslider.php:70
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-revslider.php:125
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-revslider.php:138
msgid "Revolution Slider"
msgstr "شرائح Revolution"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-revslider.php:60
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-revslider.php:128
msgid "Place Revolution slider"
msgstr "اضف شريحة Revolution slider"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-revslider.php:75
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-revslider.php:143
msgid "Select your Revolution Slider."
msgstr "اختر السلايدر من  Revolution Slider."

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:125
msgid "Cart"
msgstr "عربة التسوق"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:128
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:145
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:162
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:181
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:211
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:263
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:315
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:337
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:398
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:431
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:459
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:496
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:547
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:614
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:664
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:700
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:759
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:852
msgid "WooCommerce"
msgstr "ووكوميرس"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:129
msgid "Displays the cart contents"
msgstr "يعرض محتويات السله"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:142
msgid "Checkout"
msgstr "التخليص والدفع"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:146
msgid "Displays the checkout"
msgstr "يعرض صفحة الدفع"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:159
msgid "Order Tracking Form"
msgstr "نموذج تتبع الطلب"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:163
msgid "Lets a user see the status of an order"
msgstr "يتيح للمستخدم معرفة حالة النظام"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:178
msgid "My Account"
msgstr "حسابي"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:182
msgid "Shows the \"my account\" section"
msgstr "يظهر في قسم حسابي"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:186
msgid "Order count"
msgstr "عدد الطلب"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:190
msgid ""
"You can specify the number or order to show, it's set by default to 15 (use "
"-1 to display all orders.)"
msgstr ""
"يمكنك تحديد عدد أو طلب لإظهاره، تم ضبطه بشكل افتراضي إلى 15 (استخدام -1 لعرض "
"كافة الطلبات)."

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:208
msgid "Recent products"
msgstr "المنتجات الجديدة"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:212
msgid "Lists recent products"
msgstr "قوائم المنتجات الأخيرة"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:216
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:268
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:501
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:619
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:669
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:705
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:764
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:857
msgid "Per page"
msgstr "للصفحة"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:220
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:272
msgid ""
"The \"per_page\" shortcode determines how many products to show on the page"
msgstr "الكود المختصر \"per_page \"يحدد عدد المنتجات التي سيتم ظهورها لكل صفحة"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:224
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:276
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:342
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:509
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:574
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:627
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:677
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:713
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:772
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:865
msgid "Columns"
msgstr "أعمدة"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:228
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:280
msgid ""
"The columns attribute controls how many columns wide the products should be "
"before wrapping."
msgstr "سمة الاعمدة تتحكم في كم عدد الاعمدة للمنتجات "

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:236
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:288
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:521
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:562
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:639
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:725
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:784
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:877
#, php-format
msgid "Select how to sort retrieved products. More at %s."
msgstr "حدد كيفية فرز المنتجات المستردة. المزيد %s"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:244
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:296
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:529
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:570
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:647
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:733
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:792
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:885
#, php-format
msgid "Designates the ascending or descending order. More at %s."
msgstr "يعين ترتيب تصاعدي أو تنازلي. المزيد %s"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:260
msgid "Featured products"
msgstr "المنتجات المميزة"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:264
msgid "Display products set as \"featured\""
msgstr "عرض المنتجات المميزة"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:312
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/woocommerce/grid-item-shortcodes.php:21
msgid "Product"
msgstr "منتج"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:316
msgid "Show a single product by ID or SKU"
msgstr "عرض منتج واحد بواسطة الهوية أو SKU"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:320
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:403
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:436
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:464
msgid "Select identificator"
msgstr "حدد المعرف"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:322
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:405
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:438
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:466
msgid "Input product ID or product SKU or product title to see suggestions"
msgstr "إدخال معرف المنتج أو المنتج SKU أو عنوان المنتج لرؤية الاقتراحات"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:334
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:366
msgid "Products"
msgstr "المنتجات"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:338
msgid "Show multiple products by ID or SKU."
msgstr "عرض منتجات متعددة عن طريق اسم أو SKU."

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:354
#, php-format
msgid "Select how to sort retrieved products. More at %s. Default by Title"
msgstr "حدد كيفية فرز المنتجات المستردة. المزيد %s الافتراضي حسب العنوان"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:362
#, php-format
msgid "Designates the ascending or descending order. More at %s. Default by ASC"
msgstr "يعين ترتيب تصاعدي أو تنازلي. المزيد %s  الافتراضيASC"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:375
msgid "Enter List of Products"
msgstr "إدخال قائمة من المنتجات"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:395
msgid "Add to cart"
msgstr "اضف للسلة"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:399
msgid "Show multiple products by ID or SKU"
msgstr "عرض منتجات متعددة عن طريق اسم أو SKU"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:413
msgid "Wrapper inline style"
msgstr ""

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:428
msgid "Add to cart URL"
msgstr "إضافة إلى رابط السلة URL"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:432
msgid "Show URL on the add to cart button"
msgstr "مشاهدة URL على زر أضف إلى السلة"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:456
msgid "Product page"
msgstr "صفحة المنتج"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:460
msgid "Show single product by ID or SKU"
msgstr "عرض منتج واحد بواسطة الهوية أو SKU"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:493
msgid "Product category"
msgstr "قسم المنتج"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:497
msgid "Show multiple products in a category"
msgstr "عرض منتجات متعددة في تصنيف"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:505
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:623
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:673
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:709
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:768
msgid "How much items per page to show"
msgstr "عدد النتائج للصفحة"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:513
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:578
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:631
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:681
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:717
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:776
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:869
msgid "How much columns grid"
msgstr "مقدار أعمدة الشبكة"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:533
msgid "Category"
msgstr "تصنيف"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:537
msgid "Product category list"
msgstr "قائمة باقسام المنتجات"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:544
msgid "Product categories"
msgstr "تصنيفات المنتج"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:548
msgid "Display product categories loop"
msgstr "عرض اصناف المنتجات"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:552
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:582
msgid "Number"
msgstr "رقم"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:554
msgid "The `number` field is used to display the number of products."
msgstr "يتم استخدام الحقل  `number` لعرض عدد من المنتجات."

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:584
msgid "Hide empty"
msgstr "اخفي الفارغ"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:595
msgid "List of product categories"
msgstr "قائمة من فئات المنتجات"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:611
msgid "Sale products"
msgstr "المنتجات المخفضة"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:615
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:701
msgid "List all products on sale"
msgstr "قائمة جميع المنتجات المعروضة للبيع"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:661
msgid "Best Selling Products"
msgstr "المنتجات الأكثر رواجاً"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:665
msgid "List best selling products on sale"
msgstr "قائمة المنتجات الأكثر مبيعا  بالتخفيض"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:697
msgid "Top Rated Products"
msgstr "المنتجات الأعلى تقييما"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:756
msgid "Product Attribute"
msgstr "سمات المنتج"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:760
msgid "List products with an attribute shortcode"
msgstr "قائمة المنتجات مع اكواد قصيرة للسمات"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:796
msgid "Attribute"
msgstr "سمة"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:800
msgid "List of product taxonomy attribute"
msgstr "قائمة السمة لتصنيف المنتج"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:808
msgid "Taxonomy values"
msgstr "قيم التصنيف"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:847
msgid "Related Products"
msgstr "منتجات مرتبطة"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:853
msgid "List related products"
msgstr "قائمة بالمنتجات ذات الصلة"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:861
msgid ""
"Please note: the \"per_page\" shortcode argument will determine how many "
"products are shown on a page. This will not add pagination to the shortcode. "
msgstr ""
"يرجي ملاحظة ان الكود المختصر  \"per_page\" سوف يعمل على تحديد عدد المنتجات "
"التي سيتم عرضها بالصفحة الواحدة ولن يقوم باضافة عداد الصفحات بالكود المختصر"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:1239
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:1275
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:1338
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:1375
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:1452
msgid "Id"
msgstr "المعرف"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:1239
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:1267
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:1330
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:1444
msgid "Sku"
msgstr "وحدة المنتج:"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:1375
msgid "Name"
msgstr "الاسم"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:1375
msgid "Slug"
msgstr "الإسم اللطيف"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:1463
msgid "SKU"
msgstr "كود المنتج:"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:1465
msgid "Price"
msgstr "السعر"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:1466
msgid "Regular Price"
msgstr "السعر الإفتراضي :"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:1467
msgid "Sale Price"
msgstr "سعر البيع"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:1468
msgid "Price html"
msgstr "اسعار HTML"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:1469
msgid "Reviews count"
msgstr "عدد التقيمات"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:1470
msgid "Short description"
msgstr "وصف مختصر"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:1471
msgid "Dimensions"
msgstr "الأبعاد"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:1472
msgid "Rating count"
msgstr "عداد تقيم"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:1473
msgid "Weight"
msgstr "الوزن"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:1474
msgid "Is on sale"
msgstr "تحت الخصم"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:1475
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:1501
msgid "Custom field"
msgstr "حقل مخصص"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:1490
msgid "Order number"
msgstr "رقم الطلب"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:1491
msgid "Currency"
msgstr "العملة "

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:1492
msgid "Total"
msgstr "المجموع"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:1493
msgid "Status"
msgstr "الحالة"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:1494
msgid "Payment method"
msgstr "وسيلة الدفع"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:1495
msgid "Billing address city"
msgstr "مدينة عنوان الفوترة"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:1496
msgid "Billing address country"
msgstr "بلد عنوان الفوترة"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:1497
msgid "Shipping address city"
msgstr "عنوان الشحن"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:1498
msgid "Shipping address country"
msgstr "بلد عنوان الشحن"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:1499
msgid "Customer Note"
msgstr "ملاحظات العميل:"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/class-vc-vendor-woocommerce.php:1500
msgid "Customer API"
msgstr "API العملاء"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/woocommerce/grid-item-filters.php:16
msgid "WooCommerce add to card link"
msgstr "WooCommerce إضافة إلى وصلة السلة"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/woocommerce/grid-item-shortcodes.php:8
msgid "WooCommerce field"
msgstr "حقل WooCommerce"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/woocommerce/grid-item-shortcodes.php:12
msgid "Woocommerce"
msgstr "ووكوميرس"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/woocommerce/grid-item-shortcodes.php:18
msgid "Content type"
msgstr "نوع المحتوى"

# Label: auto
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/woocommerce/grid-item-shortcodes.php:22
msgid "Order"
msgstr "الطلب:"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/woocommerce/grid-item-shortcodes.php:25
msgid "Select Woo Commerce post type."
msgstr "حدد نوع التدوينة المخصصة للووكوميرس"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/woocommerce/grid-item-shortcodes.php:29
msgid "Product field name"
msgstr "اسم الحقل المنتج"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/woocommerce/grid-item-shortcodes.php:37
msgid "Select field from product."
msgstr "حدد الحقل من المنتج."

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/woocommerce/grid-item-shortcodes.php:41
msgid "Product custom key"
msgstr "المفتاح المخصص للمنتج"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/woocommerce/grid-item-shortcodes.php:43
#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/woocommerce/grid-item-shortcodes.php:69
msgid "Enter custom key."
msgstr "أدخل مفتاح مخصص."

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/woocommerce/grid-item-shortcodes.php:51
msgid "Order fields"
msgstr "ترتيب الحقول"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/woocommerce/grid-item-shortcodes.php:59
msgid "Select field from order."
msgstr "حدد الحقل من الطلب"

#: include/./classes/vendors/plugins/woocommerce/grid-item-shortcodes.php:63
msgid "Order custom key"
msgstr "مفتاح الطلب المخصص"

# Label: auto
#: include/./helpers/helpers.php:329
msgid "Added"
msgstr "اضيفت"

# Label: auto
#: include/./helpers/helpers.php:1285 include/./params/loop/loop.php:333
msgid "Taxonomies"
msgstr "التصنيفات"

#: include/./helpers/helpers_api.php:26
msgid "Wrong vc_map object. Base attribute is required"
msgstr " vc_map خطأ.  السمة الأساسية مطلوبة"

# Label: auto
#: include/./helpers/helpers_api.php:544
msgid "CSS Animation"
msgstr "تاثيرات الـ CSS"

# Label: auto
#: include/./helpers/helpers_api.php:554
msgid "Top to bottom"
msgstr "من الأعلى للأسفل"

# Label: auto
#: include/./helpers/helpers_api.php:555
msgid "Bottom to top"
msgstr "من الأسفل للأعلى"

# Label: auto
#: include/./helpers/helpers_api.php:556
msgid "Left to right"
msgstr "من اليسار لليمين"

# Label: auto
#: include/./helpers/helpers_api.php:557
msgid "Right to left"
msgstr "من اليمين لليسار"

# Label: auto
#: include/./helpers/helpers_api.php:558
msgid "Appear from center"
msgstr "الظهور من المنتصف"

# Label: auto
#: include/./helpers/helpers_api.php:563
msgid ""
"Select type of animation for element to be animated when it \"enters\" the "
"browsers viewport (Note: works only in modern browsers)."
msgstr ""
"حدد نوع التاثير الحركي اذا كنت تود ان يتم تحريك هذه العناصر عندما يتم "
"التصفح . ملحوظة: هذه التاثيرات تعمل فقط مع المتصفحات الحديثة"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:45
msgid "Attention Seekers"
msgstr ""

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:48
msgid "bounce"
msgstr "تأثير bounce"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:52
msgid "flash"
msgstr "وميض"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:56
msgid "pulse"
msgstr "نبض"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:60
msgid "rubberBand"
msgstr ""

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:64
msgid "shake"
msgstr "تأثير shake"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:68
msgid "swing"
msgstr "بندول"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:72
msgid "tada"
msgstr ""

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:76
msgid "wobble"
msgstr ""

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:83
msgid "Bouncing Entrances"
msgstr "Bouncing Entrances"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:86
msgid "bounceIn"
msgstr "تأثير bounceIn"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:90
msgid "bounceInDown"
msgstr "تأثير bounceInDown"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:94
msgid "bounceInLeft"
msgstr "تأثير bounceInLeft"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:98
msgid "bounceInRight"
msgstr "تأثير bounceInRight"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:102
msgid "bounceInUp"
msgstr "تأثير bounceInUp"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:109
msgid "Bouncing Exits"
msgstr "Bouncing Exits"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:112
msgid "bounceOut"
msgstr "تأثير bounceOut"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:116
msgid "bounceOutDown"
msgstr "تأثير bounceOutDown"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:120
msgid "bounceOutLeft"
msgstr "تأثير bounceOutLeft"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:124
msgid "bounceOutRight"
msgstr "تأثير bounceOutRight"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:128
msgid "bounceOutUp"
msgstr "تأثير bounceOutUp"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:135
msgid "Fading Entrances"
msgstr "الإنتقال التدريجي"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:138
msgid "fadeIn"
msgstr "تأثير fadeIn"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:142
msgid "fadeInDown"
msgstr "تأثير fadeInDown"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:146
msgid "fadeInDownBig"
msgstr "تأثير fadeInDownBig"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:150
msgid "fadeInLeft"
msgstr "تأثير fadeInLeft"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:154
msgid "fadeInLeftBig"
msgstr "تأثير fadeInLeftBig"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:158
msgid "fadeInRight"
msgstr "تأثير fadeInRight"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:162
msgid "fadeInRightBig"
msgstr "تأثير fadeInRightBig"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:166
msgid "fadeInUp"
msgstr "تأثير fadeInUp"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:170
msgid "fadeInUpBig"
msgstr "تأثير fadeInUpBig"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:177
msgid "Fading Exits"
msgstr "تلاشي تدريجي"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:179
msgid "fadeOut"
msgstr ""

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:183
msgid "fadeOutDown"
msgstr "تأثير fadeOutDown"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:187
msgid "fadeOutDownBig"
msgstr "تأثير fadeOutDownBig"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:191
msgid "fadeOutLeft"
msgstr "تأثير fadeOutLeft"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:195
msgid "fadeOutLeftBig"
msgstr "تأثير fadeOutLeftBig"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:199
msgid "fadeOutRight"
msgstr "تأثير fadeOutRight"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:203
msgid "fadeOutRightBig"
msgstr "تأثير fadeOutRightBig"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:207
msgid "fadeOutUp"
msgstr "تأثير fadeOutUp"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:211
msgid "fadeOutUpBig"
msgstr "تأثير fadeOutUpBig"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:218
msgid "Flippers"
msgstr ""

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:220
msgid "flip"
msgstr "تأثير flip"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:224
msgid "flipInX"
msgstr "تأثير flipInX"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:228
msgid "flipInY"
msgstr "تأثير flipInY"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:232
msgid "flipOutX"
msgstr "تأثير flipOutX"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:236
msgid "flipOutY"
msgstr "تأثير flipOutY"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:243
msgid "Lightspeed"
msgstr "Lightspeed"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:245
msgid "lightSpeedIn"
msgstr "lightSpeedIn"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:249
msgid "lightSpeedOut"
msgstr "تأثير lightSpeedOut"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:256
msgid "Rotating Entrances"
msgstr ""

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:258
msgid "rotateIn"
msgstr "تأثير rotateIn"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:262
msgid "rotateInDownLeft"
msgstr "تأثير rotateInDownLeft"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:266
msgid "rotateInDownRight"
msgstr "تأثير rotateInDownRight"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:270
msgid "rotateInUpLeft"
msgstr "تأثير rotateInUpLeft"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:274
msgid "rotateInUpRight"
msgstr "تأثير rotateInUpRight"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:281
msgid "Rotating Exits"
msgstr ""

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:283
msgid "rotateOut"
msgstr "تأثير rotateOut"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:287
msgid "rotateOutDownLeft"
msgstr "تأثير rotateOutDownLeft"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:291
msgid "rotateOutDownRight"
msgstr "تأثير rotateOutDownRight"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:295
msgid "rotateOutUpLeft"
msgstr "تأثير rotateOutUpLeft"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:299
msgid "rotateOutUpRight"
msgstr "تأثير rotateOutUpRight"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:306
msgid "Specials"
msgstr "خاصيات"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:308
msgid "hinge"
msgstr ""

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:312
msgid "rollIn"
msgstr "رولين"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:316
msgid "rollOut"
msgstr ""

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:323
msgid "Zoom Entrances"
msgstr ""

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:325
msgid "zoomIn"
msgstr "تقريب"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:329
msgid "zoomInDown"
msgstr "تأثير zoomInDown"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:333
msgid "zoomInLeft"
msgstr "تأثير zoomInLeft"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:337
msgid "zoomInRight"
msgstr "تأثير zoomInRight"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:341
msgid "zoomInUp"
msgstr "تأثير zoomInUp"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:348
msgid "Zoom Exits"
msgstr ""

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:350
msgid "zoomOut"
msgstr "تأثير zoomOut"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:354
msgid "zoomOutDown"
msgstr "تأثير zoomOutDown"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:358
msgid "zoomOutLeft"
msgstr "تأثير zoomOutLeft"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:362
msgid "zoomOutRight"
msgstr "تأثير zoomOutRight"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:366
msgid "zoomOutUp"
msgstr "تأثير zoomOutUp"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:373
msgid "Slide Entrances"
msgstr ""

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:375
msgid "slideInDown"
msgstr "تأثير slideInDown"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:379
msgid "slideInLeft"
msgstr "تاثير slideInLeft"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:383
msgid "slideInRight"
msgstr "تاثير slideInRight"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:387
msgid "slideInUp"
msgstr "تأثير slideInUp"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:394
msgid "Slide Exits"
msgstr ""

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:396
msgid "slideOutDown"
msgstr "تأثير slideOutDown"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:400
msgid "slideOutLeft"
msgstr "تأثير slideOutLeft"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:404
msgid "slideOutRight"
msgstr "تأثير slideOutRight"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:408
msgid "slideOutUp"
msgstr "تأثير slideOutUp"

#: include/./params/animation_style/animation_style.php:499
msgid "Animate it"
msgstr "تحريك"

#: include/./params/autocomplete/autocomplete.php:79
msgid "Click here and start typing..."
msgstr "انقر هنا وابدأ بالكتابة..."

#: include/./params/column_offset/column_offset.php:90
msgid "Default value from width attribute"
msgstr "القيمة الافتراضية من مساحة عرض السمة"

#: include/./params/column_offset/column_offset.php:92
#: include/./params/column_offset/column_offset.php:110
msgid "Inherit from smaller"
msgstr "الوراثة من الاصغر"

#: include/./params/column_offset/column_offset.php:110
#: include/./params/column_offset/column_offset.php:111
msgid "No offset"
msgstr "بدون ازاحة"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/css_editor/css_editor.php:95
msgid "Border style"
msgstr "نمط الإطار"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/css_editor/css_editor.php:97
msgid "Border radius"
msgstr "استدارة الحدود"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/css_editor/css_editor.php:103
msgid "Box controls"
msgstr "عناصر تحكم الصندوق"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/css_editor/css_editor.php:104
msgid "Simplify controls"
msgstr "تحكم بسيط عائم"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/css_editor/css_editor.php:160
#: include/./params/css_editor/css_editor.php:186
msgid "Theme defaults"
msgstr "افتراضي القالب"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/css_editor/css_editor.php:188
msgid "Cover"
msgstr "غلاف"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/css_editor/css_editor.php:189
msgid "Contain"
msgstr "يحتوى"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/css_editor/css_editor.php:190
msgid "No Repeat"
msgstr "بدون تكرار"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/css_editor/css_editor.php:191
msgid "Repeat"
msgstr "كرّر/"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/font_container/font_container.php:52
msgid "Element tag"
msgstr "علامة العنصر"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/font_container/font_container.php:73
msgid "Font size"
msgstr "حجم الخط"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/font_container/font_container.php:88
msgid "Text align"
msgstr "اتجاه النص"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/font_container/font_container.php:107
msgid "Line height"
msgstr "ارتفاع الخط"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/font_container/font_container.php:137
#: include/./templates/params/google_fonts/template.php:7
msgid "Font Family"
msgstr "عائلة الخطوط"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/font_container/font_container.php:157
#: include/./templates/params/google_fonts/template.php:30
msgid "Font style"
msgstr "أسلوب الخط"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/font_container/font_container.php:160
msgid "italic"
msgstr "مائل"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/font_container/font_container.php:164
msgid "bold"
msgstr "غامق"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/iconpicker/iconpicker.php:90
msgid "From all categories"
msgstr "من كل الاقسام"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/iconpicker/iconpicker.php:94
msgid "Uncategorized"
msgstr "غير مصنف"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/loop/loop.php:28
msgid "Build query"
msgstr "إنشاء الاستعلام"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/loop/loop.php:326
msgid "Post count"
msgstr "عداد التدوينة"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/loop/loop.php:334
msgid "Individual posts/pages"
msgstr "فرديه مشاركات/صفحات"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/options/options.php:16
msgid "Manage options"
msgstr "ادارة الخيارات"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/options/options.php:17
#: include/./templates/editors/popups/modal_edit_element.tpl.php:19
#: include/./templates/editors/popups/panel_multi_shortcode_edit_form.tpl.php:20
#: include/./templates/editors/popups/panel_shortcode_edit_form.tpl.php:20
#: include/./templates/editors/popups/panel_templates_editor.tpl.php:85
#: include/./templates/editors/popups/vc_ui-panel-edit-element.tpl.php:42
#: include/./templates/editors/popups/vc_ui-panel-post-settings.tpl.php:43
msgid "Close"
msgstr "إغلاق"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/sorted_list/sorted_list.php:54
msgid "VC: Custom Teaser"
msgstr "VC: مخصص Teaser"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/sorted_list/sorted_list.php:88
msgid "Empty title"
msgstr "عنوان فارغ"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/sorted_list/sorted_list.php:94
#: include/./templates/teaser.html.php:56
msgid "Excerpt"
msgstr "المقتطف"

#: include/./params/sorted_list/sorted_list.php:96
msgid "Featered"
msgstr "موقع Featered"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/sorted_list/sorted_list.php:98
msgid "Link text"
msgstr "نص الوصلة"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/sorted_list/sorted_list.php:101
msgid "Link to big image"
msgstr "رابط للصورة الكبيرة"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/sorted_list/sorted_list.php:102
#: include/./templates/teaser.html.php:78
msgid "Add custom image"
msgstr "اضف صورة مخصصة"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/sorted_list/sorted_list.php:104
msgid "Enable custom teaser"
msgstr "تمكين  teaser  مخصص"

#: include/./params/sorted_list/sorted_list.php:107
msgid ""
"Customize teaser block design to overwrite default settings used in \"Carousel"
"\" content element."
msgstr ""
"تخصيص كتلة تصميم teaser  سوف يقوم بالكتابة على الاعدادات المستخدمة في عناصر "
"محتوي \"Carousel\""

#: include/./params/textarea_html/textarea_html.php:24
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Field type is changed from \"textarea_html\" to \"textarea\", because it is "
"already used by %s field. Textarea_html field's type can be used only once "
"per shortcode."
msgstr ""
"نوع الحقل تم تغيرة من \"textarea_html\" الى \"textarea\", لانه بالفعل مستخدم "
"بواسطة %s . Textarea_html سيتم استخدامها مرة واحدة لكل كود مختصر"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/vc_grid_element/vc_grid_element.php:63
msgid "Add row"
msgstr "اضافة صف"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_element/vc_grid_element.php:232
msgid "Drag to reorder"
msgstr "اسحب لإعادة ترتيب"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/editor/class-vc-grid-item-editor.php:97
msgid "Add Grid template"
msgstr "إضافة قالب الشبكة"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/editor/class-vc-grid-item-editor.php:98
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/editor/class-vc-grid-item-editor.php:137
#: include/./templates/pages/partials/vc-roles-parts/_grid_builder.tpl.php:14
#: include/./templates/pages/partials/vc-roles-parts/_grid_builder.tpl.php:15
msgid "Grid Builder"
msgstr "منشئ النماذج"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/editor/class-vc-grid-item-editor.php:99
msgid "Grid template"
msgstr "قوالب الشبكة"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/editor/class-vc-grid-item-editor.php:100
msgid "Edit Grid template"
msgstr "تحرير قالب الشبكة"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/editor/class-vc-grid-item-editor.php:101
msgid "View Grid template"
msgstr "عرض قالب الشبكة"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/editor/class-vc-grid-item-editor.php:102
msgid "Search Grid templates"
msgstr "بحث قوالب الشبكة Grid"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/editor/class-vc-grid-item-editor.php:103
msgid "No Grid templates found"
msgstr "لم يتم العثور على قوالب"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/editor/class-vc-grid-item-editor.php:104
msgid "No Grid templates found in Trash"
msgstr "لم يتم العثور على أية قوالب في سلة المهملات"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/editor/class-vc-grid-item-editor.php:221
msgid "Builder"
msgstr "منشئ النماذج"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/editor/class-vc-grid-item-editor.php:222
msgid ""
"If you add this template, all your current changes will be removed. Are you "
"sure you want to add template?"
msgstr ""
"إذا قمت بإضافة هذا القالب، سيتم إزالة كافة التغييرات الحالية. هل أنت متأكد "
"أنك تريد إضافة القالب؟"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/editor/class-vc-grid-item-preview.php:112
msgid "Post title"
msgstr "عنوان التدوينة"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/editor/class-vc-grid-item-preview.php:113
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/editor/class-vc-grid-item-preview.php:114
msgid ""
"The WordPress Excerpt is an optional summary or description of a post; in "
"short, a post summary."
msgstr "المتقتطف هو نص اختياري او ملخص يظهر وصف اسفل التدوينة "

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/editor/navbar/class-vc-navbar-grid-item.php:38
msgid "Grid element settings"
msgstr "اعدادات عناصر الشبكة"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/editor/navbar/class-vc-navbar-grid-item.php:58
#, php-format
msgid "%s/12 width"
msgstr "%s/12 عرض"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/editor/popups/class-vc-templates-editor-grid-item.php:147
msgid "Grid Templates"
msgstr "تصميم الشبكة"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/editor/popups/class-vc-templates-editor-grid-item.php:166
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Grid Templates"
msgid "Custom Grid Templates"
msgstr "تصميم الشبكة"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:11
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:455
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:485
msgid "Add link"
msgstr "إضافة رابط"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:15
msgid "Post link"
msgstr "رابط الموضوع"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:16
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Post Date"
msgid "Post author"
msgstr "تاريخ التدوينة"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:17
msgid "Large image"
msgstr "صورة كبيرة"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:18
msgid "Large image (prettyPhoto)"
msgstr "الصورة الكبيرة (prettyPhoto)"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:21
msgid "Select link option."
msgstr "اختر خيار الرابط"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:33
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:76
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:557
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:875
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:886
msgid "Add custom link."
msgstr "اضف رابط مخصص"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:37
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:360
msgid "Use featured image on background?"
msgstr "استخدام صورة مميزة في الخلفية؟"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:40
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:363
msgid ""
"Note: Featured image overwrites background image and color from \"Design "
msgstr ""
"تنبية: الصورة المميزة سوف ستظهر فوق صورة الخلفية واللون من\"خيارات التصميم\"."

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:98
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:122
msgid "Select color for your element."
msgstr "اختير لون للعناصر الخاصة بك"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:104
msgid "Use custom fonts?"
msgstr "استخدام خطوط مخصصة؟"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:125
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:137
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:155
msgid "Custom fonts"
msgstr "خطوط مخصصة"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:133
msgid "Yes theme default font family?"
msgstr "استخدم الخط الافتراضي للقالب ؟"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:136
msgid "Yes font family from the theme."
msgstr "نعم عائلة الخط من القالب"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:164
msgid "Grid Item"
msgstr "عنصر شبكة Grid"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:171
msgid "Main grid item"
msgstr "البند الرئيسي الشبكة"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:190
msgid "A/B block"
msgstr "أ/ب كتلة"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:210
msgid "Zone"
msgstr "نطاق"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:224
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Normal Block"
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "بلوك عادي"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:237
msgid "Height mode"
msgstr "وضع الارتفاع"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:241
msgid "Original"
msgstr "الأصلى"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:248
msgid ""
"Sizing proportions for height and width. Select \"Original\" to scale image "
"without cropping."
msgstr "تحجيم نسب الارتفاع والعرض. حدد \"الأصلي\" لحجم الصورة دون الاقتصاص."

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:258
msgid "Enter custom height."
msgstr "أدخل الطول المخصص."

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:264
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Cover"
msgid "Hover"
msgstr "غلاف"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:278
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Additional Block"
msgid "Additional"
msgstr "بلوك اضافي"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:415
msgid "Post Title"
msgstr "عنوان التدوينة"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:418
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:434
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:450
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:480
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:545
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:621
msgid "Post"
msgstr "تدوين"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:419
msgid "Title of current post"
msgstr "عنوان التدوينة الحالية"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:431
msgid "Post Excerpt"
msgstr "مختصر او متقطف التدوينة"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:435
msgid "Excerpt or manual excerpt"
msgstr "مقتطفات أو مقتطفات يدوي"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:447
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Author"
msgid "Post Author"
msgstr "المؤلف"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:451
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Title of current post"
msgid "Author of current post"
msgstr "عنوان التدوينة الحالية"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:458
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Add link to button."
msgid "Add link to author?"
msgstr "إضافة وصلة إلى زر "

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:477
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Categories"
msgid "Post Categories"
msgstr "التصنيفات"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:481
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Title of current post"
msgid "Categories of current post"
msgstr "عنوان التدوينة الحالية"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:488
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Add link to icon."
msgid "Add link to category?"
msgstr "اضافة رابط الى الايقونة "

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:496
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Comment"
msgid "Comma"
msgstr "التعليق"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:503
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Select tour display style."
msgid "Select category display style."
msgstr "اختر تنسيق عرض الجولة"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:516
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Select tour color."
msgid "Select category color."
msgstr "اختر لون الواجهه"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:520
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Categories"
msgid "Category size"
msgstr "التصنيفات"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:524
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Select filter size."
msgid "Select category size."
msgstr "حدد حجم التصفية."

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:542
msgid "Post Image"
msgstr "صورة التدوينة"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:546
msgid "Featured image"
msgstr "صورة مميزة"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:563
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:766
msgid ""
"Enter image size (Example: \"thumbnail\", \"medium\", \"large\", \"full\" or "
"other sizes defined by theme). Alternatively enter size in pixels (Example: "
"200x100 (Width x Height)). Leave parameter empty to use \"thumbnail\" by "
msgstr ""
"أدخل حجم الصورة (مثال: \"thumbnail\", \"medium\", \"large\", \"full\" أو "
"أحجام أخرى يحددها قالبك). بدلا من ذلك إدخال حجم بالبكسل (مثال: 200x100 (العرض "
"× الارتفاع)). ترك المعلمة فارغة لاستخدام \\ \"مصغرة \" افتراضيا."

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:618
msgid "Post Date"
msgstr "تاريخ التدوينة"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:622
msgid "Post publish date"
msgstr "تاريخ انشاء التدوينة"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:634
msgid "Custom Field"
msgstr "حقل مخصص"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:638
#: include/./templates/pages/partials/vc-roles-parts/_shortcodes.tpl.php:35
#: include/./templates/pages/partials/vc-roles-parts/_shortcodes.tpl.php:36
msgid "Elements"
msgstr "العناصر"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:640
msgid "Custom fields data from meta values of the post."
msgstr "حقوق بيانات مخصصة من قيم الميتا للتدوينة"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:644
msgid "Field key name"
msgstr "اسم حقل المفتاح"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:646
msgid "Enter custom field name to retrieve meta data value."
msgstr "أدخل اسم الحقل المخصص لاسترداد قيمة البيانات الوصفية."

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/shortcodes.php:662
msgid "Justify"
msgstr "متساوي"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/templates.php:8
msgid "Basic grid: Default"
msgstr "الشبكة الأساسية: افتراضي"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/templates.php:9
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/templates.php:13
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/templates.php:17
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/templates.php:21
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/templates.php:49
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/templates.php:53
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/templates.php:57
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/templates.php:77
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/templates.php:85
#: include/./templates/shortcodes/post_block/_item.php:22
#: include/./templates/teaser.html.php:69
msgid "Read more"
msgstr "اقرا المزيد"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/templates.php:12
msgid "Basic grid: Scale in with rotation"
msgstr "الشبكة الأساسية: مقياس مع التناوب"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/templates.php:16
msgid "Basic grid: Fade with side content"
msgstr "الشبكة الأساسية: تلاشي مع المحتوي الجانبي"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/templates.php:20
msgid "Basic grid: Slide bottom with icon"
msgstr "الشبكة الأساسية: شريحة سفلية مع ايقونة"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/templates.php:24
msgid "Basic grid: Vertical flip"
msgstr "الشبكة الأساسية: انعكاس عمودي"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/templates.php:28
msgid "Basic grid: No animation"
msgstr "الشبكة الأساسية: بدون تأثير حركي"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/templates.php:32
msgid "Basic grid: Go top slideout"
msgstr "الشبكة الأساسية: الذهاب الى slideout"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/templates.php:36
msgid "Basic grid: Text first"
msgstr "شبكة أساسية: النص الأول"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/templates.php:40
msgid "Basic grid: Slide from left"
msgstr "الشبكة الأساسية: الشريحة من اليسار"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/templates.php:44
msgid "Basic grid: Slide from top"
msgstr "الشبكة الأساسية: الشريحة من أعلى"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/templates.php:45
msgid "READ MORE"
msgstr "قراءة المزيد"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/templates.php:48
msgid "Masonry grid: Default"
msgstr "شبكة Masonry : افتراضي"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/templates.php:52
msgid "Masonry grid: Fade in"
msgstr "شبكة  Masonry : ظهور تدريجي"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/templates.php:56
msgid "Masonry grid: Icon slide out"
msgstr "شبكة  Masonry :  أيقونة مع تحريك منزلق"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/templates.php:60
msgid "Masonry grid: Slide from left"
msgstr "شبكة Masonry :  الشريحة من اليسار"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/templates.php:64
msgid "Masonry grid: Go top"
msgstr "شبكة  Masonry : الذهاب لاعلى"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/templates.php:68
msgid "Masonry grid: Overlay with rotation"
msgstr "شبكة البناء: تراكب مع دوران"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/templates.php:72
msgid "Masonry grid: Blur out"
msgstr "شبكة Masonry : Blur out"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/templates.php:76
msgid "Masonry grid: Scale with rotation"
msgstr "شبكة Masonry :  مقياس مع دوران"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/templates.php:80
msgid "Masonry grid: Slideo out from right"
msgstr "شبكة Masonry :  Slideo الخروج من اليمين"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/templates.php:84
msgid "Masonry grid: With side content"
msgstr "شبكة Masonry: مع المحتوى جانبي"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/templates.php:88
msgid "Media grid: Default"
msgstr "شبكة الوسائط : افتراضي"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/templates.php:92
msgid "Media grid: Simple overlay"
msgstr "شبكة الوسائط: تراكب بسيط"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/templates.php:96
msgid "Media grid: Fade in with icon"
msgstr "شبكة الوسائط: تلاشي او ظهور تدريجي مع ايقونة"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/templates.php:100
msgid "Media grid: Bordered scale with title"
msgstr "شبكة الوسائط:  حدود جدول مع التحجيم"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/templates.php:104
msgid "Media grid: Scale with rotation"
msgstr "شبكة الوسائط: تحجيم مع دوران"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/templates.php:108
msgid "Media grid: Slide out caption"
msgstr "شبكة الوسائط: تحريك بعيد من التسمية"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/templates.php:112
msgid "Media grid: Horizontal flip with fade"
msgstr "شبكة الوسائط: تلاشي مع انعكاس"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/templates.php:116
msgid "Media grid: Blur with content block"
msgstr "شبكة الوسائط:  غائمة مع كتلة محتوى"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/templates.php:120
msgid "Media grid: Slide in title"
msgstr "شبكة الوسائط : شريحة مع عنوان"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/templates.php:124
msgid "Media grid: Scale in with icon"
msgstr "شبكة الوسائط : تحجيم مع ايقونة"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/templates.php:128
msgid "Masonry media: Default"
msgstr "وسائط Masonry : الافتراضي"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/templates.php:132
msgid "Masonry media: Bordered scale"
msgstr "الوسائط Masonry:  تحجيم الحدود"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/templates.php:136
msgid "Masonry media: Solid blur out"
msgstr "الوسائط Masonry: مع تأثير Solid blur out"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/templates.php:140
msgid "Masonry media: Scale with rotation light"
msgstr "الوسائط Masonry: تحجيم مع استدارة دائرية"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/templates.php:144
msgid "Masonry media: Slide with title and caption"
msgstr "الوسائط Masonry: مع عنوان وتسمية"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/templates.php:148
msgid "Masonry media: Scale with content block"
msgstr "الوسائط Masonry: تحجيم مع محتوى الكتلة"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/templates.php:152
msgid "Masonry media: Simple overlay"
msgstr "الوسائط Masonry: مع تأثير Simple overlay"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/templates.php:156
msgid "Masonry media: Slide top"
msgstr "الوسائط Masonry: اعلى الشريحة"

#: include/./params/vc_grid_item/templates.php:160
msgid "Masonry media: Simple blur with scale"
msgstr "الوسائط Masonry: تججيم مع تأثير التلاشي"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/vc_link/vc_link.php:18
msgid "Select URL"
msgstr "اختر رابط"

# Label: auto
#: include/./params/vc_link/vc_link.php:18
msgid "URL"
msgstr "العنوان URL"

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/add_element_search.tpl.php:11
msgid "Search element by name"
msgstr "البحث عن عنصر بواسطة الاسم"

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/add_element_tabs.tpl.php:19
msgid "Other"
msgstr "غير ذلك"

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/add_element_tabs.tpl.php:27
msgid "Deprecated"
msgstr "عدد القوالب التي يمكن أن تلائم منطقة عمود التقدم في نسق النشاط (ملغاة)"

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/backend_controls.tpl.php:14
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:13
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:36
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:68
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:90
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:119
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:144
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:177
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:200
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:235
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:261
#, php-format
msgid "Drag to move %s"
msgstr "سحب ونقل الى %s"

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/backend_controls.tpl.php:20
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/backend_controls_tab.tpl.php:21
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:44
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:76
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:98
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:152
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:208
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:270
#, php-format
msgid "Prepend to %s"
msgstr "الحاق الى %s"

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:57
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:108
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:165
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:224
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:289
#, php-format
msgid "Append to %s"
msgstr "الحاق الى %s"

#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:85
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:101
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:139
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:158
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:195
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:217
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:256
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:282
#, php-format
msgid "Show %s controls"
msgstr "إظهار عناصر التحكم %s"

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:127
msgid "Change layout"
msgstr "تغير التخطيط"

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:130
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:186
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/frontend_controls.tpl.php:244
#, php-format
msgid "Add new %s"
msgstr "اضف جديد %s"

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/prompt-presets.tpl.php:14
msgid "Preset Title"
msgstr "العنوان مسبقاً"

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/prompt-presets.tpl.php:23
msgid "Enter element preset title."
msgstr "ادخل عنوان العنصر هنا"

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/prompt-presets.tpl.php:29
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/prompt-templates.tpl.php:29
#: include/./templates/editors/popups/vc_ui-panel-edit-element.tpl.php:47
#: include/./templates/editors/popups/vc_ui-panel-post-settings.tpl.php:47
msgid "Save changes"
msgstr "حفظ التغييرات"

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/prompt-templates.tpl.php:14
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Template name"
msgid "Template Title"
msgstr "اسم القالب"

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/prompt-templates.tpl.php:23
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Enter element preset title."
msgid "Enter element template title."
msgstr "ادخل عنوان العنصر هنا"

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/settings_presets_popup.tpl.php:15
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Save Template"
msgid "Save as template"
msgstr "حفظ التخطيط"

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/settings_presets_popup.tpl.php:24
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Save as preset"
msgid "Save as Element"
msgstr "حفظ كإعداد مسبق"

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/settings_presets_popup.tpl.php:32
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Edit Elements"
msgid "View Elements"
msgstr "تحرير العناصر"

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/settings_presets_popup.tpl.php:42
msgid "Untitled"
msgstr "غير معنون"

#: include/./templates/editors/partials/templates_search.tpl.php:11
#: include/./templates/editors/popups/shared-templates/category.tpl.php:42
msgid "Search template by name"
msgstr "بحث عن القوالب بالاسم"

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/vc_ui-settings-dropdown.tpl.php:10
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Element settings"
msgid "Element Settings"
msgstr "خيارات العناصر"

#: include/./templates/editors/partials/vc_welcome_block.tpl.php:23
msgid "You have blank page <br> Start adding content or templates"
msgstr "لديك صفحة فارغة <BR> بدء إضافة محتوى أو استخدم القوالب"

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/vc_welcome_block.tpl.php:36
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/vc_welcome_block.tpl.php:77
#: include/./templates/editors/popups/vc_ui-panel-add-element.tpl.php:11
msgid "Add Element"
msgstr "إضافة عنصر"

#: include/./templates/editors/partials/vc_welcome_block.tpl.php:39
msgid "Add element"
msgstr "اضافة عنصر"

#: include/./templates/editors/partials/vc_welcome_block.tpl.php:50
msgid "Add text block"
msgstr "اضف نص جديد"

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/editors/partials/vc_welcome_block.tpl.php:52
msgid "Add Text Block"
msgstr "اضافة حقل نصي"

#: include/./templates/editors/partials/vc_welcome_block.tpl.php:63
#: include/./templates/editors/popups/shared-templates/category.tpl.php:141
#: include/./templates/editors/popups/shared-templates/category.tpl.php:143
msgid "Add template"
msgstr "إضافة قالب"

#: include/./templates/editors/partials/vc_welcome_block.tpl.php:84
msgid "knowledge base"
msgstr "الوثائق التعليمية"

#: include/./templates/editors/partials/vc_welcome_block.tpl.php:85
#, php-format
msgid "Don't know where to start? Visit our %s."
msgstr "لا أعرف من أين تبدأ؟ قم بزيارة %s"

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/editors/popups/panel_multi_shortcode_edit_form.tpl.php:9
#: include/./templates/editors/popups/panel_shortcode_edit_form.tpl.php:9
#: include/./templates/editors/popups/panel_templates_editor.tpl.php:12
msgid "Close panel"
msgstr "إغلاق اللوحة"

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/editors/popups/panel_multi_shortcode_edit_form.tpl.php:11
#: include/./templates/editors/popups/panel_shortcode_edit_form.tpl.php:11
#: include/./templates/editors/popups/panel_templates_editor.tpl.php:14
msgid "Hide panel"
msgstr "إخفاء لوحة"

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/editors/popups/panel_multi_shortcode_edit_form.tpl.php:14
msgid "Edit Elements"
msgstr "تحرير العناصر"

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/editors/popups/panel_templates_editor.tpl.php:30
msgid "My templates"
msgstr "قوالبي"

#: include/./templates/editors/popups/panel_templates_editor.tpl.php:34
msgid "Default templates"
msgstr "القوالب الافتراضية"

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/editors/popups/panel_templates_editor.tpl.php:45
msgid "Template name"
msgstr "اسم القالب"

#: include/./templates/editors/popups/panel_templates_editor.tpl.php:55
msgid "Append previosly saved template to the current layout"
msgstr "إلحاق قالب محفوظ مسبقا إلى التخطيط الحالي"

#: include/./templates/editors/popups/panel_templates_editor.tpl.php:67
msgid "Append default template to the current layout"
msgstr "إلحاق القالب الافتراضي إلى التخطيط الحالي"

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/editors/popups/shared-templates/category.tpl.php:32
#: include/./templates/pages/vc-settings/tab.php:112
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Edit with Visual Composer"
msgid "Activate Visual Composer"
msgstr "تحرير الصفحة بواسطة المحرر المتطور"

#: include/./templates/editors/popups/shared-templates/category.tpl.php:33
msgid ""
"Visual Composer Template Library downloads are available for activated"
"\tversions only. Activate Visual Composer direct license to access Template "
"Library and receive other benefits."
msgstr ""

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/editors/popups/shared-templates/category.tpl.php:35
msgid "Activate License"
msgstr "تفعيل الترخيص"

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/editors/popups/shared-templates/category.tpl.php:69
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Load Template"
msgid "Download Template"
msgstr "تحميل القالب"

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/editors/popups/shared-templates/category.tpl.php:81
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Loading, please wait..."
msgid "Downloading template ... please wait!"
msgstr "جارى التحميل برجاء الانتظار"

#: include/./templates/editors/popups/shared-templates/category.tpl.php:82
msgid ""
"Don't close this window until download is complete - you will\n"
"\t\t\t\tbe redirected back to Template Library automatically."
msgstr ""

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/editors/popups/shared-templates/category.tpl.php:108
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Load Template"
msgid "Download Templates"
msgstr "تحميل القالب"

#: include/./templates/editors/popups/shared-templates/category.tpl.php:109
msgid ""
"Access Visual Composer Template Library for unique layout\n"
"\t\ttemplates. Download chosen templates and discover new layouts with "
"regular template\n"
"\t\tupdates from Visual Composer team."
msgstr ""

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/editors/popups/shared-templates/category.tpl.php:113
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Icon library"
msgid "Access Library"
msgstr "مكتبة الايقونات"

#: include/./templates/editors/popups/shared-templates/category.tpl.php:155
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Grid template"
msgid "Preview template"
msgstr "قوالب الشبكة"

#: include/./templates/editors/popups/vc_ui-panel-add-element.tpl.php:25
msgid ""
"Elements within this list are deprecated and are no longer supported in newer "
"versions of Visual Composer."
msgstr ""
"يتم إهمال عناصر داخل هذه القائمة ولم تعد معتمدة في إصدارات أحدث من المحرر "

#: include/./templates/editors/popups/vc_ui-panel-add-element.tpl.php:32
msgid ""
"Your user role have restricted access to content elements. If required, "
"contact your site administrator to change Visual Composer Role Manager "
"settings for your user role."
msgstr ""
"دور المستخدم الخاص بك قيدت الوصول إلى عناصر المحتوى. إذا لزم الأمر، اتصل "
"بمسؤول الموقع الخاص بك لتغيير إعدادات إدارة المحرر المتطور لدور المستخدم "
"الخاص بك."

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/editors/popups/vc_ui-panel-post-settings.tpl.php:9
msgid "Page Settings"
msgstr "إعدادات الصفحة"

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/editors/popups/vc_ui-panel-post-settings.tpl.php:22
msgid "Please enter page title"
msgstr "برجاء ادخال عنوان الصفحة"

#: include/./templates/editors/popups/vc_ui-panel-post-settings.tpl.php:24
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Change title of the current %s (Note: changes may not be displayed in a "
"preview, but will take effect after saving page)."
msgstr ""
"تغير العنوان الحالي لـ %s (تنبية : التغيرات ربما لن تظهر في المعاينة لكن سيتم "
"حفظها وتشغيلها بالصفحة)."

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/editors/popups/vc_ui-panel-post-settings.tpl.php:28
msgid "Custom CSS settings"
msgstr "خيارات اعدادات CSS"

#: include/./templates/editors/popups/vc_ui-panel-post-settings.tpl.php:32
msgid ""
"Enter custom CSS (Note: it will be outputted only on this particular page)."
msgstr "أدخل CSS مخصصة (ملاحظة:سيتم تشغيل الاكواد في هذه الصفحة فقط)."

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/editors/popups/vc_ui-panel-row-layout.tpl.php:9
msgid "Row Layout"
msgstr "تخطيط الصف"

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/editors/popups/vc_ui-panel-row-layout.tpl.php:17
msgid "Row layout"
msgstr "تخطيط الصف"

#: include/./templates/editors/popups/vc_ui-panel-row-layout.tpl.php:26
msgid "Select row layout from predefined options."
msgstr "حدد تخطيط الصف من الخيارات المحددة مسبقا."

#: include/./templates/editors/popups/vc_ui-panel-row-layout.tpl.php:29
msgid "Enter custom layout for your row"
msgstr "أدخل تخطيط مخصص للصف الخاص بك"

#: include/./templates/editors/popups/vc_ui-panel-row-layout.tpl.php:34
msgid ""
"Change particular row layout manually by specifying number of columns and "
"their size value."
msgstr "قم بتغير النسب بشكل يدوي حتى تحصل على التخطيط الذي ترغب"

#: include/./templates/pages/partials/vc-roles-parts/_backend_editor.tpl.php:12
msgid "Disable Classic editor"
msgstr "تعطيل المحرر الكلاسيكي"

#: include/./templates/pages/partials/vc-roles-parts/_backend_editor.tpl.php:15
#: include/./templates/pages/partials/vc-roles-parts/_frontend_editor.tpl.php:13
#: include/./templates/pages/partials/vc-roles-parts/_grid_builder.tpl.php:11
#: include/./templates/pages/partials/vc-roles-parts/_post_settings.tpl.php:11
msgid "Enabled"
msgstr "مفعل"

#: include/./templates/pages/partials/vc-roles-parts/_backend_editor.tpl.php:16
msgid "Enabled and default"
msgstr "تمكين والافتراضي"

#: include/./templates/pages/partials/vc-roles-parts/_backend_editor.tpl.php:17
#: include/./templates/pages/partials/vc-roles-parts/_frontend_editor.tpl.php:14
#: include/./templates/pages/partials/vc-roles-parts/_grid_builder.tpl.php:12
#: include/./templates/pages/partials/vc-roles-parts/_post_settings.tpl.php:12
#: include/./templates/pages/partials/vc-roles-parts/_post_types.tpl.php:16
#: include/./templates/pages/partials/vc-roles-parts/_presets.tpl.php:13
#: include/./templates/pages/partials/vc-roles-parts/_settings.tpl.php:19
#: include/./templates/pages/partials/vc-roles-parts/_templates.tpl.php:13
msgid "Disabled"
msgstr "معطل"

#: include/./templates/pages/partials/vc-roles-parts/_backend_editor.tpl.php:19
#: include/./templates/pages/partials/vc-roles-parts/_backend_editor.tpl.php:20
msgid "Backend editor"
msgstr "محرر خلفى"

#: include/./templates/pages/partials/vc-roles-parts/_frontend_editor.tpl.php:16
#: include/./templates/pages/partials/vc-roles-parts/_frontend_editor.tpl.php:17
msgid "Frontend editor"
msgstr "المحرر المرئى"

#: include/./templates/pages/partials/vc-roles-parts/_grid_builder.tpl.php:16
msgid "Control user access to Grid Builder and Grid Builder Elements."
msgstr "التحكم في وصول المستخدم إلى منشئ الشبكة وعناصر منشئ الشبكة."

#: include/./templates/pages/partials/vc-roles-parts/_post_settings.tpl.php:15
msgid ""
"Control access to Visual Composer page settings. Note: Disable page settings "
"to restrict editing of Custom CSS through page."
msgstr ""
"التحكم في الوصول إلى إعدادات المحرر المتطور : تنبيه تعطيل خيارات الصفحة يمنع "
"التحرير في اكواد Css المخصص في الصفحة"

#: include/./templates/pages/partials/vc-roles-parts/_post_types.tpl.php:14
msgid "Pages only"
msgstr "صفحات فقط"

#: include/./templates/pages/partials/vc-roles-parts/_post_types.tpl.php:20
msgid ""
"Enable Visual Composer for pages, posts and custom post types. Note: By "
"default Visual Composer is available for pages only."
msgstr ""
"تمكين المحرر المتطور للصفحات، والتدوينات وأنواع التدوينات المخصصة. ملاحظة: "
"الافتراضي هو تفعيل المحرر المتطور للصفحات فقط"

#: include/./templates/pages/partials/vc-roles-parts/_presets.tpl.php:12
msgid "Apply presets only"
msgstr "تطبيق للاعدادت السابقة التجهيز فقط"

#: include/./templates/pages/partials/vc-roles-parts/_presets.tpl.php:15
msgid "Element Presets"
msgstr "عنصر المسبقة"

#: include/./templates/pages/partials/vc-roles-parts/_presets.tpl.php:16
msgid ""
"Control access rights to element presets in element edit form. Note: \"Apply "
"presets only\" restricts users from saving new presets, deleting existing and "
"setting defaults."
msgstr ""
"مراقبة حقوق الوصول إلى الإعدادات المسبقة لعنصر في عنصر تحرير النموذج. ملاحظة: "
"\"تطبيق المسبقة فقط\" تقييد المستخدمين من حفظ المسبقة الجديدة، حذف القائمة "
"وتعيين الافتراضيات."

#: include/./templates/pages/partials/vc-roles-parts/_settings.tpl.php:21
#: include/./templates/pages/partials/vc-roles-parts/_settings.tpl.php:22
msgid "Settings options"
msgstr "خيارات الإعدادات"

#: include/./templates/pages/partials/vc-roles-parts/_settings.tpl.php:23
msgid ""
"Control access rights to Visual Composer admin settings tabs (e.g. General "
"Settings, Shortcode Mapper, ...)"
msgstr ""
"حقوق التحكم في الوصول إلى علامات التبويب إعدادات الادمن للمحرر المتطور (مثل "
"إعدادات عامة، رمز قصير مخطط، ...)"

#: include/./templates/pages/partials/vc-roles-parts/_shortcodes.tpl.php:29
msgid "Element"
msgstr "عنصر"

#: include/./templates/pages/partials/vc-roles-parts/_shortcodes.tpl.php:32
msgid "Edit only"
msgstr "تعديل فقط"

#: include/./templates/pages/partials/vc-roles-parts/_shortcodes.tpl.php:37
msgid "Control user access to content elements."
msgstr "التحكم في وصول المستخدم لعناصر المحتوي"

#: include/./templates/pages/partials/vc-roles-parts/_templates.tpl.php:12
msgid "Apply templates only"
msgstr "تطبيق للقوالب فقط ؟"

#: include/./templates/pages/partials/vc-roles-parts/_templates.tpl.php:16
msgid ""
"Control access rights to templates and predefined templates. Note: \"Apply "
"templates only\" restricts users from saving new templates and deleting "
msgstr ""
"السيطرة على حقوق الوصول إلى القوالب وقوالب معدة مسبقا. ملاحظة: \\ \"تطبيق "
"للنماذج فقط \" يقيد المستخدمين من حفظ قوالب جديدة وحذف القائمة."

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/pages/vc-settings/default-template-post-type.tpl.php:14
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Post types"
msgid "Post type"
msgstr "انواع التدوينات"

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/pages/vc-settings/default-template-post-type.tpl.php:15
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Templates"
msgid "Template"
msgstr "قوالب"

#: include/./templates/pages/vc-settings/tab-vc-roles.php:15
msgid ""
"Control user group role access to the features and options of Visual Composer "
"- manage WordPress default and custom roles."
msgstr ""
"التحكم في ادوار مجموعة المستخدم بالمميزات والخيارات بالمحرر المتطور , ادارة "
"الادوار الافتراضية لووردبريس"

#: include/./templates/pages/vc-settings/tab.php:22
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "It is optional to activate license on localhost development environment. "
#| "You can still activate license on localhost to receive plugin updates."
msgid ""
"It is optional to activate license on localhost development environment. You "
"can still activate license on localhost to receive plugin updates and get "
"access to template library."
msgstr ""
"هذا خياري لرخصة التفعيل على السيرفر المحلي للمطورين يمكنك ايضا تفعيل الرخصة "
"على السيرفر المحلي لاستقبال تحديثات الاضافة"

#: include/./templates/pages/vc-settings/tab.php:41
msgid "Guide tours"
msgstr "دليل المساعدة"

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/pages/vc-settings/tab.php:45
msgid "Done"
msgstr "تم"

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/pages/vc-settings/tab.php:45
msgid "Reset"
msgstr "إعادة تعيين"

#: include/./templates/pages/vc-settings/tab.php:48
msgid ""
"Guide tours are shown in VC editors to help you to start working with "
"editors. You can see them again by clicking button above."
msgstr ""
"دليل المساعدة سوف يظهر في المحرر لمساعدتك في بدء العمل واضافة المحتوي يمكنك "
"ايضا مشاهدتة مرة اخري عبر الضغط على الزر اعلاة"

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/pages/vc-settings/tab.php:71
msgid "Restore Default"
msgstr "استعادة الحالة الافتراضية"

#: include/./templates/pages/vc-settings/tab.php:80
msgid ""
"You have activated Visual Composer version which allows you to access all the "
"customer benefits. Thank you for choosing Visual Composer as your page "
"builder. If you do not wish to use Visual Composer on this WordPress site you "
"can deactivate your license below."
msgstr ""

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/pages/vc-settings/tab.php:91
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Edit with Visual Composer"
msgid "Deactivate Visual Composer"
msgstr "تحرير الصفحة بواسطة المحرر المتطور"

#: include/./templates/pages/vc-settings/tab.php:101
msgid ""
"In order to receive all benefits of Visual Composer, you need to activate "
"your copy of the plugin. By activating Visual Composer license you will "
"unlock premium options - <strong>direct plugin updates</strong>, access to "
"<strong>template library</strong> and <strong>official support.</strong>"
msgstr ""

#: include/./templates/pages/vc-settings/tab.php:120
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Don't have direct license yet? <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Purchase "
"Visual Composer license</a>."
msgstr ""

#: include/./templates/pages/vc-welcome/index.php:8
#, php-format
msgid "Welcome to Visual Composer %s"
msgstr "مرحبا بك في المحرر المتطور الاصدار  %s"

#: include/./templates/pages/vc-welcome/index.php:11
msgid ""
"Congratulations! You are about to use most powerful time saver for WordPress "
"ever - page builder plugin with Frontend and Backend editors by WPBakery."
msgstr ""
"تهانينا ! :) انت الان على وشك استخدام افضل محرر للووردبريس بدون منازع سوف "
"يساعدك بشكل كامل لتحرير الصفحات وتحرير التدوينات بعدة طرق سهلة وبسيطة - تعريب "
"هذه الاضافة  بواسطة  شركة تعريب لتعريب القوالب والمنصات البرمجية هذه الاضافة "
"بواسطة WPBakery"

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/pages/vc-welcome/index.php:14
#, php-format
msgid "Version %s"
msgstr "الًاصدار %s"

#: include/./templates/pages/vc-welcome/vc-faq.php:7
msgid "New to Visual Composer or Looking for More Information?"
msgstr "هل انت جديد في استخدام المحرر المتطور ؟ او تبحث عن معلومات ؟"

#: include/./templates/pages/vc-welcome/vc-faq.php:9
#, php-format
msgid ""
"WPBakery has complete documentation available at our knowledge base: <a "
"target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">kb.wpbakery.com</a> which covers everything "
"related to Visual Composer starting from Installation and up to more advanced "
"features based on our Inner API."
msgstr ""
"WPBakery لديه وثائق كاملة متوفرة في قاعدة المعرفة لدينا: <a target=\"_blank\" "
"href=\" %s \"> kb.wpbakery.com </A> التي تغطي كل ما يتعلق بالمحرر المتطور "
"بدءا من تركيب وتصل إلى المزيد من الميزات المتقدمة على أساس API الداخلية لدينا."

#: include/./templates/pages/vc-welcome/vc-faq.php:100
msgid "Visit Knowledge Base for more information"
msgstr "زيارة قاعدة المعارف لمزيد من المعلومات"

#: include/./templates/pages/vc-welcome/vc-resources.php:11
msgid ""
"There are several resources available to Visual Composer users to help you to "
"get around plugin:"
msgstr ""
"هناك العديد من الموارد المتاحة للمستخدمين للمحرر المتطور لمساعدتك في "
"لاستخدامها في جميع انواع الاضافات:"

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/pages/vc-welcome/vc-resources.php:26
msgid "Official Support"
msgstr "الدعم الفني "

#: include/./templates/pages/vc-welcome/vc-resources.php:28
#, fuzzy, php-format
#| msgid ""
#| "To get your support related question answered in the fastest timing, "
#| "please head over to our <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">support page</a> "
#| "and open Support ticket. To open support ticket you should have account in "
#| "the ticket system. Registration should take you couple of minutes to "
#| "complete and is completely automatic process. Prepare your Visual Composer "
#| "<a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Purchase code</a> and fill in \"Create "
#| "account in Ticket system\" form located at <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank"
#| "\">support page</a>, then follow on screen instructions."
msgid ""
"To get your support related question answered in the fastest timing, please "
"head over to our <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">support page</a> and open "
"Support ticket. To open a support ticket you should have a valid support "
"subscription in case if your support has expired you can <a href=\"%s\" "
"target=\"_blank\">purchase support extension</a> on CodeCanyon."
msgstr ""
"للحصول على دعم سريع لاسئلتك برجاء اضغط على رابط <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank"
"\">صفحة الدعم</a> وقم بفتح تذكرة دعم يتوجب توفر حساب لنظام التذاكر الخاص "
"بنا , التسجيل لن ياخذ اقل من دقيقة <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">سوف يتطلب "
"منك كود الشراء</a> قم بادخالة فى صفحة a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">الدعم "
"الفني </a> ثم اتبع التعليمات التي سوف تظهر امامك"

#: include/./templates/pages/vc-welcome/vc-resources.php:30
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Before applying for support please make sure you understand the rules of "
"support and go through all steps described and listed in <a href=\"%s\" "
"target=\"_blank\">Support Policy</a> in order to get your issues solved as "
"soon as possible."
msgstr ""
"قبل التقدم بطلب الدعم من فضلك تأكد من فهم قواعد وشروط الدعم ويرجي مراجعة جميع "
"الخطوات المذكورة والواردة في <a href=\" %s \" target=\"_blank\"> اتفاقية شروط "
"الدعم </A> من أجل الحصول على حل المشاكل الخاصة بك في أقرب وقت ممكن."

#: include/./templates/pages/vc-welcome/vc-welcome.php:11
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Grid Builder"
msgid "Grid Builder and Interface"
msgstr "منشئ النماذج"

#: include/./templates/pages/vc-welcome/vc-welcome.php:13
msgid ""
"Experience new, enhanced Grid Builder to develop your custom Grid Items for "
"post and media grids. Grid Builder is optimized for featured and Media "
"Library images to provide you better performance."
msgstr ""

#: include/./templates/pages/vc-welcome/vc-welcome.php:14
msgid ""
"The Backend editor style user interface of Grid Builder allows you to easily "
"jump into a development of your custom Grid Items or adjust our predefined "
msgstr ""

#: include/./templates/pages/vc-welcome/vc-welcome.php:24
msgid ""
"Add a custom id to any Visual Composer element to have a direct link or other "
msgstr ""

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/pages/vc-welcome/vc-welcome.php:29
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Google Fonts preview"
msgid "Google Fonts Update"
msgstr "معاينة خطوط جوجل"

#: include/./templates/pages/vc-welcome/vc-welcome.php:31
msgid ""
"Access updated list of Google Fonts to use on your website via Custom Heading "
msgstr ""

#: include/./templates/pages/vc-welcome/vc-welcome.php:36
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Grid Builder"
msgid "Grid Builder UI"
msgstr "منشئ النماذج"

#: include/./templates/pages/vc-welcome/vc-welcome.php:38
msgid "Use Backend editor style native UI to create your custom Grid Item."
msgstr ""

#: include/./templates/params/column_offset/template.tpl.php:14
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Responsive design settings are currently disabled. You can enable them in "
"Visual Composer <a href=\"%s\">settings page</a> by unchecking \"Disable "
"responsive content elements\"."
msgstr ""
"اعدادات الريسبونسيف حالياً معطلة. يمكنك تفعيلها بالمحرر المتطور من<a href=\"%s"
"\">اعدادات الصفحة</a> ازالة العلامة من \"تعطيل المحتوي المتجاوب\"."

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/params/column_offset/template.tpl.php:24
msgid "Device"
msgstr "جهاز"

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/params/column_offset/template.tpl.php:33
msgid "Hide on device?"
msgstr "اخفاء على جهاز ؟"

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/params/column_offset/template.tpl.php:60
msgid "Inherit: "
msgstr "موروث :"

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/params/column_offset/template.tpl.php:61
msgid "Inherit from default"
msgstr "وراثة من الافتراضي"

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/params/google_fonts/template.php:41
msgid "Google Fonts preview"
msgstr "معاينة خطوط جوجل"

#: include/./templates/params/google_fonts/template.php:43
msgid "Grumpy wizards make toxic brew for the evil Queen and Jack."
msgstr "سر النجاح مثل سر السعادة: ليس أن تفعل ما تحب، ولكن أن تحب ما تفعل"

#: include/./templates/params/vc_grid_item/attributes/post_categories.php:28
#, fuzzy, php-format
#| msgid "List all products on sale"
msgid "View all posts in %s"
msgstr "قائمة جميع المنتجات المعروضة للبيع"

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/params/vc_grid_item/editor/vc_grid_item_editor.tpl.php:18
msgid "Loading, please wait..."
msgstr "جارى التحميل برجاء الانتظار"

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/params/vc_grid_item/editor/vc_grid_item_editor.tpl.php:20
msgid "Crunching..."
msgstr "انهيار...."

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/shortcodes/vc_accordion_tab.php:26
msgid "Empty section. Edit page to add content here."
msgstr "قسم فارغ قم بتحرير الصفحة واضف محتوى هنا"

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/shortcodes/vc_item.php:19
msgid "Item"
msgstr "السلع"

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/shortcodes/vc_posts_grid.php:194
#: include/./templates/shortcodes/vc_posts_slider.php:209
msgid "Nothing found."
msgstr "لم يتم ايجاد شئ"

#: include/./templates/shortcodes/vc_tab.php:25
msgid "Empty tab. Edit page to add content here."
msgstr "قسم فارغ قم بتحرير الصفحة واضف محتوى هنا"

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/shortcodes/vc_tabs.php:52
msgid "Previous tab"
msgstr "التبويب السابق"

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/shortcodes/vc_tabs.php:52
msgid "Next tab"
msgstr "التبويب التالى"

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/shortcodes/vc_tweetmeme.php:24
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Tweet"
msgid "Tweet to"
msgstr "تغريد"

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/shortcodes/vc_tweetmeme.php:29
#: include/./templates/shortcodes/vc_tweetmeme.php:33
msgid "Tweet"
msgstr "تغريد"

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/teaser.html.php:20 include/./templates/teaser.html.php:41
msgid "Link to"
msgstr "رابط لـ:"

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/teaser.html.php:24 include/./templates/teaser.html.php:45
msgid "On post"
msgstr "بالتدوينة"

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/teaser.html.php:26 include/./templates/teaser.html.php:47
msgid "Big image"
msgstr "صورة كبيرة"

# Label: auto
#: include/./templates/teaser.html.php:35
msgid "Featured"
msgstr "مميزة"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Hola! Please <a href=\"%s\">activate your copy</a> of Visual Composer to "
#~ "receive automatic updates."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "برجاء <a href=\"%s\">تفعيل نسختك من</a> المحرر المتقدم لاستقبال جديد "
#~ "التحديثات"

#~ msgid "Row CSS class name"
#~ msgstr "اسم كلاس CSS"

#~ msgid "Columns CSS class names"
#~ msgstr "أعمدة أسماء فئة CSS"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Envato Username"
#~ msgstr "اسم المستخدم الخاص بك في Envato"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Secret API Key"
#~ msgstr "المفتاح السري ل API"

#~ msgid "Visual Composer License Key"
#~ msgstr "مفتاح الرخصة للمحرر المتطور"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Envato API error. Try again later  or open support ticket at <a href=\"%s"
#~ "\" target=\"_blank\">%s</a>."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "خطأ API Envato. حاول مرة أخرى في وقت لاحق او قم بفتح تذكرة دعم في <a href="
#~ "\" %s \" %s </A>."

#~ msgid "License Key is deactivated."
#~ msgstr "تم إلغاء تنشيط مفتاح الترخيص."

#~ msgid "Envato Username and/or License Key are required."
#~ msgstr "مطلوبة Envato اسم المستخدم و / أو مفتاح الترخيص."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Invalid License Key. Visit your profile to retrieve valid License Key or "
#~ "read <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">tutorial</a>."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "مفتاح الترخيص غير صالح.برجاء زيارة ملفك الشخصي لاسترداد مفتاح الترخيص صالح "
#~ "أو قراءة <a href=\" %s \" target=\"_blank\"> الوثائق التعليمية </A>."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Invalid data. Check your information or open support ticket at <a href=\"%s"
#~ "\" target=\"_blank\">%s</a>."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "بيانات غير صالحة. التحقق من المعلومات الخاصة بك أو فتح تذكرة دعم في <a "
#~ "href=\" %s \" %s </A>."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Your License Key is already activated on another site ({site}), you should "
#~ "deactivate it first or <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">obtain new License "
#~ "Key</a>."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "يتم تنشيط مفتاح الترخيص الخاص بك بالفعل في موقع آخر  ({site})، يجب إيقاف "
#~ "الترخيص اولاً و<a href=\" %s \" target=\"_blank\"> الحصول على ترخيص جديد </"
#~ "A> مفتاح."

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Deactivate License"
#~ msgstr "تعطيل الترخيص"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Invalid Username and/or API Key. Check your data or read <a href=\"%s\" "
#~ "target=\"_blank\">tutorial</a>."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "اسم المستخدم غير صالح و / أو API مفتاح. تحقق من البيانات الخاصة بك أو "
#~ "قراءة <a href=\" %s \" target=\"_blank\"> الوثائق التعليمية </A>."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Please enter your CodeCanyon Visual Composer license key, you can find "
#~ "your key by following the instructions on <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank"
#~ "\">this page</a>. (Example of license key: bjg759fk-"
#~ "kvta-6584-94h6-75jg8vblatftq)"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "الرجاء إدخال CodeCanyon مفتاح الترخيص للمحرر المتطور  الخاصة بك، يمكنك "
#~ "العثور على المفتاح الخاص بك عن طريق اتباع التعليمات على <a href=\" %s \" "
#~ "target=\"_blank\"> هذه الصفحة </a>. (مثال على مفتاح الترخيص: bjg759fk-"
#~ "kvta-6584-94h6-75jg8vblatftq)"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Enter your API key, you can find your API key by following the "
#~ "instructions on <a href='%s' target='_blank'>this page</a>."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "أدخل مفتاح API الخاص بك، يمكنك العثور على مفتاح API الخاص بك عن طريق اتباع "
#~ "التعليمات التي تظهر على target='_blank'> <a %s href=' 'هذه الصفحة </A>."

#~ msgid "Please activate your license in Product License tab!"
#~ msgstr "الرجاء تفعيل الترخيص الخاص بك في علامة التبويب ترخيص المنتج!"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "A valid license key qualifies you for support and enables automatic "
#~ "updates. <strong>A license key may only be used for one Visual Composer "
#~ "installation on one WordPress site at a time.</strong> If you previosly "
#~ "activated your license key on another site, then you should deactivate it "
#~ "first or <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">obtain new license key</a>."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "مفتاح ترخيص صالح يؤهلك للحصول دائما على التحديثات بشكل ألي مع مراعاة ان "
#~ "<strong>المفتاح سيعمل فقط على موقع واحد لنسخة محرر متطور واحدة.</strong> "
#~ "اذا قمت من قبل بتنشيط المفتاح على موقع ووردبريس اخر يتوجب عليك ان تقوم "
#~ "بتعطيلة من هذا الموقع ثم <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">الحصول على مفتاح "
#~ "جديد</a>."

#~ msgid "Download new version from CodeCanyon."
#~ msgstr "تحميل النسخة الجديدة من CodeCanyon."

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Update Visual Composer now."
#~ msgstr "تحديث المحرر المتطور الان"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Form title"
#~ msgstr "عنوان النموذج"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "What text use as form title. Leave blank if no title is needed."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "ما النص المراد استخدامة لعنوان النموذج اتركها فارغهه اذا لم تحتاج ظهور "
#~ "عنوان"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Adjust"
#~ msgstr "ضبط"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Archive"
#~ msgstr "الارشيف"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Area Chart"
#~ msgstr "منطقة رسم بياني"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Arrows"
#~ msgstr "الأسهم"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Arrows Horizontal"
#~ msgstr "اسهم أفقي"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Arrows Vertical"
#~ msgstr "اسهم عمودي"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "At"
#~ msgstr "فى"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Ban"
#~ msgstr "حظر"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Bar Chart"
#~ msgstr "شريط الرسم البياني"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Barcode"
#~ msgstr "باركود"

#~ msgid "Bars"
#~ msgstr "اشرطة"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Bell"
#~ msgstr "جرس"

#~ msgid "Bell Slash"
#~ msgstr "علامة على شكل جرس به شرطة مائلة"

#~ msgid "Binoculars"
#~ msgstr "Binoculars"

#~ msgid "Birthday Cake"
#~ msgstr "كعكة عيد الميلاد"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Lightning Bolt"
#~ msgstr "صاعقة"

#~ msgid "Bomb"
#~ msgstr "قنبلة"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Book"
#~ msgstr "الوثيقة"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Briefcase"
#~ msgstr "حقيبة"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Bug"
#~ msgstr "مشكلة تقنية"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Building"
#~ msgstr "المنشئ"

#~ msgid "bullhorn"
#~ msgstr "bullhorn"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Bus"
#~ msgstr "ناقلة"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Calculator"
#~ msgstr "حاسبة"

#~ msgid "Calendar-o"
#~ msgstr "Calendar-o"

#~ msgid "Camera-retro"
#~ msgstr "Camera-retro"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Car"
#~ msgstr "سيارة"

#~ msgid "Closed Captions"
#~ msgstr "التسميات التوضيحية المغلقة"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Certificate"
#~ msgstr "شهادة"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Check"
#~ msgstr "فحص"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Child"
#~ msgstr "ابن"

#~ msgid "Circle Outlined"
#~ msgstr "دائرة بحدود خارجية"

#~ msgid "Circle Outlined Thin"
#~ msgstr "دائرة مع خطوط خارجية خفيفة"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Cloud"
#~ msgstr "سحابة"

#~ msgid "Cloud Download"
#~ msgstr "سحابة تحميل"

#~ msgid "Cloud Upload"
#~ msgstr "سحابة رفع"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Code"
#~ msgstr "كود"

#~ msgid "Code-fork"
#~ msgstr "رمز الشوكة"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Coffee"
#~ msgstr "القهوة"

#~ msgid "Cog"
#~ msgstr "ترس"

#~ msgid "Cogs"
#~ msgstr "تروس"

#~ msgid "Comment-o"
#~ msgstr "ايقونة Comment-o"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Comments"
#~ msgstr "التعليقات"

#~ msgid "Comments-o"
#~ msgstr "Comments-o"

#~ msgid "Compass"
#~ msgstr "بوصلة"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Copyright"
#~ msgstr "نص حقوق الموقع"

#~ msgid "credit-card"
#~ msgstr "بطاقة إئتمان"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Crop"
#~ msgstr "اقتصاص"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Cube"
#~ msgstr "مكعّب"

#~ msgid "Cubes"
#~ msgstr "مكعبات ثلاثية الأبعاد"

#~ msgid "Cutlery"
#~ msgstr "Cutlery"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Database"
#~ msgstr "قاعدة البيانات"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Envelope"
#~ msgstr "ظرف بريدي"

#~ msgid "Envelope Outlined"
#~ msgstr "Envelope Outlined"

#~ msgid "Envelope Square"
#~ msgstr "Envelope Square"

#~ msgid "Eraser"
#~ msgstr "ممحاة"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Exchange"
#~ msgstr "تبادل"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "External Link"
#~ msgstr "رابط خارجي"

#~ msgid "Eye"
#~ msgstr "عين"

#~ msgid "Eye Slash"
#~ msgstr "علامة العين"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Eyedropper"
#~ msgstr "جاسوس،متنصت"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Fax"
#~ msgstr "فاكس"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Female"
#~ msgstr "أنثى"

#~ msgid "Fire-extinguisher"
#~ msgstr "مطفأة الحريق"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Flag"
#~ msgstr "علم"

#~ msgid "Flask"
#~ msgstr "Flask"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Folder"
#~ msgstr "مجلد"

#~ msgid "Folder Open"
#~ msgstr "مجلد مفتوح"

#~ msgid "Gavel"
#~ msgstr "مطرقة"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Gift"
#~ msgstr "هدية"

#~ msgid "Glass"
#~ msgstr "زجاج"

#~ msgid "Globe"
#~ msgstr "Globe"

#~ msgid "Graduation Cap"
#~ msgstr "Graduation Cap"

#~ msgid "HDD"
#~ msgstr "HDD"

#~ msgid "Headphones"
#~ msgstr "سماعات الرأس"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "History"
#~ msgstr "السجل"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Home"
#~ msgstr "الرئيسية"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Inbox"
#~ msgstr "صندوق الوارد"

#~ msgid "Info Circle"
#~ msgstr "معلومات الدائرة"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Key"
#~ msgstr "المفتاح"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Laptop"
#~ msgstr "حاسوب محمول"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Leaf"
#~ msgstr "ورقة شجر"

#~ msgid "Level Down"
#~ msgstr "مستوى أسفل"

#~ msgid "Level Up"
#~ msgstr "مستوى اعلى"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Lock"
#~ msgstr "أقفل"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Magic"
#~ msgstr "سحري"

#~ msgid "Magnet"
#~ msgstr "مغناطيس"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Male"
#~ msgstr "ذكر"

#~ msgid "Map-marker"
#~ msgstr "علامة خريطة"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Microphone"
#~ msgstr "ميكرفون"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Minus"
#~ msgstr "ناقص"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Mobile Phone"
#~ msgstr "الهاتف الجوال"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Money"
#~ msgstr "نقود"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Music"
#~ msgstr "موسيقى"

#~ msgid "Paper Plane Outlined"
#~ msgstr "رمز ورقة طائرة المبينة"

#~ msgid "Pencil"
#~ msgstr "قلم"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Phone"
#~ msgstr "الهاتف"

#~ msgid "Plane"
#~ msgstr "طائرة"

#~ msgid "Plug"
#~ msgstr "Plug"

#~ msgid "Power Off"
#~ msgstr "ايقاف التشغيل"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Print"
#~ msgstr "اطبع"

#~ msgid "Puzzle Piece"
#~ msgstr "Puzzle Piece"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "السؤال"

#~ msgid "Recycle"
#~ msgstr "سلة المحذوفات"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Refresh"
#~ msgstr "تحديث"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Reply"
#~ msgstr "رد"

#~ msgid "Reply-all"
#~ msgstr "رد على الكل"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Retweet"
#~ msgstr "إعادة تغريد"

#~ msgid "Road"
#~ msgstr "طريق"

#~ msgid "Rocket"
#~ msgstr "صاروخ"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Share"
#~ msgstr "مشاركة"

#~ msgid "shopping-cart"
#~ msgstr "عربة التسوق"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Sign In"
#~ msgstr "تسجيل الدخول"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Sign Out"
#~ msgstr "خروج"

#~ msgid "signal"
#~ msgstr "إشارة"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Sitemap"
#~ msgstr "خريطة الموقع"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Sliders"
#~ msgstr "الشرائح"

#~ msgid "Smile Outlined"
#~ msgstr "مخطط ابتسامة"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Sort"
#~ msgstr "فرز"

#~ msgid "Sort Alpha Ascending"
#~ msgstr "افرز تصاعديا"

#~ msgid "Sort Alpha Descending"
#~ msgstr "افرز تنازليا"

#~ msgid "Sort Amount Ascending"
#~ msgstr "ترتيب كمية تصاعدي"

#~ msgid "Sort Amount Descending"
#~ msgstr "ترتيب كمية تنازلي"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Sort Ascending"
#~ msgstr "فرز تصاعدى"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Sort Descending"
#~ msgstr "فرز تنازلي"

#~ msgid "Sort Numeric Descending"
#~ msgstr "افرز تنازليا"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Spinner"
#~ msgstr "دوّارة"

#~ msgid "spoon"
#~ msgstr "ملعقة"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Star"
#~ msgstr "نجمة"

#~ msgid "Suitcase"
#~ msgstr "حقيبة سفر"

#~ msgid "Sun Outlined"
#~ msgstr "Sun Outlined"

#~ msgid "tablet"
#~ msgstr "حاسوب لوحي"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "tag"
#~ msgstr "وسم"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "tags"
#~ msgstr "الوسوم"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Tasks"
#~ msgstr "المهمات"

#~ msgid "Taxi"
#~ msgstr "سيارة اجره"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Terminal"
#~ msgstr "طرفيّة"

#~ msgid "thumbs-down"
#~ msgstr "تأثير Thumbs Down"

#~ msgid "thumbs-up"
#~ msgstr "تأثير Thumbs Up"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Ticket"
#~ msgstr "تذكرة"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Trash"
#~ msgstr "سلة المهملات "

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Tree"
#~ msgstr "شجرة"

#~ msgid "truck"
#~ msgstr "شاحنة"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "TTY"
#~ msgstr "TTY"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "University"
#~ msgstr "الجامعة"

#~ msgid "unlock"
#~ msgstr "إلغاء قفل"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Upload"
#~ msgstr "رفع"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Users"
#~ msgstr "مستخدمون"

#~ msgid "Video Camera"
#~ msgstr "كاميرا فيديو"

#~ msgid "volume-down"
#~ msgstr "خفض الصوت"

#~ msgid "volume-off"
#~ msgstr "ايقاف الصوت"

#~ msgid "volume-up"
#~ msgstr "زيادة الصوت"

#~ msgid "Wheelchair"
#~ msgstr "Wheelchair"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "WiFi"
#~ msgstr "واي فاي"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "File"
#~ msgstr "الملف :"

#~ msgid "File Text"
#~ msgstr "نص ملف"

#~ msgid "cog"
#~ msgstr "ترس"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "refresh"
#~ msgstr "تحديث"

#~ msgid "American Express Credit Card"
#~ msgstr "أمريكان إكسبريس بطاقة الائتمان"

#~ msgid "Discover Credit Card"
#~ msgstr "بطاقات الائتمانDiscover"

#~ msgid "MasterCard Credit Card"
#~ msgstr "بطاقة ماستر كارد الائتمانية"

#~ msgid "Paypal Credit Card"
#~ msgstr "باي بال بطاقة الائتمان"

#~ msgid "Stripe Credit Card"
#~ msgstr "بطاقة الائتمان Stripe"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Visa Credit Card"
#~ msgstr "بطاقة فيزا كارت"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Goole Wallet"
#~ msgstr "محفظة جوجل"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Paypal"
#~ msgstr "باي بال"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Bitcoin (BTC)"
#~ msgstr "بتكوين"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Euro (EUR)"
#~ msgstr "يورو"

#~ msgid "GBP"
#~ msgstr "جنية إسترليني"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Shekel (ILS)"
#~ msgstr "شيكل اسرائيلي"

#~ msgid "Indian Rupee (INR)"
#~ msgstr "الروبية الهندية (INR)"

#~ msgid "Japanese Yen (JPY)"
#~ msgstr "الين الياباني (JPY)"

#~ msgid "Korean Won (KRW)"
#~ msgstr "ون كوري (KRW)"

#~ msgid "Russian Ruble (RUB)"
#~ msgstr "روبل روسي (RUB)"

#~ msgid "Turkish Lira (TRY)"
#~ msgstr "الليرة التركية (TRY)"

#~ msgid "US Dollar"
#~ msgstr "الدولار الأمريكي"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Align Center"
#~ msgstr "محاذاة في الوسط"

#~ msgid "Align Justify"
#~ msgstr "ملأ السطر"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Align Left"
#~ msgstr "المحادات لليسار"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Align Right"
#~ msgstr "محاذاة لليمين"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Bold"
#~ msgstr "عريض"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Clipboard"
#~ msgstr "حافظة"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Font"
#~ msgstr "الخط"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Header"
#~ msgstr "الهيدر"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Indent"
#~ msgstr "إزاحة"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Italic"
#~ msgstr "مائل"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "List"
#~ msgstr "قائمة"

#~ msgid "List ol"
#~ msgstr "قائمة ol"

#~ msgid "List ul"
#~ msgstr "قائمة ul"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Outdent"
#~ msgstr "إزالة إقتباس/إنقاص المسافة البادئة"

#~ msgid "Paperclip"
#~ msgstr "مشبك الورق"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "paragraph"
#~ msgstr "فقرة"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Strikethrough"
#~ msgstr "تشريط"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Subscript"
#~ msgstr "أحرف سفلية"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Superscript"
#~ msgstr "أحرف علوية"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Table"
#~ msgstr "جدول"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Th"
#~ msgstr "الخميس"

#~ msgid "Th-large"
#~ msgstr "الاكبر"

#~ msgid "Th-list"
#~ msgstr "Th-list"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Underline"
#~ msgstr "تسطير"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Undo"
#~ msgstr "تراجع"

#~ msgid "Angle Double Down"
#~ msgstr "زاوية مزدوجة لاسفل"

#~ msgid "Angle Double Left"
#~ msgstr "زاوية مزدوجة اليسار"

#~ msgid "Angle Double Right"
#~ msgstr "زاوية مزدوجة اليمين"

#~ msgid "Angle Double Up"
#~ msgstr "زاوية مضاعفة"

#~ msgid "Angle Down"
#~ msgstr "زاوية أسفل"

#~ msgid "Angle Left"
#~ msgstr "زاوية اليسار"

#~ msgid "Angle Right"
#~ msgstr "زاوية اليمين"

#~ msgid "Angle Up"
#~ msgstr "زاوية لأعلى"

#~ msgid "Arrow Left"
#~ msgstr "سهم لليسار"

#~ msgid "Arrow Right"
#~ msgstr "سهم لليمين"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Chevron Down"
#~ msgstr "شارة رتبة لأسفل"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Chevron Up"
#~ msgstr "شارة رتبة لأعلى"

#~ msgid "Backward"
#~ msgstr "للخلف"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Compress"
#~ msgstr "ضغط"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Eject"
#~ msgstr "إخراج"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Expand"
#~ msgstr "توسيع"

#~ msgid "Fast Forward"
#~ msgstr "التقديم السريع"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Forward"
#~ msgstr "للأمام"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Pause"
#~ msgstr "إيقاف مؤقت"

#~ msgid "Play Circle"
#~ msgstr "Play Circle"

#~ msgid "Step Backward"
#~ msgstr "خطوة إلى الوراء"

#~ msgid "Step Forward"
#~ msgstr "خطوة للامام"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Stop"
#~ msgstr "إيقاف"

#~ msgid "YouTube Play"
#~ msgstr "موقع YouTube Play"

#~ msgid "App.net"
#~ msgstr "موقع App.net"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Android"
#~ msgstr "اندرويد"

#~ msgid "AngelList"
#~ msgstr "موقع AngelList"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Apple"
#~ msgstr "تفاحة"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Behance"
#~ msgstr "ساحة Behance"

#~ msgid "Bitbucket"
#~ msgstr "موقع Bitbucket"

#~ msgid "Codepen"
#~ msgstr "موقع Codepen"

#~ msgid "CSS 3 Logo"
#~ msgstr " شعار CSS 3"

#~ msgid "Delicious Logo"
#~ msgstr "شعار Delicious"

#~ msgid "deviantART"
#~ msgstr "DeviantArt"

#~ msgid "Digg Logo"
#~ msgstr "Digg شعار"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Dribbble"
#~ msgstr "موقع Dribbble"

#~ msgid "Dropbox"
#~ msgstr "دروبوكس (خدمة)"

#~ msgid "Drupal Logo"
#~ msgstr "شعار Drupal"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Facebook"
#~ msgstr "فيس بوك"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Flickr"
#~ msgstr "صور من فليكر"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Foursquare"
#~ msgstr "Foursquare"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "GitHub"
#~ msgstr "Github الاجتماعية"

#~ msgid "GitHub Alt"
#~ msgstr "GitHub Alt"

#~ msgid "Gittip"
#~ msgstr "Gittip"

#~ msgid "Google Logo"
#~ msgstr "شعار Google"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Google Plus"
#~ msgstr "جوجل بلص"

#~ msgid "Hacker News"
#~ msgstr "اخبار الهاكر"

#~ msgid "HTML 5 Logo"
#~ msgstr "شعار HTML 5"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Instagram"
#~ msgstr "انستجرام"

#~ msgid "ioxhost"
#~ msgstr "ioxhost"

#~ msgid "Joomla Logo"
#~ msgstr "شعار Joomla"

#~ msgid "jsFiddle"
#~ msgstr "jsFiddle"

#~ msgid "last.fm"
#~ msgstr "last.fm"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "LinkedIn"
#~ msgstr "لينكدين"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Linux"
#~ msgstr "لينِكس"

#~ msgid "MaxCDN"
#~ msgstr "MaxCDN"

#~ msgid "meanpath"
#~ msgstr "meanpath"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "OpenID"
#~ msgstr "المعرف المفتوح (OpenID)"

#~ msgid "Pagelines"
#~ msgstr "Pagelines"

#~ msgid "QQ"
#~ msgstr "QQ"

#~ msgid "Renren"
#~ msgstr "تأثير Renren"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Skype"
#~ msgstr "سكايب"

#~ msgid "Slack Logo"
#~ msgstr "Slack الشعار"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Slideshare"
#~ msgstr "من SlideShare"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "SoundCloud"
#~ msgstr "ساوند كلاود"

#~ msgid "Stack Exchange"
#~ msgstr "موقع Stack Exchange"

#~ msgid "Tencent Weibo"
#~ msgstr "Tencent Weibo"

#~ msgid "Trello"
#~ msgstr "موقع Trello"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Tumblr"
#~ msgstr "تيمبلر"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Twitter"
#~ msgstr "تويتر"

#~ msgid "Vine"
#~ msgstr "Vine"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "VK"
#~ msgstr "VK"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Weibo"
#~ msgstr "Weibo"

#~ msgid "Weixin (WeChat)"
#~ msgstr "تاثير Weixin (WeChat)"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Windows"
#~ msgstr "النوافذ"

#~ msgid "Wordpress Logo"
#~ msgstr "شعار ووردبريس"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Xing"
#~ msgstr "Xing"

#~ msgid "Yahoo Logo"
#~ msgstr "شعار الياهو"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Yelp"
#~ msgstr "Yelp!"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "YouTube"
#~ msgstr "يوتيوب"

#~ msgid "Ambulance"
#~ msgstr "سياره اسعاف"

#~ msgid "H Square"
#~ msgstr "H Square"

#~ msgid "Medkit"
#~ msgstr "Medkit"

#~ msgid "Stethoscope"
#~ msgstr "سماعة الطبيب"

#~ msgid "User-md"
#~ msgstr "User-md"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Dial"
#~ msgstr "طلب"

#~ msgid "Pilcrow"
#~ msgstr "Pilcrow"

#~ msgid "Chart-pie-alt"
#~ msgstr "مخطط بيانى دائرى"

#~ msgid "Chart-pie"
#~ msgstr "مخطط دائري"

#~ msgid "Chart-bar"
#~ msgstr "الرسم البياني للشريط"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Mobile"
#~ msgstr "الجوال"

#~ msgid "Cd"
#~ msgstr "Cd"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Split"
#~ msgstr "تجزئة"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Block"
#~ msgstr "كتلة"

#~ msgid "Resize-full"
#~ msgstr "تغيير حجم-كامل"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Article"
#~ msgstr "مقال"

#~ msgid "Pencil-alt"
#~ msgstr "Pencil-alt"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Attach"
#~ msgstr "أرفق"

#~ msgid "Book-open"
#~ msgstr "كتاب مفتوح"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Equalizer"
#~ msgstr "معادِل"

#~ msgid "Heart-empty"
#~ msgstr "قلب الفارغ"

#~ msgid "Lock-empty"
#~ msgstr "Lock-empty"

#~ msgid "Comment-inv"
#~ msgstr "Comment-inv"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Cursor"
#~ msgstr "مُؤشر (الفأرة)"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Aperture"
#~ msgstr "البؤرة"

#~ msgid "Folder-empty"
#~ msgstr "، مجلد فارغ"

#~ msgid "Comment-alt"
#~ msgstr "Comment-alt"

#~ msgid "Lock-open"
#~ msgstr "Lock-open"

#~ msgid "Lock-open-empty"
#~ msgstr "Lock-open-empty"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Box"
#~ msgstr "صندوق"

#~ msgid "To-start"
#~ msgstr "To-start"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Move"
#~ msgstr "تحريك"

#~ msgid "Rss-alt"
#~ msgstr "Rss-alt"

#~ msgid "Comment-alt2"
#~ msgstr "Comment-alt2"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Rss"
#~ msgstr "خلاصة RSS"

#~ msgid "Comment-inv-alt"
#~ msgstr "Comment-inv-alt"

#~ msgid "Comment-inv-alt2"
#~ msgstr "Comment-inv-alt2"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Pin"
#~ msgstr "دبوس"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Picture"
#~ msgstr "صورة"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Tag"
#~ msgstr "الوسم"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Chat"
#~ msgstr "الدردشة"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Popup"
#~ msgstr "النافذة المنبثقة"

#~ msgid "To-end"
#~ msgstr "إلى نهاية"

#~ msgid "Book-alt"
#~ msgstr "Book-alt"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Brush"
#~ msgstr "فرشاة"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Down"
#~ msgstr "أسفل"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Ok"
#~ msgstr "موافق"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Location"
#~ msgstr "المكان"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Signal"
#~ msgstr "إشارة"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Layers"
#~ msgstr "الطبقات"

#~ msgid "Award"
#~ msgstr "جائزة"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Up"
#~ msgstr "اعلى"

#~ msgid "Download-cloud"
#~ msgstr "سحابة تحميل"

#~ msgid "Upload-cloud"
#~ msgstr "سحابة رفع"

#~ msgid "Down-circle"
#~ msgstr "Down-circle"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Sun"
#~ msgstr "ﺷﻣﺲ"

#~ msgid "Left-circle"
#~ msgstr "دائرة يسار"

#~ msgid "Mic"
#~ msgstr "الميكرفون"

#~ msgid "Volume-off"
#~ msgstr "ايقاف الصوت"

#~ msgid "List-nested"
#~ msgstr "قائمة متداخلة-"

#~ msgid "Sun-inv"
#~ msgstr "Sun-inv"

#~ msgid "Up-circle"
#~ msgstr "تأثير Up-circle"

#~ msgid "Volume-up"
#~ msgstr "زيادة الصوت"

#~ msgid "Doc"
#~ msgstr "مستند"

#~ msgid "Minus-circle"
#~ msgstr "ناقص-دائرة"

#~ msgid "Cw"
#~ msgstr "Cw"

#~ msgid "Doc-inv"
#~ msgstr "Doc-inv"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Help"
#~ msgstr "المساعده"

#~ msgid "Doc-alt"
#~ msgstr "Doc-alt"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Loop"
#~ msgstr "تكرار"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Flash"
#~ msgstr "فلاش"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Moon"
#~ msgstr "قمر"

#~ msgid "Lamp"
#~ msgstr "مصباح"

#~ msgid "Doc-inv-alt"
#~ msgstr "Doc-inv-alt"

#~ msgid "Pencil-neg"
#~ msgstr "Pencil-neg"

#~ msgid "Adjust Brightness"
#~ msgstr "ضبط السطوع"

#~ msgid "Adjust Contrast"
#~ msgstr "ضبط التباين"

#~ msgid "Arrow Repeat"
#~ msgstr "كرر السهم"

#~ msgid "Attachment Outline"
#~ msgstr "المخطط المرفق"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Attachment"
#~ msgstr "المرفق"

#~ msgid "Backspace Outline"
#~ msgstr "مسافة للخلف الخطوط العريضة"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Backspace"
#~ msgstr "فراغ للخلف"

#~ msgid "Battery Charge"
#~ msgstr "شحن البطارية"

#~ msgid "Battery Full"
#~ msgstr "بطارية كاملة"

#~ msgid "Battery Low"
#~ msgstr "البطارية ضعيفة"

#~ msgid "Business Card"
#~ msgstr "Business Card"

#~ msgid "Camera Outline"
#~ msgstr "Camera Outline"

#~ msgid "Chart Area Outline"
#~ msgstr "الرسم البياني المساحة المخطط"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Chart Area"
#~ msgstr "منطقة المخطط البياني"

#~ msgid "Chart Bar Outline"
#~ msgstr "الرسم البياني شريط المخطط"

#~ msgid "Chart Bar"
#~ msgstr "شريط المخطط"

#~ msgid "Chart Line Outline"
#~ msgstr "خط بيانات بحدود خارجية"

#~ msgid "Chart Line"
#~ msgstr "خط الرسم البياني"

#~ msgid "Chart Pie Outline"
#~ msgstr "تخطيط مخطط دائري"

#~ msgid "Chart Pie"
#~ msgstr "الرسم البياني الدائري"

#~ msgid "Cog Outline"
#~ msgstr "Cog Outline"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Contacts"
#~ msgstr "اتصالات"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Credit Card"
#~ msgstr "بطاقة الائتمان"

#~ msgid "Css3"
#~ msgstr "Css3"

#~ msgid "Delete Outline"
#~ msgstr "حذف المخطط"

#~ msgid "Device Desktop"
#~ msgstr "جهاز سطح المكتب"

#~ msgid "Device Laptop"
#~ msgstr "جهاز الكمبيوتر المحمول"

#~ msgid "Device Phone"
#~ msgstr "جهاز الهاتف"

#~ msgid "Device Tablet"
#~ msgstr "جهاز لوحي"

#~ msgid "Directions"
#~ msgstr "الاتجاهات"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Divide"
#~ msgstr "قسمة"

#~ msgid "Document Add"
#~ msgstr "اضف وثيقة"

#~ msgid "Document Delete"
#~ msgstr "حذف المستند"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Document"
#~ msgstr "مستند"

#~ msgid "Eject Outline"
#~ msgstr "إخراج المخطط"

#~ msgid "Equals Outline"
#~ msgstr "مخطط متساوي"

#~ msgid "Equals"
#~ msgstr "تعادل"

#~ msgid "Export Outline"
#~ msgstr "تصدير تفصيلي"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Export"
#~ msgstr "تصدير"

#~ msgid "Feather"
#~ msgstr "ريشة"

#~ msgid "Flow Children"
#~ msgstr "اتباع الفرعي"

#~ msgid "Flow Parallel"
#~ msgstr "تأثير Flow Parallel"

#~ msgid "Folder Add"
#~ msgstr "إضافة مجلد"

#~ msgid "Folder Delete"
#~ msgstr "حذف مجلد"

#~ msgid "Heart Full Outline"
#~ msgstr "Heart Full Outline"

#~ msgid "Html5"
#~ msgstr "Html5"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Infinity"
#~ msgstr "اللاتناهي"

#~ msgid "Info Large Outline"
#~ msgstr "معلومات مخطط كبير"

#~ msgid "Info Large"
#~ msgstr "معلومات كبيرة"

#~ msgid "Info Outline"
#~ msgstr "معلومات المخطط"

#~ msgid "Input Checked Outline"
#~ msgstr "مخطط فحص الإدخال"

#~ msgid "Input Checked"
#~ msgstr "التحقق من الإدخال"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Keyboard"
#~ msgstr "لوحة المفاتيح"

#~ msgid "Location Arrow"
#~ msgstr "سهم الموقع"

#~ msgid "Lock Closed Outline"
#~ msgstr "Lock Closed Outline"

#~ msgid "Lock Closed"
#~ msgstr "قفل مغلق"

#~ msgid "Lock Open Outline"
#~ msgstr "فتح القفل المخطط"

#~ msgid "Lock Open"
#~ msgstr "قفل مفتوح"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Map"
#~ msgstr "خريطة"

#~ msgid "Media Pause"
#~ msgstr "ايقاف الوسائط"

#~ msgid "Media Play"
#~ msgstr "ميديا بلاي"

#~ msgid "Media Stop"
#~ msgstr "إيقاف الوسائط"

#~ msgid "Message Typing"
#~ msgstr "يكتب رسالة"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Message"
#~ msgstr "نص الرسالة :"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Messages"
#~ msgstr "رسائل"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "News"
#~ msgstr "أخبار"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Notes"
#~ msgstr "ملاحظات"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Pen"
#~ msgstr "قلم"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Pipette"
#~ msgstr "الماصة"

#~ msgid "Point Of Interest"
#~ msgstr "نقطة الأهتمام"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Power"
#~ msgstr "قوى، القدرة"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Printer"
#~ msgstr "الطابعة:"

#~ msgid "Puzzle Outline"
#~ msgstr "Puzzle Outline"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Puzzle"
#~ msgstr "puzzle مبادلة"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Radar"
#~ msgstr "رادار "

#~ msgid "Shopping Bag"
#~ msgstr "عربة التسوق"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Shopping Cart"
#~ msgstr "سلة التسوق"

#~ msgid "Social Dribbble Circular"
#~ msgstr "Social Dribbble دائرة المعارف"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Social Dribbble"
#~ msgstr "دريبيل"

#~ msgid "Social Flickr"
#~ msgstr "فليكر الاجتماعي"

#~ msgid "Social Github Circular"
#~ msgstr "Social Github Circular"

#~ msgid "Social Github"
#~ msgstr "Github الاجتماعية"

#~ msgid "Social Google Plus Circular"
#~ msgstr "دائرة المعارف لجوجل +"

#~ msgid "Social Linkedin Circular"
#~ msgstr "Social Linkedin دائرة المعارف"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Social Linkedin"
#~ msgstr "لينكدين"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Social Pinterest"
#~ msgstr "بينتريست"

#~ msgid "Social Skype"
#~ msgstr "مخطط سكايب الاجتماعي"

#~ msgid "Social Tumbler"
#~ msgstr "Social Tumbler"

#~ msgid "Social Twitter"
#~ msgstr "تويتر الاجتماعي"

#~ msgid "Social Youtube Circular"
#~ msgstr "يوتيوب دائرة المعارف"

#~ msgid "Social Youtube"
#~ msgstr "يوتيوب الاجتماعية"

#~ msgid "Sort Alphabetically Outline"
#~ msgstr "ترتيب أبجدي تفصيلي"

#~ msgid "Sort Alphabetically"
#~ msgstr "ترتيب أبجدي"

#~ msgid "Sort Numerically"
#~ msgstr "فرز رقمياً"

#~ msgid "Spanner"
#~ msgstr "مفتاح البراغي"

#~ msgid "Spiral"
#~ msgstr "حلزوني"

#~ msgid "Star Half"
#~ msgstr "نصف نجمة"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Support"
#~ msgstr "الدعم الفني "

#~ msgid "Thumbs Down"
#~ msgstr "تأثير Thumbs Down"

#~ msgid "Thumbs Up"
#~ msgstr "تأثير Thumbs Up"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Time"
#~ msgstr "الزّمن"

#~ msgid "User Add"
#~ msgstr "إضافة مستخدم"

#~ msgid "User Delete Outline"
#~ msgstr "مستخدم حذف المخطط التفصيلي"

#~ msgid "User Delete"
#~ msgstr "حذف"

#~ msgid "User Outline"
#~ msgstr "مخطط مستخدم"

#~ msgid "Vendor Android"
#~ msgstr "بائع أندرويد"

#~ msgid "Vendor Apple"
#~ msgstr "بائع أبل"

#~ msgid "Vendor Microsoft"
#~ msgstr "بائع Microsoft"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Volume Down"
#~ msgstr "أخفض الصوت"

#~ msgid "Volume Mute"
#~ msgstr "كتم الصوت"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Volume Up"
#~ msgstr "ارفع الصوت"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Volume"
#~ msgstr "مستوى الصوت"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Watch"
#~ msgstr "مراقبة"

#~ msgid "Waves"
#~ msgstr "أمواج"

#~ msgid "Weather Cloudy"
#~ msgstr "تأثير Weather Cloudy"

#~ msgid "Weather Downpour"
#~ msgstr "تأثير Weather Downpour"

#~ msgid "Weather Night"
#~ msgstr "تأثير Weather Night"

#~ msgid "Weather Partly Sunny"
#~ msgstr "تأثير Weather Partly Sunny"

#~ msgid "Weather Shower"
#~ msgstr "تأثير Weather Shower"

#~ msgid "Weather Snow"
#~ msgstr "تأثير Weather Snow"

#~ msgid "Weather Stormy"
#~ msgstr "تأثير Weather Stormy"

#~ msgid "Weather Sunny"
#~ msgstr "تأثير Weather Sunny"

#~ msgid "Weather Windy Cloudy"
#~ msgstr "تأثير Weather Windy Cloudy"

#~ msgid "Weather Windy"
#~ msgstr "تأثير Weather Windy"

#~ msgid "Wi Fi Outline"
#~ msgstr "تأثير  واي فاي المخطط"

#~ msgid "Wi Fi"
#~ msgstr "واي فاي"

#~ msgid "Wine"
#~ msgstr "نبيذ"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "World"
#~ msgstr "عالم"

#~ msgid "Zoom In Outline"
#~ msgstr "تكبير المخطط التفصيلي"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Zoom In"
#~ msgstr "زووم"

#~ msgid "Zoom Out Outline"
#~ msgstr "تصغير المخطط"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Zoom Out"
#~ msgstr "تصغير"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Note"
#~ msgstr "ملاحظة"

#~ msgid "Flashlight"
#~ msgstr "مصباح يدوي"

#~ msgid "Heart Empty"
#~ msgstr "قلب فارغ"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Layout"
#~ msgstr "القوالب"

#~ msgid "Cancel Circled"
#~ msgstr "إلغاء دائري"

#~ msgid "Info Circled"
#~ msgstr "معلومات دائري"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Back"
#~ msgstr "العودة"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Bookmarks"
#~ msgstr "المفضلة"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Reply All"
#~ msgstr "رد على الكل"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Quote"
#~ msgstr "اقتباس"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Address"
#~ msgstr "العنوان"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Direction"
#~ msgstr "الاتجاه"

#~ msgid "Cup"
#~ msgstr "كوب"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Docs"
#~ msgstr "الوثائق"

#~ msgid "Doc Landscape"
#~ msgstr "رمز  وثيقة Landscape"

#~ msgid "Doc Text"
#~ msgstr "رمز وثيقة النص"

#~ msgid "Doc Text Inv"
#~ msgstr "Doc Text Inv"

#~ msgid "Newspaper"
#~ msgstr "جريدة"

#~ msgid "Book Open"
#~ msgstr "كتاب مفتوح"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Tools"
#~ msgstr "الأدوات "

#~ msgid "Basket"
#~ msgstr "سلة"

#~ msgid "Bag"
#~ msgstr "حقيبة"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Login"
#~ msgstr "تسجيل الدخول"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Logout"
#~ msgstr "تسجيل الخروج"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Mute"
#~ msgstr "أكتم"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Sound"
#~ msgstr "صوت"

#~ msgid "Resize Full"
#~ msgstr "تغيير الحجم الكامل"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Window"
#~ msgstr "نافذة"

#~ msgid "Down Circled"
#~ msgstr "دائرة سفلية"

#~ msgid "Left Circled"
#~ msgstr "دائرة يسار"

#~ msgid "Down Open"
#~ msgstr "مفتوح لاسفل"

#~ msgid "Left Open"
#~ msgstr "مفتوحة لليسار"

#~ msgid "Right Open"
#~ msgstr "مفتوحة لليمين"

#~ msgid "Up Open"
#~ msgstr "تأثير Up Open"

#~ msgid "Down Open Mini"
#~ msgstr "مفتوحة لاسفل مصغرة"

#~ msgid "Left Open Mini"
#~ msgstr "مفتوحة لليسار مصغرة"

#~ msgid "Right Open Mini"
#~ msgstr "مفتوحة لليمين مصغرة"

#~ msgid "Up Open Mini"
#~ msgstr "تأثير Up Open Mini"

#~ msgid "Down Open Big"
#~ msgstr "فتحة سفلية كبيرة"

#~ msgid "Left Open Big"
#~ msgstr "مفتوحة لليسار كبيرة"

#~ msgid "Right Open Big"
#~ msgstr "مفتوحة لليمين كبيرة"

#~ msgid "Up Open Big"
#~ msgstr "تأثير Up Open Big"

#~ msgid "Left Dir"
#~ msgstr "اتجاه يسار"

#~ msgid "Ccw"
#~ msgstr "Ccw"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Shuffle"
#~ msgstr "انتقال عشوائي"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Switch"
#~ msgstr "مفتاح"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Record"
#~ msgstr "تسجيل"

#~ msgid "To End"
#~ msgstr "إلى نهاية"

#~ msgid "To Start"
#~ msgstr "للبدء"

#~ msgid "Progress 0"
#~ msgstr "شريط التقدم 0"

#~ msgid "Progress 1"
#~ msgstr "شريط التقدم 1"

#~ msgid "Progress 2"
#~ msgstr "شريط التقدم 2"

#~ msgid "Progress 3"
#~ msgstr "شريط التقدم 3"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Palette"
#~ msgstr "لوحة الألوان"

#~ msgid "Trophy"
#~ msgstr "كأس Trophy"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Monitor"
#~ msgstr "الشاشة"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Network"
#~ msgstr "الشبكة"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Install"
#~ msgstr "تثبيت"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Mouse"
#~ msgstr "فأرة"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Dot"
#~ msgstr "نقطة"

#~ msgid "Dot 2"
#~ msgstr "نقطة 2"

#~ msgid "Dot 3"
#~ msgstr "Dot 3"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Erase"
#~ msgstr "مسح"

#~ msgid "Tape"
#~ msgstr "شريط"

#~ msgid "Droplet"
#~ msgstr "Droplet"

#~ msgid "Air"
#~ msgstr "على الهواء"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Floppy"
#~ msgstr "قرص مرن"

#~ msgid "Megaphone"
#~ msgstr "مكبر الصوت"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Drive"
#~ msgstr "محرك أقراص"

#~ msgid "Flow Line"
#~ msgstr "خط التدفق"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Cc"
#~ msgstr "نسخة إضافية"

#~ msgid "Cc By"
#~ msgstr "نسخة إضافية"

#~ msgid "Cc Nc"
#~ msgstr "Cc Nc"

#~ msgid "Cc Nc Eu"
#~ msgstr "Cc Nc Eu"

#~ msgid "Cc Nc Jp"
#~ msgstr "Cc Nc Jp"

#~ msgid "Cc Sa"
#~ msgstr "Cc Sa"

#~ msgid "Cc Nd"
#~ msgstr "Cc Nd"

#~ msgid "Cc Pd"
#~ msgstr "Cc Pd"

#~ msgid "Cc Zero"
#~ msgstr "Cc Zero"

#~ msgid "Cc Remix"
#~ msgstr "Cc Remix"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Github"
#~ msgstr "Github الاجتماعية"

#~ msgid "Github Circled"
#~ msgstr "Github دائريا"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Vimeo"
#~ msgstr "فيمو"

#~ msgid "Twitter Circled"
#~ msgstr "تويتر دائري"

#~ msgid "Gplus"
#~ msgstr "GPLUS"

#~ msgid "Gplus Circled"
#~ msgstr "GPLUS دائرة المعارف"

#~ msgid "Pinterest Circled"
#~ msgstr "Pinterest دائر المعارف"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Linkedin"
#~ msgstr "لينكدإن"

#~ msgid "Linkedin Circled"
#~ msgstr "ينكدين دائرة المعارف"

#~ msgid "Dribbble Circled"
#~ msgstr "Dribbble دائرة المعارف"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Stumbleupon"
#~ msgstr "Stumbleupon"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Lastfm"
#~ msgstr "Lastfm دائري"

#~ msgid "Lastfm Circled"
#~ msgstr "Lastfm دائرة المعارف"

#~ msgid "Rdio"
#~ msgstr "Rdio"

#~ msgid "Rdio Circled"
#~ msgstr "Rdio دائري"

#~ msgid "Instagrem"
#~ msgstr "انستغرام"

#~ msgid "Flattr"
#~ msgstr "موقع Flattr"

#~ msgid "Skype Circled"
#~ msgstr "دائرة المعارف في سكايب"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Picasa"
#~ msgstr "بيكاسا"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Soundcloud"
#~ msgstr "ساوند كلاود"

#~ msgid "Google Circles"
#~ msgstr "دوائر Google"

#~ msgid "Smashing"
#~ msgstr "تحطيم"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Sweden"
#~ msgstr "السويد"

#~ msgid "Bulb"
#~ msgstr "بصلة"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Diamond"
#~ msgstr "الماس"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Display"
#~ msgstr "عرض"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Stack"
#~ msgstr "بينانات"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Like"
#~ msgstr "إعجاب"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Photo"
#~ msgstr "الصورة"

#~ msgid "Params"
#~ msgstr "معاملات الطبقة"

#~ msgid "Banknote"
#~ msgstr "الأوراق النقدية"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Data"
#~ msgstr "التاريخ"

#~ msgid "Food"
#~ msgstr "طعام"

#~ msgid "T Shirt"
#~ msgstr "تى شيرت"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Clip"
#~ msgstr "قصاصة"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Shop"
#~ msgstr "المتجر"

#~ msgid "Truck"
#~ msgstr "شاحنة"

#~ msgid "Hover Block"
#~ msgstr "كتلة بالهوفر (الهوفر تأثير يظهر عند مرور المؤشر على العنصر)"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "(default)"
#~ msgstr "(الافتراضى)"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Set as default"
#~ msgstr "اجعله المبدئي"

# Label: auto
#~ msgid "Restore default"
#~ msgstr "استعادة الحالة الافتراضية"

#~ msgid "Show License Activation Form"
#~ msgstr "عرض استمارة تنشيط الترخيص"

#~ msgid "More Control and Lighter Interface"
#~ msgstr "المزيد من التحكم مع واجهه سريعة"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Visual Composer 4.8 offers smart controls for easy and powerful user group "
#~ "role access. Now you can reduce number of options and features available "
#~ "to your content editors or people with non-IT skills. This results in less "
#~ "things to learn in order to start managing content of your site."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "المحرر المتطور الاصدار 4.8 يوفر العديد من المتحكمات الذكية والسهلة والتي "
#~ "تعطي للمستخدم القدرة على عمل تخصيص جيد لكل المناطق يمكنك تقليل عدد "
#~ "الخيارات عن طريق ضبط الادوار والادوات التي يجب ظهورها واخفائها على حسب نوع "
#~ "المستخدم سواء كاتب او مشرف الخ"

#~ msgid "User Group Roles Access"
#~ msgstr "صلاحيات العضو"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Powerful control mechanisms for managing options and features available "
#~ "for different user group roles."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "آليات مراقبة قوية لإدارة الخيارات والميزات المتاحة لمجموعة أدوار مختلفة."

#~ msgid "Template Preview"
#~ msgstr "معاينة القالب"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "See before you add - now you can reveal quick Backend editor style preview "
#~ "of any template including Grid Builder templates."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "انظر قبل إضافة شئ - يمكنك الان عمل معاينة سريعة لتنسيق محرر الخلفية لاي "
#~ "قالب يحتوي على قوالب بناء شبكات"

#~ msgid "Minimized CSS"
#~ msgstr "Minimized CSS"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Minimized CSS allows reducing size of Visual Composer plugin and also have "
#~ "positive effect on overall performance as there is less data to load."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Minimized CSS يسمح لك بتقليل حجم ملفات التنسيق للمحرر المتطور ايضا له "
#~ "تأثير ايجابي على سرعة التحميل"

#~ msgid "Element Presets Controls API"
#~ msgstr "عنصر التحكم المسبقة API"

#~ msgid "Control element presets and set default by using Visual Composer API."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "التحكم بالعناصر المسبقة والضبط للافتراضي عن طريق استخدام API للمحرر "
#~ "المتطور "

#~ msgid "Separator Enhancements"
#~ msgstr "فاصل تحسينات"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Add icons to \"Separator with Text\" and use new shadow style in both "
#~ "separator elements."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "إضافة ايقونة  إلى\"فاصل مع النص \" واستخدام أسلوب الظل الجديد في كل عناصر "
#~ "الفاصل."

#~ msgid "Welcome Screen Design"
#~ msgstr "تصميم شاشة الترحيب"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "More clean and simple Blank Welcome Screen design focusing on most "
#~ "important parts."
#~ msgstr "تصميم شاشة ترحيب فارغة مع التركيز على اهم العناصر والاجزاء"

#~ msgid "Load More Button in Grid"
#~ msgstr "زر تحميل المزيد بالشبكة"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Load more button in Grid elements are now using latest button with all "
#~ "available features."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "زر تحميل المزيد في عناصر الشبكة يستخدم حاليا اخر الزراير مع جميع المميزات"